"Sparks of Faith Ignited"

Chapter 1
Salvation Comes, An Acrostic

By Joyce Crowe

Sin separates us from God
sk for His forgiveness, we must
est we perish and be condemned
anquished from God’s kingdom
Always and forever we will be
That is, unless we accept this gift
In Christ Jesus, who paid our debt
On the cross.  That was the price
None of us could pay ourselves,
ost of our sin was a holy sacrifice.
Obediently, we must confess our faith
Majesty ascribe to him, the Son of God.
Everyone who believes and proclaims this,
Shall receive His gift and be saved.

Author Notes We are all sinners and are separated from God because of that sin. God is not willing that any of us should perish, but wants us to live eternally with Him. For that reason He sent His son to bring us the gift of salvation. Believe and you, too shall be saved. Thanks to Angelheart for the use of the artwork that suits this poem so perfectly.

Chapter 2
Lake Escape

By Joyce Crowe

Luminous waves and caressing breezes comfort me
Accepting and welcoming me into this   domain  
Knowing and understanding the refuge that I seek
Embracing me as they draw out my thoughts
Expressing the majesty of our Father and Creator
Seeking wisdom and direction, I escape here
Confessing my fears, doubts, and confusion
Accepting and submitting to God’s leadership
Praying for his guidance, strength, and support
Enjoying the time I spend with Him in this beautiful place.

Author Notes Can someone tell me why it highlights domai in blue and underscores it when I post it? I did not do that when I submitted it.

Chapter 3
Threatening Storm

By Joyce Crowe

threatening gray clouds loom above me
striking fear within my sad heart
in the distance, peeps bright blue
just enough to bring hope
and give me the strength
to carry on
knowing God
stills the


Author Notes just a glimmer of blue in the midst of stormy clouds brings us hope and reminds us that God is with us and that he is in control.

Chapter 4
Wounded Souls

By Joyce Crowe

Children come to me, Lord
with bruises, scars, and despair.
Injuries hide beneath the surface,
Of which only you know the full extent.
I intercede for these precious jewels, Lord.
I beg for your mercy and healing!
Their souls are bleeding deeply
Their hearts are shattered.
They are sent to me in hopes
that the broken pieces can be mended.
Why must the most beautiful
Of your creations, be so broken, Lord?
At birth, they knew no wrong.
They had no fears, nor evil thoughts.
They only had love and joy to give.
Instead they received injury and abuse.
Souls so beautiful with love abounding,
now scarred for life.  Why Lord, why?
These are the lucky ones, or are they?
They survived.   But, will they heal?
So much hopelessness and despair!
The world has been so cruel and unfair.
Who am I Lord, but a wounded soul, myself.
But yes, I have received healing and mercy.
So, I will entrust these wounded souls to you.
In your hands, I know they are safe.
In your hands they will know an unending love.
In your hands, they can experience great joy.

Chapter 5
A Light in the Darkness

By Joyce Crowe

Sometimes, Lord, the path seems so dark
And my circumstances so dire and dismal,
It seems as if I’ve totally missed the mark.
I don’t know where to turn in my dismay.
And then you come and ignite the spark
Of faith, comforting me in my despair.  
It may be through the singing of a lark,
Or it might be in a child’s enveloping hug.
 Perhaps, it’s a stranger’s smile in the park,
Or, in my husband’s comforting arms.
Your light finds a way to dispel the dark.
I am reminded that I need not be afraid.
So, I hold on, with the faith of a mustard seed,
And keep my eyes on that tiny little spark.
It’s glow is warm and sufficient to light my path.
My fainting heart is given the strength to embark
On the journey that awaits, trusting you all the way.
Thank you Lord, for always igniting that spark.

Author Notes Many times, we may get discouraged or overwhelmed with disheartening circumstances, but that is when we must cling to our faith and remember that God is still in control and that he still loves us and will take care of us.

Chapter 6
Revival Comes

By Joyce Crowe

Revival begins within
Each heart turning to the Savior
Venturing to ask Him
Inside to cleanse every corner
Vulnerable at last
Answering His call to rise and shine
Letting Him take control.
Come to the throne
Offering yourself to His service
Miracles He will perform
Expressing His love in many ways
So that you are complete.

Chapter 7
True Worship

By Joyce Crowe

True Worship

Let our hearts come before you
O Lord, Our God, and truly worship.
Help us to turn our eyes fully on you
And seek your glory. Cause our lips
Not just to speak empty words,
But offer praise straight from the heart.
Take away all the distractions
That would hinder us in our worship.
Help us to fix our minds and hearts
On your majesty and kingship.
For you are our King, worthy
Of heartfelt and sincere praise.

Chapter 8
A Divine Plan

By Joyce Crowe

A Divine Plan

A young lady went to church one day.
She heard a mother and daughter sing.
They were different, you might say.
The daughter had thirteen siblings,
each of them had very special needs.
She knew this mother was like no other.
She was unique and very special, indeed.
This was a single adoptive and foster mother,
who cared for fourteen children’s diverse needs.
All of them were considered medically fragile.
As the young lady listened to them sing,
She thought, I would like to meet her, someday.
In the Heavenly Distance a bell began to ring.
Her Father smiled and said, you are on your way,
for I have some special plans for you, indeed.
As requested, she would soon meet this mother.
The two would soon join forces, due to their needs.
As part of her education she needed to work with another’s
children, who had special educational needs.
This mother needed someone to help with child care.
So the young lady answered an ad on display.
As she read the ad, it pulled at her heart strings.
She wrote the number down and went on her way.
That same evening, the mother’s phone rings.
A silent request was about to be answered.
They set up a time to meet one another,
unaware that this was no coincidence, indeed.
 It was divinely appointed by their Heavenly Father.
For within this family, was one with a great need.
His foster mother earnestly prayed for an adoption.
Within this young lady’s heart there was stirring
an inclination to adopt and become a mother.
All this time, her Heavenly Father, had been preparing
the way for her to meet this little girl’s brother.
He smiled, as his precious daughter answered His call.

