"Pale Sisters"

Chapter 1

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

It was getting difficult for Sophia Pale to breathe with the weight of the man continually pressing down. She had been in this position before; the back of her late husband's '61 Bel Air, dress up to her armpits, and a male drinking partner atop her trying to reach a climax.

The car was only three years old and was all there was left to remind her of her husband. Jay Pale had been her childhood sweetheart; they married the day after her eighteenth birthday.

Her life before now seemed like a distant dream. Her parents both died in a car wreck when she was still an infant. She had been in the car when it ran off the highway and rolled several times. According to rescuers, she survived for the four days that it took for the wreck to be discovered. Sophia's mother's arms had remained around her, even in death, and had to be wrenched open in order to free the child from their embrace.

Sophia was raised by Joseph and Fay Pale, along with a young boy named Jay, whom they had adopted only three years earlier. They were considering adopting Sophia, but the sudden death of Joseph Pale from a heart attack changed those plans.

Mrs. Pale raised Sophia for several years, and the girl had become very close to her playmate and friend Jay. It was no surprise to anyone when he, at the age of fifteen, announced that he was in love with her and would someday marry her. It was only two years later that he had actually popped the question and they set the date to wed. Those plans almost changed when Fay Pale was found to have died in her sleep a month before the wedding.

With his mother's passing, the fact that Jay and Sophia were living alone together would no doubt have raised some eyebrows, so the wedding was performed the very next Saturday, with only the bride and groom and justice of the peace in attendance. Jay wore his father's favorite black suit, which fit his six-foot-two-inch frame well. His dark brown eyes and naturally dark complexion hinted of some African or Indian ancestry, despite his locks of wavy blond hair.

Sophia wore Fay's blue print dress with a white cap and half veil. The veil could not hide the soft brown eyes that Jay had always gotten lost in. Her auburn hair was up in a bun, instead of her usual pony tail, and at five-foot-three inches she filled the spring dress with her fully developed young form.

That first night together, as husband and wife, had been the consummation of a lifelong dream. The two lovers experienced the sublime emotional and physical release that they had only imagined for so many years. It was to them, like their first walk through their own Garden of Eden. Everything was new and unspoiled. Everything, from that point forward, would be heaven on earth. That walk ended only twenty-four hours later.

Jay was working at the automotive plant in the city, where he had a shift supervisor's billet. He had been recently transferred to another plant and would  begin work the week after his marriage. He never reported.

On the first night after their wedding, the couple had been attacked outside their small, rental house. Sophia had been knocked to the ground. She heard Jay's muted screams as he was wrestled to the ground and stabbed repeatedly.

The men grabbed her and dragged her into her house, and into her bedroom, where she spent the second night in her marriage bed being raped by four men.

Police found Jay the next morning and Sophia soon after. The four men were never identified and were assumed to be from somewhere else. No investigation followed, and Jay was buried with only Sophia and Jay's aunt, Amanda, standing by the grave.

Sophia faced a cruel world. She had long hoped to marry Jay, and had seen herself as a housewife. Now, a widow and carrying a child within her, she needed to find work in order to survive.

She found employment in the local tavern as a barmaid, and spent her days popping caps, washing glasses, fending off the roaming hands of the patrons, and drinking. Usually, by the time her day was done, she was tipsy enough to accept the last offer of the evening to escort her home. These chivalrous deeds were often repaid by being mounted by the escort, in her own bed.

After six months, no one offered to walk her home much anymore, as she was quite noticeably 'with child'. She was let go from the tavern and soon spent what little money she had saved on booze. Not able to pay the rent, she was evicted from the home in which she had dreamed of beginning her married life. She drove the Bel Air to the city and was taken in by her husband's only relative, his maiden aunt, Amanda Pale.

Amanda was in her forties, a very attractive woman with a firm, shapely figure and deep red hair.  She had always been interested in the occult and the power of the zodiac. This alienated her from most everyone. Her work as a librarian gave her many resources of information in those areas. She lived a Spartan, single existence, and was ecstatic to have Sophia move in.

Sophia gave birth in Amanda's house in early September and was the mother of a girl. The child was named Virgo, in honor of the zodiac date. After the birth, Sophia found employment in another bar and soon took up her old routine. Amanda became concerned that young Virgo was being ignored and asked Sophia to spend more time at home. Sophia's depression over her lot in life was growing, and she began spending her evenings in the backseat of the Bel Air with the gentleman of the day.


Author Notes There is sex and violence in this story which are essential to the plot.

Image from Google.

Chapter 2

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Sophia was wiping down the counter when she recognized some men at a corner table. Her heart nearly stopped when she realized that they were three of the four who had killed her husband. Near the point of hyperventilating, she headed out the back door and ran straight for her car. Driving to her aunt's home she locked the doors, not knowing what to do or who to call.

When her aunt returned with the baby, who was being kept with a neighbor, Sophia told her who she had seen. Amanda told Sophia to remain there with the baby and that she would take care of everything.

Amanda drove the Bel Air to the bar and walked inside. She saw the three men at a table, in an otherwise empty room, and walked up to them. "Why are you three here?" she asked, in a testy tone. "And where is Olan?"

Whitey, a tall, slender man, stood to face her. "How ya doin', Mandy?" he asked in a slow, relaxed drawl.

"Why are you here?"

"Heck, Mandy," he said, unfazed by her apparent anger. "Lou and Bobby had a thirst for the old barley, and this here seemed like a right nice establishment in which for them to 'stay chee ate' it."

"You stupid fool!  You and these Neanderthals have ruined everything!"

"Oh what now?" came a voice from the bathroom door. A large, black-haired man stood in the door staring at Amanda.

"Olan, why are you and these animals here?"

"Raleigh sent us up to do a repeat on the little sweetie," he said with a matter-of-fact tone.

"It's too soon.  She isn't ready for that stage yet."

Well," chuckled Bobby, a red-haired twenty-year-old, "we're real ready."

"Raleigh says the timetable has to move up on account a war that's comin'" said Olan.

"What war? asked Amanda.

"Sumpin in 'Endo Chinee'.

Amanda pondered the last statement. "A war? Of course, that would create a perfect environment for the Irsdon. Raleigh could be right. There would have to be an atomic blast.  All right, but she has seen you, and I have to do something before you can work on her again."

"Come on!" yelled Lou, his sandy beard seemingly jumping off his barrel chest. "We're already lookin' at a gall dang three-year window, even with this here speed-up. I say the sooner we dump the load, the sooner we get the goods and finish up with this."

Amanda knew the burly ape was right, but had to think how to proceed.

"Listen, Mandy," whispered Olan, smiling at the others, and putting his arm around Amanda's shoulders. "We already got a big plan put out by Raleigh hisself. It's a doggoner one too. Can't but stand in awe of the man."

"What plan?" asked Amanda.

"I'll tell ya in the car," said Olan, as he squeezed the woman's butt cheek. "And you can tell me all about the Dewey Decimal System."

An hour and a half had passed since Amanda had left Sophia in the house. She was near hysterics, wondering whether to call the police, when Amanda returned.

"I was so worried!" shouted Sophia, barely able to keep from shaking uncontrollably. "What happened!"

"I spoke to the Sheriff's office, and they have taken the four men into custody," said Amanda, as she hugged the shivering girl.

"Four?" asked a startled Sophia. "They have the fourth one too?"

"Uh, yes," she hesitated, remembering that the girl had only seen the three. "The other scoundrel was close by."

Sophia felt as if she would burst. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"We're to go down to the Sherriff's office to fill out charges," answered Amanda.

"I'll change right now, but what about the baby?"

"We'll take her with us," Amanda said. "Now let's get along."

As both women changed, Sophia noticed that Amanda wasn't wearing a bra. Amanda saw the girl and figured out her puzzled stare. She had forgotten to put her brassiere back on after her go with Olan in the back of the Bel Air. "It's a European thing, my dear. I really enjoy the freedom."

The subject was dropped as the two finished dressing and then drove to the Sherriff's office. Once inside, the two were led by a deputy to a back room and told that the Sherriff would be in soon. The deputy also told Amanda that she would have to move her car, as it was in a towing zone.

Over Sophia's request not to leave her, she promised she would return in just a minute. She took Virgo with her so as not to be in the way. A moment after she left, the door opened again and the Sherriff stepped in.

Sophia looked up, and her eyes nearly blew out of their sockets as she stared at one of the men who had killed her husband.

"Howdy, little lady," greeted the large black-haired man. "I am Sherriff Olan Rawls and I am as pleased as punch to see ya."

Behind the Sherriff, through the door, stepped the other three men that Sophia had seen earlier. Her jaw dropped and she could not speak as the four men grabbed her and took her through the rear door of the building. In the alley was Sophia's Bel Air, engine running. Amanda and the baby were gone.

"Take her on back to the Magfas and I'll be along direct," said the Sherriff.

The three men put Sophia in the backseat of the car, and two got in with her. As the car drove away, the Sherriff returned to his office, where Amanda sat feeding the baby.

"Ya wanna go watch the session this time, Mandy?" he asked with a slight smile. "Ya only got ta see the snuffin' the other time."

"No," she said calmly, as she burped the baby, "but have you chosen one of them to be the sacrifice?"

"Yep. But I don't suspect I'll tell him 'til the last minute. People ain't the volunteers they oughta be."


