General Poetry posted June 8, 2014 Chapters:  ...13 14 -15- 16... 

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a second living space

A chapter in the book Aiona's Poems

Our Favorite Room

by Aiona

Write a poem using these words... Contest Winner 
Our favorite room lies behind the sliding door.
As living rooms go, I couldn't wish for more!

This most spacious room has a carpet of green,
And is littered with flowers that I don't have to clean.

Fir walls enclose our blue-ceiling space,
And in the hot summer it's the "coolest" place!

In spring, our lilac blooms, so heady and sweet.
Bees buzz tree blossoms. Future apples to eat!

Strawberries and tomatoes yield fruits oh so ripe!
The fresh air makes eating outside a delight.

At Easter, we dyed eggs outside and were chipper,
Spared our carpet from kiddo's mess with the egg dipper.

Our temperate rainforest's the original terrarium.
And on clear nights it becomes our own planetarium.

It's a flexible room, which converts in a jiffy
To playroom or dining room. Bedroom is iffy,

'Cause though the green grass tempts sleepers to rest,
At present, it's the loo our dog prefers best.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem in any form or style, with any subject or emotion but must include the following words:

flexible - present - air - dipper - lilac - fir - door - spacious

Where do these words take you??

Write a poem using these words...
Contest Winner

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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