Chapter 9
A Prodigal Son Returns Home

By Joyce Crowe

After many years of praying
ereaved by her son’s straying
ontinuous supplications being made
earest mom’s worries to rest are laid
arnestly trusting him into her Father’s hands
inally her beloved son stands
ratefully thanking
her for all she’s done
e is returning as his Father’s son
ntending to live a life that glorifies Christ
oyous praise she gives to God Almighty.

Author Notes I have been a foster parent to about 19 children. One of my foster children whom I love dearly has taken a long road away from home after disruping his placement with me called this week, 17 years later and says he has come to realize his need for God in his lfe and that he has never forgotten the Christian values that I instilled within him. he had only called me a handful of times in the last 17 years. I had seen him once in about the last 10 years.

Chapter 10
Christala's Story

By Joyce Crowe

What pain had one lonely girl endured
to cause her to throw away a gift so pure?
What drove her to such an extreme?
She was only a child herself, it seems.
She went to school, just like any other day.
While other students may have been at play,
She made her way to an outhouse and delivered
a babe.  What she did next may make you shiver.
She cut the cord that bound them together
and threw the babe into the human waste,
thirty feet below.  Then, she left in haste.
It seems such a heartless and cruel endeavor.
But we must not be the ones to condemn or judge.
A child herself, she didn’t know how to be a mother.
And no one knows the extent of cruelty or sludge
That she may have endured at the hands of another.
But the story does not end here.
Another child saw her leave the outhouse
She was no longer pregnant. That was clear.
He knew she had delivered without a doubt.
He searched every outhouse that was there.
Soon he found the babe at the top of a waste heap,
far beyond his reach.  It was more than he could bear.
He ran to get help, with an urgency so deep.
He was determined to save this babe’s life.
His school friends tried to help but failed.
Refusing to be defeated, they fought for her survival.
They ran to get help from emergency personnel.
Help arrived, and at last, the babe was lifted
out of the pit, which was meant to be her grave.
To her rescuers’ delight, she still lived.   Her fate shifted.
Doomed by another to die, God said she should be saved.
The doctors were amazed that she had survived such a fall.
But the one who lifted her to safety knew God had intervened.
He asked that she be named Christala, which has a special meaning
in his language.  It means Christ was here. God made the final call.
Several young boys and many rescuers heeded His call.
By their obedience, an infant was given a second chance at life.
Into the arms of a loving family she was delivered and she thrives.
She has a zest for life and is loved by all!

Author Notes This is a true story about a child in Hati as it was told by the adopting father Mark Stuart, lead singer of AudioAdrenaline. Thanks to Artbylashon for the artwork. The title Thank you God for My Daddy seemed right for this story. I am sure Christala says it often.

Chapter 11

By Joyce Crowe


If allowed to stray
Frustrations will soon destroy
Your soul, piece by piece.
Rein them in before they do
Put them in your Father’s hands .

Author Notes A word of advice for me as well as you. sometimes I let my frustrations get the best of me until I remember to put them in God's hands who is much more capable of dealing with them than I.

Chapter 12
Have Faith

By Joyce Crowe

 Heartrending sobs
 Are heard by your Father
 Verily he says unto you
 Even though you hurt deeply
 Fear not, I am here with you.
 Ask and comfort you will receive
 In my arms you may rest
Til your pain subsides
 Healing has begun.   

Chapter 13
A Question of Faith

By Joyce Crowe

A Question of Faith

You ask me how I can believe
in what I can’t visually perceive
I tell you it is because I receive
countless blessings from Him, in whom I believe.
Though he may not be seen with human eyes
He hears and responds to all my audible cries
Even those not heard but manifested as silent sighs.
For nothing is too small to be seen, by my Father’s eyes.
Just as you feel the wind against your cheek
I feel his stirrings within my heart as I seek
Him in all things even those that seem so bleak.
If you sincerely listen, you too will hear Him speak.
I see Him at work in my life.
Despite living in a world of strife
And seeing doubts of others that cut like a knife
I’m at peace, because He is active and alive in my life.

Author Notes thanks for the beautiful artwork from MoonWillow at FanArtReview

Chapter 14

By Joyce Crowe


Remember that this is a temporary farewell.
It only lasts for a little while.
Remember that now I am completely well.
And that I rest in God’s loving presence.
Remember that now my pain is all gone.
And the only thing that I feel is joy,
Because I am in the arms of my loving Father.
And now songs of praise I employ.
Remember it is okay to cry,
Not forever, but just for a little while.
But then, through your tears, begin to smile
As you remember, our good times.
Remember me, when you see
The glorious sunrise, or that familiar smile
Of a loved one who looks so much like me.
Remember me in the glow of a sunset.
Remember that some glorious day,
You will see me again
As I eagerly await, at the Golden Gates,
To welcome you into our Father’s eternal home.