Author Notes There is sex and violence in this story which are essential to the plot.

Image is from Google

Chapter 3

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Sophia had been kept gagged and held low in the rear seat on what seemed to be an endless trip. It was nearly dark when she was spirited from the car into the house. She recognized it very well. It was her old house; the one her husband had rented with his first factory check. Why had they brought her here? Her mind reeled.

Lou grabbed Sophia by the hair and forced her to the bedroom. There, to her amazement and horror, was her bed. It was made with the same spread she had placed on it herself over a year ago.

The burly, bearded man began tearing at Sophia's clothes when he was stopped by Whitey.

"Olan says to wait 'til he's here. He's bringin' a sacrifice and it's gotta be done proper."

"What's the matter?" grunted the grizzly-like man, "We kin do 'er agin an' agin."

"An' agin an' agin an' agin!" Bobby added with a grin.

Olan arrived within an hour to find the girl being straddled on the bed by Lou.

"We decided to save the official seminatin' 'til ya got here, Sherriff," said Bobby, pulling on his underwear.

"Git on offa her dad gummit!  Yer gonna be dry as a bone for it's time fer the important business. "

"I got plenty," said Lou, laughing as he pulled up from the shivering girl, then looking for his briefs. "So where's the fodder there, Sherriff?" 

"Right chere boy!" snarled Olan, through gnashed teeth, as he swung his arm across his body from the left, and under Lou's chin. A razor that Olan had in that hand sliced through Lou's throat, spinning him around to crash down on Sophia. She screamed hysterically as Lou's blood spewed out of his throat, all over her naked body.

Olan grabbed Lou by the beard and pulled his head back. Reaching around with the razor, Olan slowly pulled it across the choking bear's throat, as the trembling heap haplessly coughed up his last breath. Sophia, crying and whimpering, tried to drag herself from under the lifeless mass.

"Let me hep ya with that, little lady," said Olan, as he pulled up on the limp arm of the blood-soaked body, and rolled the corpse off the bed to go pounding to the floor.

"Sho plum baby!" hooted Bobby. "I am as hard as a granite stacha and ready to plug!"

"Don't stand on ceremony, boy," chuckled Olan.

Sophia went limp as the men each mounted her in turn. The night seemed to last forever until she finally passed out.

When she awoke, Sophia found herself in the front seat of the Bel Air. She saw the keys in the ignition. Her heart leaped as she turned them and heard the faithful engine roar to life. Pulling the shifter into first gear, she squealed out from the side of the highway, and began looking for some signs to tell her where she was.

Sophia hadn't been on the highway more than a few minutes, when the shrill sound of a police siren came screaming up from behind. She pulled the car over and stomped on the brake. Leaping from the car, she attempted to tell the highway patrolman what had happened. She froze in her tracks when she saw the officer position himself behind his door and aim his revolver at her. She wanted to scream, but it caught in her throat.

"Don't move!" yelled the patrolman. "Drop to the ground or I will shoot you dead!"

Sophia could not think straight, but mouth agape and shaking her head, she slowly kneeled to the ground.

"On your face, woman!" shouted the officer. "Move or die!"

She fell flat on her chest and put her face in the gravel. The patrolman came up and rammed his knee into her back. He reached down and handcuffed her left wrist, then yanked it back behind her. She tried to scream from the pain, but couldn't draw breath with the weight of the trooper on her. Her other arm was brought around and shackled to the first. Grabbing her by the back of her dress and her left arm, he jerked her to her feet.

"Officer," she exhaled, trying to catch her breath, "I'm Sophia Pale and I--"

"Shut your mouth, woman!  I know just exactly who you are and what you've done."

"Me?  I haven't done anything! I've been kidnapped and raped, by the county sheriff and two other men!"

"Woman, just shut your lyin' mouth afore I beat it shut.!"

"There's been a murder, and I was there and--"

"And you cut a man's throat and left him to die!"

"No! Oh no!" protested Sophia. "I'm a victim! I've been brought here and raped!" Sophia broke down and sobbed as the trooper pushed her along to his car. He shoved her into the back seat and slammed the door.

The siren screamed to life again, as the patrol car spun off the gravel and screeched onto the pavement. Within a few minutes it came to a stop in front of the Highway Patrol Building.

"So that's the one what killed this Louie Ronner feller, huh?" asked the sergeant.

"She said she did."

"You have her confession?"

"Says it weren't her idea," said the trooper. Says Ronner forced her down here from the city and sex'shly assaulted her."

"Wonder if he forced her to slit his throat, too," queried the sergeant, with a mock serious look. Both men snickered, and Sophia was led back for booking and to be put in a cell.

Her mind was numb. What was this all about? Was her aunt involved with the same men who had killed her husband? Where was her precious daughter Virgo? What on earth was she going to do?


Author Notes There is sex and violence in this story which are essential to the plot.

Chapter 4

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

The trial was swift and Sophia was quickly found guilty of premeditated murder. Lou's friends, Whitey Lowe and Bobby Nell, testified how Lou had met Sophia in a bar and she had convinced him to come down to her old home town for the weekend. The lock had never been changed, and a key fitting it had been found in Sophia's purse.

Aunt Amanda reluctantly testified, "Sophia had become quite promiscuous, and had developed a drinking problem. She'd mentioned that this Ronner man looked like one of those who had attacked her, more than a year ago, and stabbed my poor nephew to death. I was afraid of what Sophia might do, so I brought the Sheriff in on the situation. When we arrived at the Sheriff's office, however, Sophia left me and the baby inside, and sped off without a word."

The owner of the house, Raleigh Sabre, said, "I left the bed made as it was, should I ever have a friend in that area who may need a place to stay. I do recall renting the house to Mrs. Pale's husband a couple of years ago."

The investigating detective, Clay Curtis, said, "There were only two sets of prints found, victim and killer. Sophia Pale's were found on the razor that laid at the victim's side."

The indications that Sophia had showered and brought a change of clothing made the charge of premeditation more believable.

Sophia was sentenced to life imprisonment. Mercy was shown, as the death sentence was declined, due to the fact that she was the mother of a young girl -- and pregnant.

The first months in prison were difficult, but she was spared the usual harassment by the inmates because she was having a baby. Her cell mate, Diana Camp, helped her through the rough days by assuring her that she would probably get a new trial through her appeal. She pointed out the people to keep away from, and filled in some character assessments on a few of the weirder inmates.

Queen Deana was a gang leader. She had killed over fifty people before being given up to police by her girlfriend. They had taken her while she slept, but still had two officers, out of the six who tried to subdue her, hospitalized. She was in for ten life sentences.

Others, like Holy Heidi and Linda Loony, were a bit strange, but harmless. Holy Heidi couldn't stop talking about the second coming. Linda Loony, on the contrary, never spoke at all. There were others, with character failings ranging from interesting to completely strange. Diana served as Sophia's guide through the world of prison life.

Sophia and Diana had a few things in common. Diana, too, had been adopted, after her parents had perished in a house fire. Both women were approximately the same age, and had the same soft, brown eye color. Diana's hair was raven black though, and at the collar. Diana's complexion was a bit washed out in appearance. Had she not been such a healthy, full-figured woman, she might have been thought to be ill.

Diana , or Di, as she was called, was in for killing her adoptive father. She claimed sexual abuse over many years, beginning after her adoptive mother's death when Diana was twelve, had driven her to finally stabbing the man to death as he slept. The court apparently thought a better course of action could have been sought. She was given a life sentence, but figured she would get out after thirty or so years. She had done five already.

Diana told Sophia about her initiation into the penal system. She had been raped by both the inmates and guards, but she had worked out a system to keep her admirers happy, without taking a beating. After a couple of years, they found new meat and left her alone. Every so often she would still sleep with a guard, because she wanted to.

She assured Sophia that her baby would be given good care when it was born, but she had better get used to the idea of losing it to relatives or a foster family.

Sophia wondered how Virgo was. She had no other word than her Aunt Amanda had taken the child in. She didn't know how, but was convinced that her aunt was somehow, in some insane way, connected to all that had happened to her.

She gave birth in late September, but never saw the child. She had been given a spinal injection and fallen asleep. The birth was apparently routine, and the baby taken away by state officials. She only knew that it was a girl.


Author Notes There is sex and violence in this story which are essential to the plot.
Thanks to Bertodi for the great graphic.

Chapter 5

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

After two years, Sophia had begun to lose hope. Her appeal was denied, and her court appointed lawyer of the week said he couldn't seem to get a lead on where her daughter had been sent. There had been a blind adoption, since both of Sophia's parents were deceased, as well as her husband's. Sophia had asked specifically if her aunt had taken the child. The answer filtered back that Miss Amanda Pale was not on any forms.

A few weeks later, Diana had worked some favors and found the name of the adoptive parents, Mr. and Mrs. Winston Lee. Sophia hoped that they were good parents and would take care of the baby. Although she was not conceived through love, she was a part of her and she wished her well. Her thoughts were always on Virgo though, and she hoped, somehow, she could find out what was going on with her and her Aunt Amanda.

One night in January, she was summoned to Warden Dag's office. She had not seen the man since her incarceration, and had no idea what he could want. Perhaps he had some information on her daughters. Diana had been taken on a work detail earlier, and was not there for advice.

The guard took Sophia down the ramp, and then to the left, in the direction of cell block 10.

"Guard," she said, "the warden's office is the other way. This cell block is maximum security and -" She stopped and looked at the guard. His face was unfamiliar. "Are you new here?" she asked, with a growing tremor in her voice.

"Yeah, sweets. It's my first day."

"Well," she stammered, "we're going the wrong way."

"The boss says you go here."

"The Warden?"

"Oh, no, no, no," he chortled. "The Boss."

Suddenly, the guard grabbed her and ran her down the cell block to an open hatch. She screamed, but the guard only laughed and threw her into the walled cell. Inside were three men. Sophia stared in mute terror at the faces of Olan Rawls, Whitey Lowe, and Bobby Nells. Behind the men stood the bed. Her bed; the same bed as before. It was covered with the same bedspread.

"Can I stay?" asked the guard with a smile.

"Young man," said Olan with a smile, "I ding dang well insist on it."

The young man's broadening smile exploded into a gaping look of pain and horror. A bloody hand released the handle of the sharpened butter knife, which now protruded from the base of the dying guard's skull. As he fell, his assailant was revealed to Sophia.

"Di!" she screamed in shocked disbelief.

"Why, I believe he did."

The Sherriff and the other two men started laughing aloud. Sophia could not hear them, as her total focus was on Diana Camp. She stood there with a casual look on her face as she examined the corpse.

"Honey," she softly spoke to Sophia, "things are gonna be all right. Believe me."

Sophia, however, was beyond hearing and feeling. She was lost inside, and wanted to stay there.


Author Notes There is sex and violence in this story which are essential to the plot.

Image from Google

Chapter 6

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Sophia awoke in her cell. She was clean, dressed, and well-rested.

"Hello, Sophia," came a strangely familiar voice. "Welcome back to Earth."

Sophia looked across the darkened cell to see an inmate that she recognized. She had long, blond hair and a slender frame.

"Linda?" she questioned. "Linda Loo-"

"You can say it," said the woman. "Linda Looney."

Sophia had seen Linda before, but had never spoken to her. She was surprised to hear her speak, as she was told that she hadn't talked in years.

"Diana!" blurted Sophia suddenly, remembering the traumatic scene.

"Oh yes, Diana," said Linda. "You wouldn't know about that would you."


"Her appeal went through and she received a commuted sentence. Time served."

"When?  She was just here last night. She was --" Sophia couldn't continue. The memory was more dream than reality.

"You've been out for over a week."  She went on to reveal that Diana had received her papers and was released yesterday.

"I know why Diana was involved. She traded me and the dead guard for her freedom. I could never have done that, but I understood why she did it. But why? Why was it the same men? What do they want from me?"

It eventually occurred to Sophia to ask Linda why she was now speaking after all this silence.

"I'm not," she said flatly.

Sophia had somehow not noticed through the darkened cell that Linda's lips never moved. "Your voice?"

"Your voice probably," Linda seemed to say.

It was true. The voice was somehow her own. One she now recognized. Sophia drew back against the wall and moved to the bars. "How is this possible?" she asked in shivering wonder. "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Linda backed away from Sophia to give her space. "Calm down, Sophia," came the voice. "We are not a threat to you."

Sophia tried to control her fear.
"As for how it is possible that we are communicating," said Linda, "I don't have a clue. This is how I exchange and share and that's how you do it."

The widowed mother of two felt herself begin to calm. Perhaps Linda was making her calm; lulling her into a false sense of safety.

Sophia could only listen. She was mesmerized by all of this. Her mind was being conditioned for the data she was receiving.

"As for who we are, that will clear up as we progress. We will need your help just as you need ours. Together we will put a stop to the Irsdon."

Sophia thought to ask the obvious question, but somehow felt that, as Linda was 'saying', it would all become clear to her soon.


Author Notes There is sex and violence in this story which are essential to the plot.
Photobucket for the photo.

Chapter 7

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Winston Lee strolled down the corridor to his senior vice-president's office. As he entered, Cy Blaise was just hanging up his phone.

"The word from Washington is that the Viet Cong will launch a major offensive at the beginning of Tet."

"Who's that from?" asked Winston. "The Cheese or the Nile?"

"Edam," reported Cy.

"Anything from Rivera?"

"Background on the 'on-deckers' and such," Cy answered.

"Anything about the third child?"

"Out in July," said Cy.

Just then the intercom buzzer sounded. Mr. Lee's wife was in his room. Winston stepped lively down to his office, which took up the space of four regular ones.

There she was, his loving new wife, the former Miss Amanda Pale.

"How are the girls?" he asked.

"Virgo is with the tutor. The nanny has Libra."

"Are you here because you love me, or is there news?" he asked as he pecked her on the cheek.

"It's about the baby.  The background check of the prisoners and staff is back. Everyone from the Warden and the Chaplain to the bookmobile driver check out as genuine."

"Well, that's good to h--"

"But! On the prisoner side, there is one discrepancy."

"Where?  Who?"

"McCoy. Linda McCoy."

"Where's the break?"

"1944.  Two sets of papers were signed the same day. One on the birth of a baby girl and one on the still birth of a Siamese twin connected to it."

"What of it?" Winston asked. "Is there some clue to something there?"

"They gestate as two, but leap to one at term."

"It's in the prison now?" asked Winston. "Where? We should be able to eliminate it rather simply in that arena."

"I am going there myself to find out.  I need to visit my niece to see what she knows or doesn't know."

"Or what she suspects," he added.

"Suspects?" Amanda Lee held back a chortle. "No one suspects. Who would? Who could?"


Chapter 8

By Bill Schott

The lights came on in the cell block and two guards, male and female, began their morning rounds. One was only a few steps onto the main ladderway when she noticed the hair between the bars straight ahead. Running to the barred door of the containment unit she saw two motionless women at both ends of the cell. The other guard called for backup and alerted security; the door was opened and she checked the two women for vital signs.

"This one is okay I guess," she reported to the other. "But there's no pulse in this one; she's cold as a stone."

"Main this is 51 on Block 5," the guard with the radio stated. "Confinee 2376542 is in need of immediate medical attention."

"Roger 51," was the response.

"Confinee 7242921 appears to be dead," he continued. "Request Med Tech report to the scene to make the call."

"Roger 51, break," the officer on the other end continued. "The Warden wants to know the proper names if you've got 'em. He's already on the phone with the suits."

The male guard looked to the female guard and raised his eyebrows to put the question.

"Yeah," she said, "I know their names. This one is McCoy and this one is Pale."

"Main, this is 51, break," he went on. "The names are McCoy and Pale. Pale is the one who's dead."


Author Notes Thanks to Bertodi for the drawing.

Chapter 9

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Diana Camp was looking over the car that Victor Edam had given her. It was one that belonged to Mrs. Lee before she was married. She had given it to Victor's son as a graduation present.

Vincent Edam had maintained a 4.0 average in high school and had no problem, with his father's backing, of getting into Harvard. When he did, the Bel Air was replaced with a new '67 Thunderbird. His father then gave the Chevrolet to his new secretary, Diana.

She recalled how it all came about.

Warden Dag had summoned her to his office, for no apparent reason one day, and told her that she was to meet with a man named Raleigh Sabre. That introduction was one that she could never forget.

She met with Raleigh in a private ward in the infirmary and found that he had brought an entourage with him. There was Olan, Bobby, Whitey, and Amanda Lee.

Raleigh explained to Diana of a plan to assemble a group of special people who would be the catalyst for a grand future empire. The people would be specially selected from the time of conception until they were actually deployed sometime in the future.

The parents would have to be genetically matched with people whose chromosomes had been altered many years ago. Due to the uniqueness of the human race, there were limitations to the building process of these specimens.

The long and short of it was, they were forced, by the nature of the human species, to utilize a timetable and allow natural growth to occur. These limitations, together with a projected time window, were finally worked out so the chronological events would unfold in a compatible manner with the physiological processes and the demands of the Irsdon.

Diana understood none of it and wondered why she was being let in on such a bizarre plan.

It was explained to her by Mrs. Lee that Diana's genetic history was one that had, during certain periods of time within the last few decades, been engineered to complement the natural processes of reproduction.

"So," Diana remembers saying, "I am the product of selective breeding."

"That is correct," Raleigh had confirmed. "And we have come to another period when we need to direct the lineage again."

"What does this mean to me?" she asked. "Am I supposed to lay down for some stud?"

"You have a firm grasp of the situation," he returned.

"If I refuse, what happens?" she asked.

"There is no need for your cooperation in the insemination," Raleigh stated. "But your continued cooperation will be expected and monitored. If you refuse in that area, you will be constrained further than you are now, or possibly eliminated altogether."

"So I'm in this whether I like it or not?" she asked.

"That is quite correct," he replied. "But I think you will want to participate when you hear the immediate plan."

It was explained to Diana that her release would be granted within a few days and she would be well cared for. She would have to be involved in one or two operations that would require the letting of blood in a makeshift sacrificial ceremony that complies with ancient doctrinal statutes.

What that turned out to be was the murder of a prison guard and submission to a gang rape by these selected carriers.

She was told about Sophia Pale's involvement in the process and some of the details that brought her to where she was now.

Sophia had been kept ignorant of the plan because of the interference of another group. This group was onto the plan and had tracked down a few of the participants.