AKA Nana

Author Notes originally written last year for a friend who had lost her mother

Chapter 15
Age Old Christmas Story

By Joyce Crowe

Christ was born a babe
Heralding Angels announced his birth
Rejoicing in God’s gift to the world
Immanuel, God with us, they sang.
Shepherds were His first witnesses
To tell the world the good news
Magis followed the star
Anxious to worship this new King,
Savior of the world, God’s Son.  

Chapter 16
Christmas Acrostic

By Joyce Crowe

Christ was born on this day
Heaven sent him as a gift
Redemption was his purpose
In the virgin’s womb he was placed
Sent by God his Father
To be the Savior of the world
Mercy and love were the reasons
A living sacrifice to pay our debt
So that we would not perish but have eternal life

Chapter 17
The Marvelous Light

By Joyce Crowe

Once upon a miraculous night,
None like it, has occurred since, or before;
to the world was born, a marvelous Light,
a Light which could open any locked door.
But, the world closed its doors,
refusing this Light, an entrance.
It turned its back on the poor,
scorned the needy, denied admittance.
This Light was forced to be born
In a cold stable, his bed a manger.
Lowly animals offered no scorn,
but warmly welcomed this stranger.
A virgin mother and her loyal mate
were the first,to welcome this Light.
Because of a love and obedience so great,
they were chosen to share this great night.
They humbled themselves and obeyed
the decree of their Father and God,
who chose these vessels, whom He made
to bear this Light and precious gift, so odd.
For this gift was to be, a holy sacrifice,
which would be made for a world in strife,
undeserving of the incredible price
that this child would pay, His very life.
This babe was the Marvelous Light,
Christ, who came willingly, to die
for our sins. Death was, our plight,
for eternity, without such a sacrifice.
This Light seeks to open the doors of our hearts,
so that we might someday join Him in Paradise
with God our Father, from whom this life starts.
But He only comes, if we invite Him to reside.

Chapter 18
Looking to My Savior

By Joyce Crowe

Looking to My Savior
Sometimes I am overwhelmed
and bowed down.
Then, I call my Savior to the helm
And I am set free.
Sometimes, my heart is broken
by intense grief.
Though words aren’t spoken,
my Savior knows and brings healing.
Often my bones are too weary,
 to move a muscle.
I look to Him, eyes bleary,
and receive  strength.
Satan makes accusations.
I look to Christ
who loves, without condemnation,
and He forgives me.
I look to Him with empty hands,
not a thing to offer Him.
He understands
and gives me all I need.
No matter the reason
I look to my Savior,
No matter the season,
He is always there to help.

Chapter 19
Sleepless Nights No More

By Joyce Crowe

Sleepless Nights No More

He wiped away the tears,
Streaming down his face,
As he recounted the years,
Since he last saw her face.
She had held him close
And told him she loved him so.
Then she tweaked his nose
And tearfully turned to go.
He cried after her, No Mommy,
Please don’t leave me here.
She replied, I must dear Tommy.
I will be back, don’t you fear.
He was five years old at the time.
His mom had fought a drug habit
For years, and wasted every dime
She earned on drugs, dagnabbit.
Then the fateful night came
when there was a bad car wreck.
Little Tommy was made lame
And she nearly broke her neck.
The judge's tone was brittle.
She would either serve ten years in jail
or admit herself to a rehab hospital,
to stay until she was drug free and well.
Now Tommy was 8 years old
Finally, the long awaited time had come,
After many nights, of tears, the number untold,
His Mommy was coming to take him home, at sunup.
Just one more sleepless night,  and it would be past.
He had just heard it from Mommy on the phone.
The doctor had deemed that she was well at last.
Mommy said, it would be his last night alone.
Tomorrow, they would be together again.
The sun woke him up, shining in his face.
It was the best night of sleep, since it all began.
The doorbell rang. It was his mom, Grace.

Chapter 20
Thanksgiving Acrostic

By Joyce Crowe

Thanks be to my Heavenly Father above.
He provides for all of my needs.
Answers to prayer I have received.
Never have I ever been left alone.
Keeping my eyes on Him, I do not stumble.
Seeking Him first, I am always protected.
Great is His Name.  Greatly is He to be praised!
In the midst of a loving family, He has placed me.
Victory He has given me against the enemy.
In spite of my failures, He loves me still.
Nailed to the cross, His Son paid the price for my sins.
Glorious peace, strength, and comfort He gives me.

Chapter 21
Urgent Plea

By Joyce Crowe

   Urgent Plea 

Frustrations besiege and overwhelm me.
God, please, hear my desperate cries.
Hold me close and wrap me in your mercy. 
Intervene on my behalf, shield and protect me,
Because you are my only hope!  

Chapter 22
God, You Are Always There

By Joyce Crowe

God, You Are Always There
When I struggled to understand
What it meant to be a Christian,
You were there with your guiding hand.
When I was afraid to ask the important questions,
You waited patiently for me to gain courage.
Silently, you moved in my life, continuing your instruction
through Sunday School teachers and other encouragers.
Finally, I came to you on bended knee,
confessed my sins,  accepted your Son,
Jesus Christ as my Savior, and you set me free.