They were thought to be on the trail of Sophia at this time. That was the primary reason for an alternate breeding agent being inseminated. So, on the day of the next insemination, there would be two women involved - Diana and Sophia. It had been decided that Sophia would be installed in the prison where Diana was already an inmate, so the insemination could be done swiftly and provide the supplementary child, should a need arise.

So, Diana killed the guard and allowed the goons to hump her for hours. They took turns between her and Sophia and, when it was over, they were both returned to their cells.

As promised, Diana was quickly released and set up as a secretary, with an impressive resume, to a Maryland engineering corporation executive. Her entire life history, to that point, had been completely expunged and a new one replaced.

Now she only needed to have this baby and show up for work. For now though, she needed to take the Bel Air in for a tune up.

Author Notes Thanks to tacanoviano for the cool graphic.

Chapter 10
The Kolk

By Bill Schott

The story up to now:
Sophia Pale has been widowed (her husband was murdered while she was raped; a few months later having a baby), kidnapped (a year later by the same men who'd killed her husband and raped her), raped again (while witnessing another murder) arrested for murder ( having been framed by the real perpetrators (in what is appearing to be an organized effort) imprisoned (losing her daughter and giving birth to another in prison, which was taken away) witness to murder and raped again in prison (by the same people), and has met two women (one, Diana, who was a friend, but was at the latest murder and rape as a killer, and another, Linda, a strange new person who speaks to her without talking. Now, she's been found dead in her cell, Diana has been pardoned (and sent to work for the Magfas), and Linda is in a coma.


Linda McCoy was still asleep in the infirmary as the body of Sophia Pale was being examined by the county coroner.

"What is the cause of death, doctor?" asked the Warden.

"Unknown right now," replied the coroner. "The only thing that I CAN tell you at this point is that she was recently raped."

"That's impossible!" claimed the Warden. "She had never been taken out of the population since she'd been here."

"I'm not debating this point with you, Warden," the Coroner said. "The woman was raped within the last twenty-four hours. This has nothing to do with her death, that I can see, but the fact remains."

"What about this one?" asked the Warden, wanting to drop the subject and indicating the unconscious woman in the next room. "Is she in a coma or what?"

"To some degree, yes," he answered. "She needs to be evacuated to a regular facility so she can be monitored better."

"I've already made the arrangements to have her transported to city hospital," stated the Warden. "She'll be out of here the first thing in the morning."


Ohhh Jay," sighed Sophia. "I'm so happy to be with you again."

"I've always been with you Sophie," replied Jay. "Now we can always be with each other."

"It seems pointless to be trapped in those fleshy cages so long.   Especially when this is so grand. Why is it this way? Why are we left to be confined in those limited bodies, when freedom like this exists?"

"We need to interact with others on a utilitarian plane," he replied. "There are goals to be accomplished in the physical world that cannot be completed otherwise."

"So you have been my protector since we were children?" she asked, only then realizing it."

"Yes," he affirmed, "but an ineffective one as it turned out. I was little help when the Magfas made their move towards you."

"It was horrible, Jay! I'm so glad to be free of it all at last."

"We will need to go back in," said Jay. "but it will be as a collective; we return as the Kolk"

"Back into my old body?" she asked.

"No,'" he answered. "We are allowing that shell to be returned to the natural elements of the soil. When the Kolk assembles, it will be in the body of Linda McCoy."

"Where is Linda?" asked Sophia.

"I am here," said Linda. "We are all here, always."

"So, if you're not in your body now, is it dead?"

"I have left the spark of life in it," she replied. "We will reenter her shortly."

"We will all be together then?" asked Sophia.

"We are always together Sophia," stated Linda. "It is only the exterior environment that misdirects our organic being away from the astral plane that we are all capable of experiencing. If it is not reintroduced, it will have to exist just beyond the consciousness until the physical host is exhausted."

"When do we reenter Linda's body?"

"As soon as it is removed from the prison," 


Author Notes Picture from Google

Chapter 11

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

The story so far:  Sophia Pale was widowed, raped, had a baby girl, kidnapped, raped again, arrested for murder, imprisoned (losing her daughter and giving birth to another in prison), and raped again in prison. Two women she met in prison, Diana, who was a friend, but works with the Magfas, and another, Linda, a member of the Kolk, have left the prison. Sophia's been found dead in her cell. Diana has been pardoned and sent to work for the Magfas, and Linda is in a coma and has been moved to a city hospital.
Amada Lee was livid when she learned, from Warden Foster Dag, that both Sophia Pale and Linda McCoy were gone. There was no plan to kill Sophia, yet, but she was sure that was what had happened.

The Kolk was the only obstacle to the success of the Irsdan. They had been integrated into the human race three thousand years ago, entwining with the human fetuses in Phoenicia. Since then, their existence had become known by fewer and fewer, until only a handful of people knew they were here at all.

The followers of the Magfas, in preparation for the Irsdan, had taken advantage of several advanced sciences introduced by the Kolk, and long since suppressed.

There existed the ability to foretell situations by a combination of the mass potential energy of the population and the mathematical dictates of celestial bodies. These were very real and accurate. The variables open for change were the result of active manipulation of circumstances and people, once the pure layout of events were known.

The existence of raw energy, which fluctuated around the world, and the ability to increase and direct it, was also a discovery of the Kolk. It had been kept secreted by the Magfas for centuries.

Together, with the knowledge of future situations, which were the open slate of an unfashioned destiny, the Magfas were building a pyramid of flesh. The pinnacle of this would be the gathering of three genetically identical human beings who would have the exact molecular makeup to act as a prism. This prism would collect the massing energy, which flowed freely and in enormous supply within the inner atmosphere. This energy was released, from beings below, in regular intervals throughout their lives. A release was nearly quadrupled during natural disaster and armed conflict.

Since the natural selection of the end beings was not completed, the Magfas had missed the opportunity to see their goals met in the world war that delivered up energy like had not been seen in centuries. They would not miss another chance. The final seed had been sewn, the pyramid nearly complete.

Irsdon would be an event of ultimate upheaval. It would be the redefining of the human path towards a world of central control and oppression. If Magfas could emplace their Queens in the exact matrix necessary to channel the expected energy, they would assume control of, at the very least, the planet.

The intricate physiology needed to be channelers of this foretold energy was something that could not have been left to chance. Once the Magfas was made aware of what kind of chromosomal configuration was most receptive to the energy, the selective procurement of donors was arranged.

Many considerations had to wait for technology to catch up with the needed information. The Magfas was waiting, funneling money into whatever science was needed to enhance the probability of success.

The expected waiting period for the ability to splice genetic material within the confines of a laboratory was still decades away. The desired traits and molecular structure would have to be assembled in the natural reproductive manner with specific orchestration of the desired DNA.  This, for reasons long forgotten, had to be performed within a ritual that included a bloody sacrafice and a multi-participant insemination.

Now, however, the Kolk was trying to prevent this process from reaching fruition. They were actively intercepting the genetic carriers, who were of Kolk descent, and removing them from the chemical equation.

Many of their species were not aware of their origin due to masking of their cerebral powers through the meld with human hosts.


Amanda Lee was now certain the McCoy woman was responsible for the death of Sophia and that she would seek to escape from the incarceration in which she had allowed herself to be placed. She would have to find McCoy before she returned to her physical host and was able to again become a threat.

"Foster," she called to the Warden. "I have to get word to the hospital to have the McCoy prisoner restrained.

"Sure, Mandy," assured the Warden, "I'll have it done immediately."

"Thank you, Foster. You are so very understanding and helpful."

"For you, Mandy -- anything."

Amanda placed an affectionate smile on her face as she approached Warden Dag and cupped her hands over his crotch as she pressed up to his chest.

"And for you, Foster -- everything."


Chapter 12

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

The story so far:  Sophia Pale was widowed, raped, had a baby girl, kidnapped, raped again, arrested for murder, imprisoned (losing her daughter and giving birth to another in prison), and raped again in prison. Two women she met in prison, Diana, who was a friend, but works with the Magfas, and another, Linda, a member of the Kolk, have left the prison. Sophia's been found dead in her cell. Diana has been pardoned and sent to work for the Magfas, and Linda is in a coma and has been moved to a city hospital.

Linda McCoy awoke in a hospital bed. There was a nurse standing beside her adjusting the drip of an IV. She closed her eyes again until the nurse left the room. Attempting to get up, she realized she had been strapped to the bed.

Focusing on the left strap, she imagined what movements would be necessary to free herself. Relaxing her arm, she slowly moved her shoulder up and away from her head. She heard and felt it pop out of its socket and felt her arm slide beneath the straps that had held it.

She then proceeded to contort her hips to the left and upward until the back of her head was almost touching her heels.

Freed from the confining straps that had gone over her chest, she reached her right arm over to her left side and unfastened that strap. Once done, she sat up and pulled her shoulder back into place. The pain was tremendous at first, but she was able to suppress it.

Releasing her leg straps, she was free. She sprang from the bed and cracked open the door to view the hallway to the left. It was clear. She then pushed her head out of the door to scan the right hallway. There she saw the nurse talking to a red-headed woman in civilian attire. They both looked down to Linda's room at the same time and saw her.

Wasting no time, Linda threw the door open and dashed through the opposite hallway. Amanda yelled for her to stop, but she was already around the corner and dashing for the stairway door. By the time that door had crashed against the wall, Linda was already down the first set of stairs and headed for the lower floors.

Descending three more flights of stairs, she arrived at the lobby door. Yanking it open, she darted past hospital workers and ran straight through the front entrance.

She was instantly halted when a large, black-haired man grabbed her left arm.

"Gull dang, Missy!" spouted Olan. "Yer runnin' faster 'an yer clothes kin keep up wit. Heck! The whole a the back a dis here purdy dress is plum gone."

Linda turned swiftly and jammed her index finger deep into Olan's right eye, bursting the orb and sending him hurtling backwards screaming in agony.

She turned to continue her escape, only to find herself facing two more men. Bobby came at her from the left and Whitey from the right. She was about to attack them when she was knocked down from behind by a diving tackle from Amanda. They both slammed to the concrete.

Bobby grabbed Linda by the hair and tried to yank her to her feet. Amanda wrapped her arms around the girl's arms and ribs and tried to pull her up too. They had her to her knees when Olan came running in and smashed his huge fist into the back of Linda's head. The force of the blow pulled her free of Amanda's grip and left Bobby with a handful of blond and bloody hair.

Linda hit the concrete hard, but jumped up instantly, running between Bobby and Whitey. She sprinted in a straight line across the busy city street, oblivious to screeching brakes and pounding horns. She made it across and darted left.

The hospital gown she'd been wearing had been torn at the ties, so she pulled it off and threw it. Stark naked she continued her high-velocity sprint, darting and hurdling pedestrians for five city blocks.

Her right eye seemed bloated and numb. She could not see with it. Her scalp was warm where the tuft of hair had been jerked out along with the top layers of flesh.

She finally took an abrupt turn down an alley that extended several blocks. Her pace never decreased and she was sure she had out-distanced her would-be captors. Turning into an open warehouse door, she stopped. Inside she was faced with three men. They were all shabbily dressed and smelled of alcohol. They were at first surprised then shocked when they looked at Linda's face.

"Holy shit, lady!" shouted the center man. "Your eye's hangin' clear outta your head!"

Linda hadn't realized that the concussion of the man's blow had dislodged her eye from its socket. Leaning against a nearby wall, she cupped the throbbing ball and slowly pushed it back into her head. The men were repulsed and sickened; one vomited.

Once she had done what she could to secure the eye, she approached the three men who were now frozen with fear.

"Give me your clothes!" she demanded of the nearest to her. The man didn't stop to think, but began tearing off his jacket and shirt. Another began unlacing his boots, while the third pulled his pants off over the bread sacks that were his shoes.

When she was reasonably covered, she ran past the men without a word, heading for the opposite end of the abandoned warehouse. As she neared the door on the run, she noticed the huge lock and chain that held it shut. Veering for the window beside it, she sprang up onto an empty crate and leaped ten feet through the air to go crashing through the glass.

She hit the pavement with a roll and was on her feet. She continued her high-speed dash down that street for another dozen blocks until she reached a bus station. A lone agent stood behind a counter.

"I need a ticket to Boston," she panted.

The agent stepped back aghast. Linda's head was bleeding; her hair knotted and flared about. Her left eye was swelling shut; blood was caked on her scraped and filthy face; and her clothes smelled of the previous owners' booze and urine.

"Hold on, lady!" blurted the agent. "You oughta see a doctor or somethin'. You're bleedin' bad. You look like you've been hit by a truck."

"I need a ticket for Boston right now!" she demanded. "When is it and how much?"

The agent shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "That's at five thirty and that'll be thirty-two fifty."

Linda looked up to the clock on the wall to see that it was already a quarter to five.

"I need the ticket badly," she explained, "but I don't have any money and it's almost five now. Is there any way that you can help me?"

The agent had traded many a ticket for the sexual favors of the local prostitutes in the past., but this woman was a mess.

"I normally let the girls work off their tickets in trade," the agent said slyly. "But I kinda doubt I could even get it up with you lookin' such a sight and all."

Linda looked around again to see that the terminal was near empty, except for a drunk passed out in a far chair. Smiling through scraped lips she said, "I'm sure I can get a rise out of you, Sugar."

The agent couldn't figure why, but even with the horrid looks, her gentle, smooth voice turned his once flaccid phallus into a pulsing rock. He went to the barrier door and let the girl enter.

Once inside, Linda walked right up to the man and knelt in front of him. She reached up and unzipped his fly. Reaching in she withdrew his rigid member and held it in both hands. Looking up smiling she asked, "Can I have it?"

With a wide grin the agent looked down and said, "Lady, it's all yours."

Linda tightened her grip on the manhood until the pain caused the man to moan and his eyes to roll. He fell to his knees in front of her, unable to speak, with a look of terror in his red, sweaty face.

"Want it back?" she whispered.

The tortured agent could only shake his head quickly in the affirmative.

"Ticket for Boston," she said. "And point me to the ladies' room."

At midnight, Linda's bus was pulling into the main terminal in downtown Boston. Now she had to find out where both Diana Camp and Winston Lee lived. There was no time to lose.


Author Notes Thanks to mrjames for the cool pic

Chapter 13

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Amanda has adopted Sophia's children. Diana has been pardoned and sent to work for the Magfas, and Linda has escaped city hospital and is headed to save the Pale Sisters.

"Are you new?" came the question to Diana Camp, as she sat at her desk outside Victor Edam's office.

Looking up she was pleased to see that the clear, manly voice had come from a fine looking, well built, and handsome young man.

"Yeah - er - yes," she returned. "I'm Diana, the secretary."

"I'm pleased to meet you, Diana the secretary.," he said with a beautiful smile. "I'm Vince, the son."

She now realized that this strapping, athletic, blue-eyed Adonis was Victor's son from Harvard. His sandy hair was held in a flawless wave by the slight use of hair oil. He was wearing a V-neck sweater with a shirt and tie beneath, and exuded the subtle aroma of cologne.

"Your dad - er - father," she stammered, trying to speak formally, "isn't in right now."

"Who?" he asked jokingly, as he sat at the corner of her desk, leaning in towards her. "Oh yes, Father. Well, all the better. That will give me more time to find out all about you."

Diana couldn't believe she was blushing. After all that she had been through in her life, she was suddenly feeling like a young innocent again. A feeling she had left behind on the night she had found her father crawling in bed with her ten years prior.

"Mr. Edam should be back in soon. I believe that he's in conference with a Mr. Rivera somewhere in the building."

"That is very interesting," commented the young man as he mocked a yawn. "I hope they have a fine chat and do great things; now, back to you."

The two talked for an hour in which time Diana revealed that she was single, unattached, and she reluctantly added, pregnant.

"Where's the father?" asked Vince, seeming genuinely concerned. "He must be crazy or dead for him not to be around."

"I'd rather not talk about it."

"Oh brother!" spouted Vince as he jumped to his feet. "It's not dear old Dad is it?"

Diana began to giggle and shook her head. This man was making her so relaxed that she almost felt that she could tell him all about the circumstances that had placed her here. But as she thought about her father, the prison, and the murder of the guard, she knew she could never tell anyone. She felt suddenly solemn and then distressed. She saw this attractive young man in front of her, who was, in reality, a million miles away.

"I'm terribly sorry if I've made you uncomfortable, Diana." Vince said, noticing her sudden silence and withdrawal. "I hope I haven't exhumed any better-dead memories."

"No," she said, returning to reality and forcing a smile. "It's just hard to explain and I'd rather not try."

"Good," he said with a grin. "Then I can monopolize the conversation talking about myself. How about dinner?"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," she answered, barely able to conceive of it. "I don't think your father would like it very much."

"What's not to like?" he came back. "I'm paying the check; I'll be in the company of a girl of whom he obviously approves; and, if we have too much wine and end up in the hay, I can't get you pregnant."

Diana laughed out loud as Vince chuckled along. It was then that the door opened and Victor Edam entered the room.

"Vincent!" he chirped, as he held his arms out wide. "What a jim-dandy surprise."

"Hey Pop! How's the leader of the industrial world doing?"

"We are setting the pace that will secure us at the top," he replied. "We will soon be the recipient of the largest contract for mechanized armament ever issued."

"Pop, Pop, I didn't mean to get you going on the business. I'm glad you got the contract that you wanted so much. I know how hard you've worked for it. But, you know, I have some really big news for you."

"What, boy what?" begged the elder in anticipation.

"Diana has agreed to have dinner with me," he stated with a smile.

"Diana?" Victor thought aloud, trying to place one of his son's acquaintances with the name.

"Yes," Vince continued, "But she hasn't got a thing to wear. Perhaps you should give her a raise? "

The situation was suddenly illuminated with the candle power of a nuclear flash, as Victor realized about whom his son was speaking.

"Diana!" he yelled, startling everyone including himself.

"Gee, Pop" Vincent said, in a calming tone. "I was only joking. Forget the raise."

"That's not funny!" thundered his father. "Diana, you're excused. Go home! Stay home!"

Diana flushed and sprang to her feet. She was headed to the door when Vince barred her way in a gentle attempt to stop her. He looked back at his father in disbelief of what he had just heard.

"What in the hell is going on with you, Pop?" he demanded.

"Vince, please," insisted Diana as she pushed past Vince and around his father. She was out of the closing door, leaving Vincent staring at his father with a displeased and questioning glare.