You were there guiding and comforting me,
when I was grieving over the loss of my mother.
It was you who helped my blind eyes to see,
the futility of my anger,  at the untimely death of my brother. 
You were there, to bless me with a mentor and teacher,
who saw my gifts and encouraged me to pursue a dream,
that I thought was beyond my reach.
You molded and shaped me to be a part of your team
of servants who care for your children in their time of need.
When I lost my way, you were the one who heard my cries.

You are still there and your response is the same.
When my burdens are too hard to bear alone,
All I have to do is call upon your precious name
And you are there to help me carry the load.
When the pain is more than I can stand
and I  seek your healing, it is sure to come.
When I don’t, know what to do, I lift my hands
And seek your face. There is no need to be glum,
Because I know you will hear my earnest prayers.
I need not be afraid because my help is on the way.


Author Notes thanks to Change It at Fan Art Review for the beautiful illustration

Chapter 23
Trust In The Lord

By Joyce Crowe

Times are sometimes very hard
Remember that you aren’t alone
Understand that He loves you
So much that He even sent His son
To die on the cross for your sins.

In times of trouble, He is there
Not wanting you to suffer all alone.

Take His hand that He gladly extends.
He will  hold you close and carry you through,
Even in the most painful and darkest hours.

Love is the reason that He watches
Over you and only wants your love in return.
Relying on His Strength, and trusting Him,
Delivers us from all evil and enables us to do all things!

Chapter 24

By Joyce Crowe


I stand before God
Strength and spirit depleted
Walls blocking my path
I lift up my hands to Him
By His Love, I'm replenished.

Chapter 25
Have You Made Difference Today

By Joyce Crowe

Have You Made a Difference Today?

Child of God, what have you done today,
to share with others, His love and grace?
She was a child nearing her ninth birthday
and shared His love in an amazing way.

She was inspired by the stories she heard
of those who had no clean water to drink.
She made a sacrifice, just like a loving shepherd,
“No gifts for me, just give them clean water to drink.”
Little did she know, that was the biggest difference
She would ever make in her short, but significant life.
They gave as she requested, perhaps a little indifferent;
Almost 300 dollars had been given by her birthday time.

And then this dear sweet child of God was called home.
She was killed in a car accident, just  nine years old.
When they heard her story, hearts wept and broke.
The gifts were multiplied by more than  a hundredfold.

What a significant difference this child made
by the sacrifice that she willingly and happily gave;
so that children just like her could be saved!
Child of God, what difference have you made today?


Author Notes This is a true story about a girl named Rachel. I heard it on K-Love. Thank you AmbienceStudio for the use of "The Littlest Angel.

Chapter 26

By Joyce Crowe

Savior was needed to pay the price
onement had to be made
st we all perish and die.
erily I say unto you, the price was paid
s he hung on the cross, a living sacrifice
o cleanse us from our sins.
n pain unimaginable, He cried
ut as only He could, Father forgive them,
otwithstanding, that he deserved no such pain.


Chapter 27
Join the Praise

By Joyce Crowe

Join the Praise

Standing by the ocean, vast and deep
the waves drumming against the shore
praising their creator, God.
Leaving me breathless, calm
bringing me great peace,
My heart joins
the praise

Chapter 28
Grace to the Rescue

By Joyce Crowe

Grace to the Rescue

Sometimes I fall short.
With His Grace, He covers me.
Thank the Lord for that!

Author Notes To Him be the Glory!

Chapter 29
Rejoicing in God's Faithfulness

By Joyce Crowe

Rejoicing in God's Faithfulness

Lord, I rejoice in your faithfulness!
You are faithful and true
to keep all of your promises.
Thank you for answering all my prayers.
I rejoice because you have promised
to help me to overcome all obstacles
that would stand in my way.

Lord, I rejoice in your faithfulness!
You have promised to rescue
me from all dangers
whether they be in the night or in the day.
Your word assures me there is no need
to be afraid. None of the enemy's traps
shall succed in taking me away from you.

Lord, I rejoice in your faithfulness!
I praise your Holy Name,
because you have commanded your angels
to watch over me and keep me safe.
The enemy can not hurt me as long as I remain
In the shelter of your protection and grace.
The enemy shall not prevail!

Lord, I rejoice in your faithfulness!
As long as I trust in your name,
you will protect me from all danger.
Each time I call upon you, you will be faithful
to answer my call. You have satisfied
all my needs, you give me a life
that is full. You give me a future that is bright.

Lord, I rejoice in your faithfulness!
Thanks to your sacrifice, I have eternal life.
Because of me and my sins, you chose to die
On a cross, bearing pain so intense.
Your death on the cross is my only defense.
Now I can plead my faith and claim the name
of Jesus, when accusations, the enemy tries to make.

Lord, I rejoice in your faithfulness!
Thank you for planting my feet
in your very own garden. You have made me
like a tree that flourishes under your care.
Thank you for the promise that even when I grow
old, I can continue fruit to bear
as long as I let you be the source of my growth.


Author Notes I rejoice because my Savior has seen me through many trials and I rejoice because He is faithful and true to keep all of his promises. Scripture references: Psalm 91 and 92

Chapter 30

By Joyce Crowe

Before she was born
ittle did they know
xtensive disabilities she would inherit.
he came to a mother torn
o much herself that she could not hold
uch a precious gift and give her proper care.
nstead she neglected the child she bore.
eeding someone to love her without despair
od made her a blessing to us. Give Him glory.