Victor Edam had no intention of explaining the real reason for his actions. He searched now for a story that would fill in as an explanation for the one person in his life to whom he thought he would never have to lie; the only person that he really cared about. The one he would give the world to - as soon as he possessed it.


Chapter 14

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Amanda Lee had Olan admitted into the emergency ward of the hospital to care for his punctured eye. She was actually glad that he was there, as it would make it easier to see him when the time came. Now she wanted to deal with Whitey and Bobby. She knew that the Kolk would be headed for the children, if she knew where they were. She had to assume that she did.

Leaving Whitey to keep tabs on Olan in the hospital, Amanda had Bobby take her back to the apartment she had nearby. Arriving inside, she went to the bedroom, telling Bobby to wait for a call by the phone.

Amanda sat on the bed and pulled a pair of white gloves onto her hands. She withdrew an envelope from her purse. In it were an identification card and a passport for one Diana Camp. The pictures on each were from prison photos that had been taken of the Camp woman. The view had been cropped to eliminate the prison number and clothes.

When Amanda had checked into the hotel, she had made a point of wearing a short, black wig and asking several meaningless questions of the employees and quests, to make her presence known. She did not look much like Camp, but enough to be identified by strangers when the need arose. The time was soon coming.

After examining other papers, she placed them all back in the envelope and into her purse. She placed the purse on the floor just under the bed, removed the gloves, and disrobed. Then she called Bobby into the bedroom.

Bobby walked into the bedroom and stopped abruptly. His eyes widened and a broad smile appeared on his face.

"Mandy," he said approvingly, "by doggie you are sure the fe fi fo finest lookin' old broad that ever was."

"I've always liked you, Bobby," she purred. "I'm glad we're finally alone."

Bobby began pulling off his boots as Amanda pulled back the bedspread.

"I want to be on top, Bobby," she said with a smile.

"Sho nuff, Mandy," he returned with a grin. "As long as I'm IN side ya, ya'll kin be on any side ya please."

Bobby peeled off the last of his clothes, except his socks, and jumped into bed. Amanda mounted him and they were soon bouncing in heated rhythm. Within a couple of minutes, Bobby had climaxed and the two lay motionless in the same position.

"Sorry I didn't wait on ya, darlin'," he said with a smile. "But I'll do ya good on the next go,"

"Not to worry, Bobby," she said, leaning in close to his face, with her arms pulling the pillow and his head to hers. She gave him a deep kiss and withdrew, pulling the pillow up from behind his head and quickly over it. In her hand was a .38 caliber revolver that had been stowed between the mattress and the headboard. She jammed the barrel into the pillow and pulled the trigger. The blast was surprisingly muffled; the body beneath lurched only slightly before going limp.

"I need an orgasm," she said smiling, "like you need another hole in the head."

She began laughing and continued to do so while showering and getting dressed. She was still smirking and bursting into an occasional giggle as she placed the purse, with the gun inside, with gloved hands, next to the door. Contacts in homicide had already been given a copy of Diana Camp's fingerprints that would be said to have been found on the murder weapon and the purse. Everything had been established to create unquestionable circumstantial evidence that Diana Camp had checked into this hotel and murdered one Bobby Nell.

"You blew my mind too, Bobby." she squeaked at the corpse as she opened the door to leave. She began laughing again as she closed the door and headed to the elevator.


Author Notes Photo from

Chapter 15

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Lionel Michaels had worked hard to become a doctor. His only dream, as a young African-American youth on the streets of the inner city of Washington, D.C., was to one day practice medicine.

He had been a gifted student of science in high school and graduated with honors from Georgetown University. The funding for his education had come from Ernesto Rivera, a prominent industrialist in Washington, who had approached Lionel after his second year in college. The scholarship money and job with a local research firm had both suddenly vanished, and he was left with no way to pay for his continued training.

It was then that Mr. Rivera had offered to pay all of Lionel's expenses and set him up in a high priced apartment near the university. The payback of the investment would be something that would be revealed at a later date.

Lionel was a huge man, nearing six-foot-seven and weighing two hundred and forty pounds. As a youth on the streets he had made many mistakes with his life. He had been involved in several gang fights where he had killed more than a dozen opposing gang members over a two-year period. He was still only fifteen when he came to grips with his life and was convinced by educators that he had what it would take to make it, if he could leave the streets behind.

He had never been arrested. No one outside the denizens of the street gangs knew he had killed anyone. He could, if he wanted, break away and strive for his new ambition, to be a doctor, to heal the sick and repair the injured. That was what he wanted.

Once he had finished his internship, he had become a resident at City Hospital. It was then that he heard from Ernesto Rivera again.

"Lionel, you are looking well," said Rivera. "You are a great asset here at City."

"Thank you, sir," he replied. "It has been a long push, but I can never thank you enough for giving me an opportunity to make a difference in the world."

"We will get together soon, perhaps, and look over some new goals to achieve."

"I am at your call."

"That is good to hear, Lionel," said Rivera. " I do have a couple of problems that you may be able to take care of for me."

Taking the doctor aside, he presented him with a proposition. Lionel was, at first, mildly shocked at what Mr. Rivera had in mind, but he owed the man much, and the request was not something with which Lionel was unfamiliar. Having made many compromises and working very hard to get to where he was, nothing was going to stop him from continuing to progress.

Lionel knew about the Magfas and had been indoctrinated into their regime. Once he was told of the people, who had been placed strategically to cover all areas of concern, he was left with little decision making. He would do what he was asked.

Within the hour, Lionel was in the surgery recovery hallway and approaching the room of a man who had had his eye removed. Exactly what this man or his injury had to do with Mr. Rivera was neither known or a factor in the doctor's assignment. He arrived and opened the door to the private room and entered. One man was in bed, one half of his face bandaged, while another man rose from his seat to meet him.

"I am Dr. Michaels. I've been sent to take care of you."

Whitey stepped back and scratched his head. "Who sent cha, boy?"

"That's not important," Lionel went on. "I've been asked to see to the two of you right away."

"Ya hear that, Sheriff?" Whitey asked of Olan, who was partially incoherent from the pain killers. "They sent us a big ol' gorilee ta step and fetch fer us."

The words had barely left his mouth when two large hands clamped onto his head like a vice. One quick twist and Whitey's neck snapped like a beer pretzel.

Olan saw the man drop to the floor and was hazily aware of what was going on. He tried to exit the opposite side of the bed, but fell with the IV stand to the floor.

Lionel walked over to him purposefully and grabbed the man's head. Olan suddenly sprang up from the floor with the power of a man who had just realized that he was about to be killed.

The giant doctor was thrown back, tripping over a chair that was behind him. Crashing backwards to the floor, he hit his head. He was dazed and numb, but was aware he had split his head on the floor. Trying to rise up he was smashed in the forehead by the base of the IV stand that Olan had swung. Knocked back to the floor, he was barely conscious of the next blow to his head, or the next.

Olan swung the heavy stand repeatedly until he was certain, by the appearance of the big man's brains, that his attacker would not be getting off the floor again.

Falling back onto the bed, Olan tried to regain his bearings and assess the situation. Whitey was dead on the floor with his head twisted around backwards. He figured that Amanda Lee was behind this and that Bobby was probably dead or about to be. He had to get out of this room and hide, to come up with a course of action.

He was in a hospital gown and needed clothes. Whitey's were too small. The other man on the floor was more his size, bigger. His clothes, relatively blood free when balanced against his expedient need, would have to do. He staggered over to the bloody hulk and began unfastening the belt. He pictured Amanda laughing somewhere, figuring she had done him in. He imagined the look on her face when she found that he wasn't dead. With a few looks, but no one stopping him, Olan left the room, took the stairway down to the main floor, and exited the front door of the hospital.

"Won't she be surprised?" he mumbled to no one.

Author Notes Photo from Google

Chapter 16

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

The Magfas have spent centuries breeding selected humans to a desired genetic preference. The Kolk are an ethereal race that inhabit humans and are trying to defeat the Magfas goal of a being perfected to a point of superhuman capability. The births of three girls with extraordinary molecular makeups will be the crowning moment of the millenial endeavor, and the beginning of the end for the world.  

Beatrice Lindsey had been a nanny since she came to the United States from Puerto Rico. She worked out well with several families and had been referred to Winston Lee with glowing recommendations. Having no children and being single, she lived on the estate and spent every waking minute with Virgo. She cherished the little girl and knew, by her light brown skin, that she wasn't the natural child of the Lee's. Virgo's real origin was of no concern to her. She was just drawn to the child and, over the last two years, had been with her constantly.

At three years of age, Virgo had gone from a tricycle to a twenty-inch spider bike. She spoke in excellent sentences and had picked up Spanish easily from Beatrice. The nanny also noticed that Virgo was far beyond the games and toys of other children her age. She would ask to look at 'big people books' and would sit and read novels from cover to cover.

Surely, she was a gifted child with an intellect and maturity that, added to her genuine warmth and delightful personality, had stolen Beatrice's heart.

Her tiny sister, Libra, was much the same. She was a lighter skinned child, but bore a definite resemblance to Virgo. They were sisters, no doubt. How they were related was the question, but one Beatrice had decided not to ponder.

Emily Pollar was Libra's nurse and always kept strict attendance with her. She even slept in the same room with the child, placing her with the toddler twenty-four hours a day.

The mansion was highly protected and the children seldom left it. When they did, either Beatrice or Emily would go with them, and at least two, casually-dressed security personnel. Such was the case when the limousine pulled out through the main gate and headed for the city.

Libra, only two years of age, had one day touched the keys of the piano that Emily was playing a tune on for the young girl's enjoyment. Setting the small girl on her lap, she allowed her to play with the keys and make whatever sound she liked. What she did next was to amaze Emily and, in turn, the child's parents.

Instead of the playful banging of the keyboard, as Emily had expected, the choppy sound of the tune she had just played was heard. Though not hitting all the proper keys, the two-year-old had imitated the tune recognizably. Emily's mouth went agape as the child then began another tune she had heard earlier.

When this was reported and demonstrated to Amanda and Winston Lee, they were equaly amazed.
"We have definite indicators of success here," said Amanda, realilizing that the Magfas plans really had reached the generation of action.
"For the sake of an unbiased, outside opinion," said Winston, let's get an expert in here hear her play."
Having learned that a prominent piano virtuoso was playing in the city, they had requested he come to the estate and listen. The musician politely declined, citing scheduling difficulties, but offered to hear the young pianist at the concert hall prior to his performance.

Eager to have the child evaluated, the offer was accepted, with the regret that they would have to send the child with her nurse and escort, due to their similar busy schedule. So, they went on their way to the city and the hall.

Emily held Libra's hand as she toddled into the large building and up to the stage. Oneof the escorts proceeded them and the other followed the nurse and child. A tall, slim woman greeted them at the orchestra pit. "Thank you for coming," said the woman. "The maestro will see you in his preparation room back stage. "

They followed her through the corridor towards the rear of the building. One of the two security men evaluated the woman's figure from the rear and thought that she was a fine-looking lady. It was a pity, he thought, that her left eye was squinted and glossed over. In all other aspects she was a beauty; long blond hair and all.

Without warning, as they approached the door to the prep room, the woman spun around and leaped towards the men. A straight-arm blow to the first one jammed his nose into his brain.

As he fell, the second security man reached for his gun that he kept in a holster on the back of his belt. The woman threw an unblocked fist to his throat, collapsing his larynx and sending him to the floor gasping for air. He died within seconds.

Emily pressed against the door, with Libra behind her.

"Emily!" came a voice to the nurse's mind; a voice that sounded like her own. "Listen to us closely."

"Who are you?!" Emily screamed, looking all about for the person speaking. "What do you want? Why has this woman attacked us?"

"Emily," the voice came again, this time softer, "we have come to release you."

"What are you talking about?" cried the confused nurse, tears running down her face as she pushed Libra further behind her.

"Listen to us Emily. You are not in danger. We are here to help you. We are your friends."

Emily couldn't speak. Frightened and confused, she worried about what would happen to Libra if she were killed. She wondered if she should attempt attacking this woman, who had just killed two huge men with a single blow each.

It was several seconds before she began calming. The situation was beginning to lessen in its severity. A force beyond her insinuated a warm sense of security.

Libra had walked out from behind Emily, who had released her protective grip. Looking at her nurse, and then to the other woman, she said, "My name eh eebwa."

"Hello, Libra," said the woman with the foggy eye. "My name is Linda."

As she spoke to the child, the Kolk spoke to Emily in another medium.

"Emily," the voice went on,"we need to take your body."

"But, what of me?" asked the nurse, without speaking.

"We will welcome you into our world, Emily. One that is filled with peace and rest."

"Will I be able to return?"

"No, Emily," was the gentle reply. "but you will never wish to."

"What of Libra?" she asked.

"We will protect her," said Linda audibly. "We will care for her as you did, with a loving, guiding hand."

"Will I ever see her again?"

"One day, yes. She will be with us all."

"Then I will go," she said surrendering. Within a heartbeat she was gone.

Linda McCoy's body dropped to the floor. The life that had sustained it, fled.

"Faw down," said Libra, pointing to the body of the motionless woman.

All that was memory to the former Emily Pollar was continued to the present tenant. She reached down for the child and picked her up. She walked quickly with the child to the front of the hall and shouted for help. An attendant came and, hearing the story of the attack, hurriedly phoned for the police. Emily then phoned the estate to tell Beatrice what had happened.

She could now enter the estate of Winston Lee in one of his own vehicles.

Author Notes Thanks to KathyEB for the photo

Chapter 17
A Pale Sister

By Bill Schott

Synopsis up to now:

Sophia Pale is brutally accosted and her husband murdered. She becomes pregnant and moves in with her aunt, Amanda. One year later she is kidnapped by the same men again; raped in a bizarre ritual, and then arrested for murder. She is sent to prison and has another child. Amanda has adopted Sophia's children. Sophia meets Diana in prison. Sophia and Diana are brutalized again in a similar ritual. Sophia meets Linda of the Kolk and learns some things. Amanda heads to the prison to deal with Sophia and Linda. Diana and Linda leave prison in different ways. Sophia leaves her body and joins the Kolk. Linda escapes from a hospital and later leaves her body to enter that of Amanda Lee's nurse, giving the Kolk access to the Magfas and the Pale Sisters.

It had been six months since the attack at the music hall, and Amanda Lee had doubled the security throughout the estate. Her daughters never left the grounds again, and as soon as the third child was born, the Irsdon could be initiated.

A maternity and delivery room had been built into the west wing of the mansion. Diana Camp was going through a second day of labor.

Having finished his studies and obtaining a degree in corporate law, Vincent Edam was visiting once again and staying in the east wing.

"Vincent, I can't tell you how wonderful it is having you back here with us," said Victor, as he greeted his son in the hallway, outside the breakfast area.

"So good to be done and ready to start."

"There are nothing but opportunities and horizons ahead now, son. Let's see what's good to eat."

"Amanda seems fairly distracted these days," said Vincent. "I'm not sure my arrival has registered too highly with her."

"She has thrown herself into some negotiations that are touch and go right now."

"I wanted to also apologize about whatever happened a few months ago with your secretary."

"No need for that, Vincent. I overreacted. Diana Camp is having the baby of an influential foreign dignitary and her employment as my secretary is one of convenience. Your becoming involved with her would present a myriad of problems that could jeopardize very delicate negotiations and future plans."

He had accepted the story at face value and didn't press his father further. He knew that many industrial dealings could be built like a house of cards and easily toppled with an unplanned movement.

Vincent and his father had always been very close; even more so after the passing of his mother. She had died in a freak elevator accident several years ago. A cable pulley had apparently broken from its mount and the car traveled down twenty floors to the basement of one of Winston Lee's office buildings. An investigation proved that the mechanism was faulty. The following lawsuit and insurance totaled over ten million dollars. It had been put in a trust fund for Vincent to take control of on his thirtieth birthday.

Diana's labor had lasted thirty-six hours until the baby was finally born. The infant girl was quickly cleaned up and examined by the three doctors in attendance. She was then placed in the arms of Amanda Lee.

"At long last," she said softly, slowly rocking the crying newborn. "The prophecy has come to being."

"There are only a few months to prepare," stated Raleigh Sabre as he examined the infant through its wrappings. "And a hundred items to be worked out."

"But aren't all of the coils emplaced?" asked Cy Blaise, looking back and forth between Raleigh and the baby.

"Yes," he ensured. "The right people are in the right places. There are, however, many subordinate factors to cement, and even more incidental ones. Everything has to be perfect for the Irsdon to reach its full potential. "

"When is the critical time?" asked Ernesto Rivera, who had been listening to the conversation.

"The offensive will begin in exactly one hundred and eighty-two days," he explained. "It will reach its peak six days later."

"Then the position of the planets and stars will be in alignment," added Amanda, "and the Triton will be the receptor of a galactic power that will sweep up the natural laws of time and space and place them in the control of the Magfas."

They all smiled and walked to the door to retire to their rooms. Amanda placed the infant in the arms of the nurse and instructed her as to what she wanted done. The elderly woman left the room with the infant.

One of the doctors stepped up to Amanda with a document.

"Here is the certificate of birth," he stated, "but I have a question about the name."

"What is it?" questioned Amanda, with a defensive tone in her voice and a look of objection for the presumed query. "Her name reflects the sign of the zodiac in which she was born, as do my other two girls."

"That aside," he continued. "You had said the last name would be Pale. Before I fill it in -- Isn't the mother's name Camp?"

"I am her mother!" snapped Amanda. "I have decided to use my maiden name, so the girls will all be the same. Diana Camp is no more than an incubator for one of the Queens of the Magfas. Her existence is meaningless and of no concern whatsoever."

The doctor, visibly shaken, handed the paper to Amanda and stepped back into the delivery room. Amanda could see him conferring with the other two physicians. The three turned away when they noted her gaze through the window.

Amanda knew that steps had already been taken to dispense with the trio of doctors once their usefulness had passed. It had. Whatever foreboding they had with the infant, or her, would disappear as they would. They would be erased from the world with no connection linking any acquaintance with anyone of concern.

Smiling to herself, she examined the birth certificate.