Chapter 31
Faith Endures

By Joyce Crowe

First you must seek Him with all your heart.
After that, you must trust Him to hear your cry.
In his arms you can rest , from His side don't depart.
Take one step at a time, and in relief, sigh.
Hold tight to His right hand, especially when it 's dark.

Even, when it seems He is not there,
Never forget that He is there, and He knows your pain.
Don't be discouraged. Know that He really does care.
Until this trial is done, He will guard your feet and light the way.
Remain at His side, don't stray, give him your burdens to bear.
Enjoy the peace that comes in trusting Him each and every day.
Soon this trial will be over, and you will thank Him for keeping you safe.


Author Notes Thanks to Pixel Artisian from FanArtReview for the use of the photo. It seems to suit the poem.

Chapter 32

By Joyce Crowe


a barren womb and a heart broken
a broken child in need of love
hearts united and made whole
prayers heard and answered
by their God above
in his mercy
His plan done
well for

Author Notes this is a description of the adoption of my daughter and my son, both special needs, now 21 and 27, wow, I'm getting old!

Chapter 33
The Miracle of Christmas

By Joyce Crowe

Do you believe in miracles?
I do with all of my heart.
One miracle stands apart,
The birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
He was born that first Christmas night.
He was born to a virgin bride
He came that we ourselves might
Believe in Him and receive eternal life.
He was living at His Father’s side
Until one cold winter night
When he left His Father’s side
To rescue us and give us new life.
We were perishing and dying
Because of our sinful lives
He saw the pain in His Father’s eyes
When he realized our sinful plight.
He heard the Father’s sad sighs
As he looked for a fit sacrifice
And realized there was none in sight.

He asked his Father what kind of sacrifice
It would take to pay the price.
His Father looked at Him through tearful eyes
He said it must be a sin-free sacrifice
From someone who is willing to die
For the sins of the world, a terrible price.
Once again, His Father let out a sad sigh.
Then Jesus Christ said I will pay the price.
 I will go down there and give my own life
I will die for them. I will be the sin-free sacrifice.
Then, they will no longer have to die
And be eternally separated from You and I.
So, He came to us that first Christmas night.
He came as a babe, to grow and live a sin-free life.

 Never had the world seen a child so wise.
They were amazed to be taught by a child
Who saw the world through His Father’s eyes.
 He performed many miracles in their lives.
And yet, they accused him and cursed Him to die
Not knowing that He was there for such a sacrifice.
And then He returned to His Father, with victorious eyes.
This is the miracle began on that first Christmas night
And because of him, we can live victorious lives
And someday be welcomed to our Father’s side
Because we have accepted and received the Sacrifice
Made by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Author Notes Though we don't know exactly how it happened we know that God sent his Son to die on the cross for our sins. This is one way I imagined the conversation might have been between Father and Son.

Chapter 34
Lord Heal Our Land

By Joyce Crowe

Senseless cruelty that we cannot understand
Heartless and selfish acts that break our hearts.
Tears pour down our faces and flood the land,
As the mourning for innocent victims, starts.
We shake our fists and retribution we demand!
Broken bodies carried away on ambulance carts.
Some lost forever. Others will never again stand,
Dependent on a wheelchair, or artificial body parts.
Prayers are lifted, asking God to heal our homeland
And to change the murderous and selfish hearts
Of those who would cause further harm, by their hand,
To those who do not deserve their poisonous darts.
Lord Jesus have mercy! Please  help us to stand
Against the enemy, before such cruelty even starts.
Bring us comfort and uphold us with Your right hand.
Still the storms within; and from our side, never depart!



Author Notes Dedicated to those who were slaughtered and the ones who survived, in Connecticut, Friday, December 14, 2012.

Chapter 35
December Acrostic

By Joyce Crowe

Decorated trees and homes cheering hearts
Eyes of children dancing with expectation
Christians celebrating their Savior’s birth
Enthusiastic shoppers filling every store
Mothers seeking to fulfill every child’s wish
Bethlehem’s star still shining bright in our hearts
Evergreen scents and cheerful Christmas carols
Remembering loved ones, past and present

Chapter 36
Lord Give Me Strength

By Joyce Crowe

 It haunts me like a plague gives no peace
Even though I know what to do
My heart grows faint within me
Uncertain and fearful
I fail to move on
Help me Lord, please
Give me strength
To do

Author Notes Sometimes we face decisions that must be made and we think we know what to do but it is scary and we are afraid to take the next step to follow through with that decision. I am at one of those places now.

Chapter 37
Trusting in the Midst of It

By Joyce Crowe

Lord, sometimes I just don’t understand
why You do the things You do.
Often, I become so frustrated
because my prayers do not get answered,
at least the way I think they should.
I look around as others receive the gift
That I so earnestly seek for myself.
The hardest thing of all to accept
Is that they don’t intentionally pursue it.
And I am jealous, I must admit.
Then I remember that You are my Father
And You do know what is best
For me and You know the plans
That You have for me and for them.
Your intent is to prosper, not to harm.
 Forgive me Father when I lose my patience
Or become jealous. Help me to remember
That there is a plan greater than mine
And that Your word will not return to You,
Empty or void, but fulfill Your higher purpose.
Help me to trust You with all of my heart
And lean not to my own understanding,
But to acknowledge You in all my ways.
Then you will direct me in the way I should go,
Even in my darkest  and saddest hours.

Author Notes This is a heartfelt prayer for those times when I long for something so bad, but don't receive it, like getting pregnant

Chapter 38
God's Unusual Servant

By Joyce Crowe

Discarded and left for dead
There seemed to be no hope.
God’s heart was filled with dread,
another child couldn’t cope.
Sadly, He shook his head
This gift was sent with the hope
That at last, she might be lead
to throw away the dope,
receive love and joy, instead.

Despite the disappointment
He would not forsake this babe.
He set a divine appointment
For his servant, named Gabe.
Gabe had a special anointment
She had recently birthed a babe
Or two, by divine appointment.
A loving dog was this Gabe.
She was never a disappointment.

So, as she was walking one day
Through the woods, she heard a sound.
The babe that had been thrown away
could barely be heard, by the hound.
True to her nature, she did obey
her mother’s instinct, and found
a way to rescue this babe.
She scooped her up and with a bound,
gently carried her to a safe place.

She gave the babe a spot to rest
between two furry companions,
who scooted and graciously accepted
this different but precious addition
to their family, upon mom’s request.
God smiled with reckless abandon.
Her masters would surely be blessed
and this child would have their devotion.
Now that her job was done, Gabe could rest. 

Author Notes Inspired by a true story of a dog who rescued a discarded babe in Kenya

Chapter 39
The Lord Is My Strength

By Joyce Crowe

Lord, the times seem so dark,
I feel like I’ve missed the mark
I don’t know where to turn,
My straining eyes feel the burn
Of staring so hard to see the light
Please help me through the night.

I seem to have lost my way
And the only thing to do is pray.
Gently take me by the hand
Lift me out of the sinking sand.
Put my feet on solid ground
Let me know I've been found.

Things seem to be falling apart,
But I still trust you with all of my heart.
For you are my help and my salvation
And will help me overcome all tribulation.
Thank you Lord for hearing my cries, 
And bringing light to my blind eyes.


Author Notes thank you ademuro for the use of your beautiful artwork

Chapter 40
Overcoming the Imposssible

By Joyce Crowe

 Parents are given a disappointing shock,
Their child will be born with a disability.
They grieve and then pray around the clock.
Doctors say walking will not be a feasibility.
Parents cling to their faith in God, the rock,
Trusting him to overcome impossibility.
Babe arrives and her parents’ eyes lock,
Filled with love and pride, despite her disability.
They care for the child around the clock
Months of faith and trust bring tranquility.
And the doctors are given quite a shock,
When she walks, not accepting impossibility.
She is an inspiration to everyone on her block
A shining light of joy, faith and possibility.
Always waiting for opportunity to knock,
She refuses to be stopped by her disability.

Author Notes Inspired by the true story of a child diagnosed with spina Bifida. Despite the doctor's predictions,she does walkathons on a regular basis with her family.

Chapter 41
Love Bears Fruit

By Joyce Crowe

A broken, lost soul
Restored by Mercy and Love
discovered freedom
saw another broken child
extended a helping hand.

Author Notes Emanuel Scott, a freedom writer shared his testimony about how a man restored by God's loved shared that love with him and it changed his life.

Chapter 42
A Parent's Responsibility

By Joyce Crowe

I tremble in awe
As I hold this fragile soul
Must handle with care!

Author Notes I had a disturbing dream one night. All I remember is seeing my son and and then seeing his soul in my hands and feeling this deep responsibility. It felt as if the slighted move or puff of air would cause his soul to fly away. Thanks to Keri353 for the beautiful haunting art work that seems to fit the poem perfectly.

Chapter 43
Until We Meet Again

By Joyce Crowe

You came into my world
very quietly and gently
with those beautiful eyes
and that sweet lopsided smile.
Then the news was shared.
You were looking for a family,
one that would be forever yours.
I chose to make you part of mine.
Together we loved, grew and shared.
We’ve been happy and we’ve been sad.
Your smile and hugs cheered me on
when I faced overwhelming burdens.
Even as you struggled to overcome
your own insurmountable obstacles,
you continued to smile and inspire others.
They could not resist your infectious grin.
You fought a good fight, my dear son,
and beat the odds, several times over.
Your love for Jesus remained strong
and He loved others through you.
Yes indeed, you let your light shine
and did not hide it under a bushel.
Others have seen His light in you,
And that has drawn them nearer to Him.
You grew tired and weary,
as your oversized heart weakened.
Your health and strength began to fade
But yet, somehow you endured. 
But then the fight became too much
And your heart could not carry on.
You longed for home, where you knew
There would be no more sickness.
So just as quietly as you came,
you slipped out of my life
 and into our Father’s arms.
He has made you new and whole.
Go in peace my dear sweet son,
to our Father’s house and rejoice.
Dance, run and play to your heart’s content.
And when the time is right, I will meet you there.
I love you and I miss you,

Author Notes My special needs son, Tim, passed away on January 1, 2013. He was 28 years old and fought many medical problems: Spina Bifida, heart failure and chronic kidney problems. Please remember us in your prayers as we bid him farewell, on January 5, but at the same time rejoice with him because he suffers no more and begins the new year in a much better place.

Chapter 44
A New Year's Reflection

By Joyce Crowe

Another year has come and gone, once again.
Take time to look back to where you’ve been.
What have you done for your Lord and King?
Have you let His truth and love clearly ring
 In your life, so that others might easily see
And sing praises to Him, giving Him the glory?
Were you a light to those, lost in the night?
Did your hands guide those without sight?
Did your smile brighten the lives of others?
Did you offer His Healing to wounded brothers?
Did your struggling sister, receive encouragement
When she saw your faith during your discouragement?
To God, be the glory, if you find all this to be true
About this past year, as Christ has lived in you.
But, don’t be too discouraged, if you’ve fallen short
In some of these areas.  I can not take you to court,
Because I too have fallen short in many ways.
Thank the Lord that we are covered by His Grace.
 Let us instead take time to make a resolution,
That without a doubt and with determined absolution
To let Christ shine brighter in our lives, this coming year.
Let us take heed of our brothers and sisters tears,
And offer them comfort and help whenever we can.
Let Christ move as He will, so that we don’t fail Him again!

Author Notes a reflection for myself and fellow Christians who seek to live lives that Christ is able to move through to help others.

Chapter 45
Distress Signal

By Joyce Crowe

Lord Jesus, help me please
Cause this assault to cease
The enemy knocks me down
Trying to make me drown!
The world is against me
I have no place to flee
Except to you, my Savior
Protect me from all danger!
Despondency and despair
Have grabbed me by the hair
Much more I cannot bear
Satan doesn't fight fair!
So, I call upon your name
This is the reason you came
To save us from the enemy
So I wait for you to set me free!
My help will come from you
Your redemption I pursue
You’re the Only One I can trust
Flee from You, the enemy must!
I am Yours, that, he cannot deny
You bought me with a price so high
When You laid down Your life for me
That is why I shall remain free!
By your grace I am saved
I will no longer be enslaved
Though the world be against me,
I shall persevere.  Victory is mine!

Author Notes At last the writer's block has stopped. Things have been tough the last couple of months, with the death of my son and then troubles in the work place. It' s enough to send anyone into despair, but my God has carried me and will continue to do so as long as I need Him to.

Chapter 46
The Gentle Whisper

By Joyce Crowe

How I long to hear with my ears
Even as I am choking on my tears,
Your kind and gentle whisper.
Despite the world’s intruding noise,
I  listen only for Your Voice.
The world screams ungodly demands
So that I won’t hear Your commands,
But I wait for Your gentle whisper.
Above the roar of the vicious storm
You remind me not to conform.
Instead of the world’s ungodly ways,
I will choose Your love and grace.
Faith is strengthened by your whisper
Even in the midst of earthquakes.
My trust in You, they can not shake.
The enemy tries to tear me apart,
But You dwell within my heart.
Deep within, I hear Your gentle whisper
Saying, “Fear not, I am with you,
and he will be defeated very soon!”

Chapter 47
At A Loss For Words

By Joyce Crowe

At a loss for words
owing before my God
rying  a river of tears
espondent with grief
I release my dead son into His arms.

Chapter 48
The Story of Our Savior

By Joyce Crowe

Shepherds bowed before Him as their King
Wise men came to worship Him from afar
His birth caused the angels to sing
God announced His arrival with a star.
Yet, the world despised Him and knew Him not
They forced Him to be born in a stable.
Rome’s king wanted to kill Him on the spot.
For this, He left His Father’s bountiful table.
Yes, He left His Father’s side and Heaven’s Light
Because His love for us was so strong.
For you see, we were in a terrible plight.
Sin had separated us from Him for too long.
The price of our sin was too high for us to pay
There had to be a sin-free sacrifice for our redemption
Or else, we would be doomed on Judgment Day
We would be sentenced to eternal damnation!
That is the reason He came to be despised and rejected
He suffered unimaginable pain and death on the cross
For our sin, conquered death and was resurrected
So that we would not suffer an eternal loss.

 He has returned to His Father to be our Intercessor
If we trust in Him, confess our sins, and ask for forgiveness
He is faithful and just to forgive us and be our Savior.
We become new creatures because of His Righteousness.

_________________________________________________________ ___

Chapter 49
Happy Birthday Son

By Joyce Crowe

Happy birthday my dear sweet son
Absent physically, but not from my heart
Placed in my care for only a short while
Present now with our Father in Heaven
You are now made whole

Blessed and forever free
Independent from all that bound you
Rejoicing in our Savior’s Presence
Today I think of you and wonder
How you are celebrating this day
Disabilities no longer hinder you
Age no longer matters
You can dance and sing forever

So just know that I am thinking of you
On your special day and rejoicing with you
Never forgetting that we will see each other again


Author Notes My son's birthday is tomorrow, May 12. He is celebrating it in Heaven, The picture I am attempting to upload was painted by Steven Sawyer, as requested by Tim's Sunday School who miss him almost as much as we do.

Chapter 50
A Gift

By Joyce Crowe

Writhing with intense pain, she struggles
to bring her child into the world.
As soon as she sees his face
All pain is forgotten.
Her heart leaps with joy
Amazing gift
She receives
from God’s

Author Notes In honor of all new mothers

Chapter 51
God Saves You

By Joyce Crowe

God saw that you were lost and without hope
Only He could make a way to save you from your sins
Despite your sins and shortcomings He loved you still

Separation from you forever, He could not bear
A sacrifice had to be made to pay for your sins
Victory over death and sin He would give you
Endeavored to sacrifice His own Son for your sins
So that by believing in Him as the Son of God

You only have to admit that you are a sinner
Openly confess your faith in Christ to others and
Unto you, salvation and eternal life will be given.


Chapter 52
The Devastation of Grief

By Joyce Crowe

Hits you hard and fast
It catches you by surprise
Drowns you with its tears
Gnaws you with razor sharp teeth
Until you seek God’s healing.


Author Notes Its been a hard year for our family with the death of 4 loved ones: our son, my husband's brother, and two of his uncles. Thank you Crystal Clear for the very suitable illustration, entitled "Will it Ever End?"

Chapter 53
VBS Is Here

By Joyce Crowe

Vacation Bible School is here
Believers assemble to present the gospel
So that the lost might be saved.

Into the darkness, shine His Light
Shout out the good news that they might hear

Hold out your hand to pick up the fallen
Each one everyone needs to know of His Love
Remember that you too were once lost
Eternal life is a gift that must be shared with all.


Author Notes My church is getting ready for Vacation Bible School and this is a time for believers to spread the Good News of God's love to thoose who do not yet know of that love. Many times VBS is where many children first here about God's love for them and His Plan for their salvation. Our VBS is unique because it is one that has classes for all ages from bed babies to senior adults.

Chapter 54
Love Is....

By Joyce Crowe

Love Is

Sometimes love is a reeling onslaught of passion.
Other times it may be a steadfast commitment.
Sometimes Love is heart stopping but old fashioned.
Other times it is an unbelievable and irrational sentiment.
Sometimes, Love moves you to heart wrenching compassion.
Other times it causes gut wrenching jealousy and resentment.
Love is the most important reason for which we were fashioned.
Above all else, love is the most basic and most important life ingredient.
For without love, we are nothing. Without love, our life has no purpose.

Chapter 55
Revive This Family

By Joyce Crowe

Revive this family, Lord Jesus
Please come and be in our midst.
Teach us and help us to live
Lives, which are pleasing in Your sight
Strike within us the earnest desire
To look for ways to show our love for one another.
Revive this family, Lord Jesus
Bring to life within us
A love for You that is greater and above
Everything else that is within us.
Establish within us an obedience and trust
In You, which causes us to follow Your Instruction
Instill within us, a great desire to obey You in all things.
Revive this family, Lord Jesus
Help us to let go of all things
That would distract us from Your Plans
For us, which we know are the best for this family.
Help us to always be true to You
May Your name be glorified in all that we do.
See to it that we put You first in our lives.
 Help us to love You with our whole heart, soul and mind!

Revive this family, Lord Jesus.
Help me be the kind of mother,
Who reflects the love of Christ
To her children, husband and all who see my Light,
Which is you, Lord.  You are the Light of my Life.
Let me not only lead with my words, but with every step I take.
Remind me not to discourage, but to be an encourager each day.

 Revive this family, Lord Jesus.
Help us to keep from arguing and hurting one another.
Help each of us to respect the others
And  reflect to one another
The Image of You, our Lord and Savior.
Help us to lift each other up in prayer
And seek to share with others, Your love and grace.
Revive this family, Lord Jesus
Instill within us a burning desire
To study Your Holy Word, each and every day.
Let us apply all that Your Word teaches us
 In our daily lives, so that others see Your Love
In and through us.  Let Your Holy Spirit dwell within us,
Guiding and instructing us, perfecting us for Your Kingdom.


Chapter 56

By Joyce Crowe

Lord Jesus, how did You bear the pain?
How did You withstand its heavy weight
Upon Your shoulders? How did You stand the pain
that must have been so great?

Lord Jesus, how did You stand up against their insults,
Without giving in to the urge to retaliate?
Lord, how were You able to ignore those insults,
which were constantly being hurled against Your Holy Name?

Lord Jesus, how were You able to bear the cross
that bore its heavy weight down upon Your shoulders?
How could You so patiently and eagerly accept the cross,
which my sins forced You to carry upon your shoulders?

Lord Jesus, how did You endure the pain,
as the nails were driven into Your hands and feet?
How did You so willingly and without complaint, take the pain,
Which rightfully should have been mine to receive?

Lord Jesus, how could You so willingly accept
and wear the crown of thorns, which was thrust
upon Your head? How did You find the strength to accept
the many stripes that cut into Your flesh with forceful thrusts?

Lord Jesus, how were You able to eagerly lay down
Your life for the sake of one, who was so unworthy
of such a sacrifice? How was it that You found
the courage and strength to die for this one, so unworthy?

Lord Jesus, I stand amazed in your presence!
I am amazed that One such as You had a love for me
that was so great, that You were willing to present
Yourself as a willing and living sacrifice for me!

Lord Jesus, I find it hard to understand
a patience that is as great as Yours.
I find it hard to fully understand
a love that is as unfailing as Yours.

Lord Jesus, it is impossible for me to ever know
of any other love which would ever surpass
the love that You have for me. I will never know
a patience greater than Yours, which is unsurpassed!

Lord Jesus, I am so glad that I have come
to know You as the one who suffered all things;
so that You might save me from my sins. I've become
a new person because of You. Thank you for everything!

Lord Jesus, though I may never fully understand
the extent of Your pain; nor fully comprehend
the extent of all that You suffered for my sake, I do understand
the reason for it all. It was Your love which is above comprehension!

Lord Jesus, I also know that there is only one way
that You could have endured all that pain.
It was because You are the Son of God, who was made
flesh. You were God Incarnate. That's how You withstood the pain!


Author Notes Scripture reference I Peter 2:23

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