[MOTHER]......................................... Amanda Pale

[FATHER]........................................... Winston Lee

[DATE OF BIRTH]............................... June 30, 1967

[CHILD'S NAME]................................. Cancer


Author Notes Photo from

Chapter 18

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Sophia Pale was brutaly assaulted and her husband murdered. She became pregnant and moved in with her aunt, Amanda. One year later she was kidnapped by the same men again; raped in a bizarre ritual, and then arrested for murder. She was sent to prison and had another child. Amanda had adopted Sophia's children. Sophia met Diana in prison. Sophia and Diana are both sexually assaulted together in a similar ritual. Sophia met Linda of the Kolk and learned some things. Amanda headed to the prison to deal with Sophia and Linda. Diana and Linda left prison in different ways. Sophia left her body and joined the Kolk. Linda escaped from a hospital and later left her body to enter that of Amanda Lee's nurse, giving the Kolk access to the Magfas and the Pale Sisters. Diana gave birth to the third child, Cancer, to complete the Triad Queens of the Magfas.

Dr. Norris had conferred with both of his associates about the issue of this new baby, Cancer Pale, and the additional complexities of the birth that were not fully explained to the 'parents'.

"I am deeply concerned over the overt, radical behavior of Mrs. Pale," he said. "Her total lack of concern for the natural mother leads me to believe that this newborn infant and Miss Camp are both in peril. I believe we should inform the authorities of this situation immediately."

"Agreed," said Dr. Hite, as Dr. Goshin concurred with a nod.  They planned to jointly approach the local police department as well as the FBI.  

Dr. Norris added, "I believe it would be in the best interest of all that no mention of the oddity of the childbirth be reported to the family."

Shaking his head in agreement, Dr. Goshin examined the gleaned fetal tissue of the small frame. The remaining afterbirth would be given the routine inspection. None of them had ever seen anything like it before. A Siamese twin had died just prior to birth and had begun to detach itself from its sibling. So detached, that the minor scar left on the surviving twin was not uncommon to a regular single birth.

"I fear," said Dr. Norris, "that anything out of the ordinary may set the Pale woman against the infant."   He removed the deceased fetus from the remaining uterine waste and placed it in Dr. Hite's bag.

All three doctors checked the young mother over again before they left. They proceeded for the rear entrance of the mansion where an extended limousine was waiting in the back court.

Each had been picked up from their respective offices early the previous morning. None had an opportunity to contact their families or associates to tell them of their whereabouts.

The vehicle pulled away and was followed off the estate by a white paneled van. In the van were two men, two guns, and two shovels. 


Author Notes Thanks to Keri353 for the picture.

Chapter 19

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Sophia Pale was brutaly assaulted and her husband murdered. She became pregnant and moved in with her aunt, Amanda. One year later she was kidnapped by the same men again; raped in a bizarre ritual, and then arrested for murder. She was sent to prison and had another child. Amanda had adopted Sophia's children. Sophia met Diana in prison. Sophia and Diana are both sexually assaulted together in a similar ritual. Sophia met Linda of the Kolk and learned some things. Amanda headed to the prison to deal with Sophia and Linda. Diana and Linda left prison in different ways. Sophia left her body and joined the Kolk. Linda escaped from a hospital and later left her body to enter that of Amanda Lee's nurse, giving the Kolk access to the Magfas and the Pale Sisters. Diana gave birth to the third child, Cancer, to complete the Triad Queens of the Magfas. What the members of the Magfas don't know, is that Cancer is Kolk.

Victor Edam pondered the future as he and his son sat on the veranda and chatted. It had been a long road to where he was now. The dog eat dog world of the engineering business was one where Victor Edam, twenty years ago, had been a puppy.

After ten years in an engineering firm, he had tried to strike out on his own. He believed he had the ideas and know-how, but he lacked the inside track to the power people who made things happen. He needed assets and influence and had neither.

Then he met Chiffon Basil. She was a fine looking woman who possessed many qualities, not the least of which was a twenty million dollar inheritance and connections to insiders of industry. He romanced her until they finally married. Within a couple of years Victor Edam was a player in the industry and Chiffon was the mother of a healthy son.

Vincent had been sent to all the proper schools and had every opportunity given to excel. He responded well to all that he was exposed and developed into a well-rounded, highly intelligent, young man.

Chiffon Edam had always adored her son, but had fallen out of love with her husband many years ago. Once Vincent graduated from preparatory school and matriculated to Harvard, she made her divorce plans known to Victor. That is where Raleigh Sabre came into the picture.

Victor had met Raleigh as a teen when he entered the Magfas. He felt they were relatively good friends and shared many of their problems and solutions with each other. This was a problem about which Victor had approached Raleigh.

"She is still quite attractive, Raleigh, and I suspect there are men sniffing around already," said Victor, commiserating at Sabre's office.

"Where will you be left if she dumps you now?" asked Raleigh.

"I'm a realist, Raleigh," Victor said. "The Old Money that Chiffon connects me to controls many of the decisions for future considerations of one company or another. Without her as a visible sign of a link to that money, I don't feel that I would survive long. It's not that I really need her personally, as much as her public support and social appeal." 

"My advice to you is simple," said Raleigh, looking out a large window in his office. "Kill her."

Victor was not shocked to hear this from Raleigh. Eliminating people was something that Sabre did with alacrity and frequency. This was different though. He wrestled with the idea for a week until he contacted Sabre with the go-ahead. Way ahead on the plan, Raleigh already had an elevator pulley tampered with to simulate a manufacturing flaw. He had followed the expected ripple of insurances and suits until all had been prearranged to pay off when Mrs. Edam had her freak accident.

"Be out of town this weekend, Victor," directed Raleigh over the phone. Victor took the opportunity to visit Vincent at Harvard.

The next day, Raleigh called Chiffon.

"Well hello, Mrs. Edam," he said, greeting her over the phone. "Heard that Vic has gone off to visit Vinnie."  

"Really? I wondered where he'd disappeared."  

"I would like to see you for a chat at my office there in your town," he said.  "Remember it?"

"Well, yes, Raleigh. I do recall that office.  I'll see you at eight, perhaps."

"It's a date at eight," he said. "I'll see you there."

 When she arrived at the top of the twenty-eight story high rise and walked into Raleigh's private office, she was wearing a floor-length mink coat that she held together in the front with her hands. Once in the door, and seeing Raleigh was alone, she parted the coat to reveal that she was totally naked.

Chiffon and Raleigh had been having an on and off affair for years, but it had been four years since he was last with her.  None the less, they went a round on the bed in the adjoining office and Raleigh brought her to orgasm as Victor had never been able to do.

Later, Raleigh had clothes sent up for her to wear and had promised to meet her later at the apartment he kept downtown. She left by the elevator which, after reaching the twentieth floor, was sent free falling to the basement below.

Victor returned that afternoon to the news that his dear wife had been tragically killed in an elevator accident. He had successfully sidestepped his marital woes and continued in good stead with his contemporaries.

He was experiencing the greatest potential success of his career. This government contract was one that he felt would place his company firmly at the top of the industrial ladder. Along with the knowledge that the Magfas had provided, of the coming escalation of this Vietnam police action, and the probabilty of a nuclear deterent, he would become the premiere engineering industrialist in the world.

There was also Vincent, his real pride and joy above all else. He was delighted that his son had become such a fine young man. There was nothing he would not do for the boy. Nothing.


Author Notes Thanks to SirPurr for the photo.

Chapter 20
Free for Awhile

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Linda escapes from a hospital and later leaves her body to enter that of Amanda Lee's nurse, giving the Kolk access to the Magfas and the Pale Sisters. Amanda eliminates most of the rape squad except Olan Rawls who escapes. Diana gives birth to the third child, Cancer, to complete the Triad Queens of the Magfas. Now Amanda and the Magfas have the Pale Sisters, the Kolk is entrenched in the center of the Magfas in the host body of Emily Pollar, Diana is back in prison to be murdered, and Sheriff Olan Rawls, a former Magfas member, is out for revenge against Amanda Pale.

Diana Camp had been recovering for three days and was finally able to move about her sectioned-off part of the mansion. She had just finished dressing when Amanda Pale walked into the room.

"You know, you probably wouldn't break a nail if you knocked on a door before you entered," Diana said with a scowl.

"Pack your belongings quickly," came Amanda directly, disregarding Diana's snide remark. "You will be leaving immediately."

"Where is Mr. Edam?" she asked. "Or Mr. Sabre?"

"Neither can be bothered with you now," she snapped. "And this is my home and you are to leave at once."

"What about the baby?" she demanded, her maternal instincts overriding her knowledge that the child would never be hers.

"Pack now!" Amanda barked, and left the room in a huff.

Diana did pack what little she had and left by the back door. There she saw her BelAir sitting in the circle drive. The keys were in the ignition and an envelope was on the seat. Getting in she opened the envelope and found five thousand dollars. There was also an address of an apartment building in the city. She pulled away and headed for the uptown address.

She had no sooner settled in her room when there came a knock on the door. Opening the door she was knocked back by ambitious officers who grabbed and slammed her to the floor.

"Diana Camp," said one officer as he snapped the handcuffs on her wrists and behind her back. "You are under arrest for the murder of Bobby Nell. You have the right to remain silent..."

The two officers raised Diana to her feet and began shoving her out of the room and to the elevator. She saw one of the men push her envelope with the five grand into his inner breast pocket. Knowing she had been set up and how thorough the Magfas was, she was probably already guilty and convicted before she ever left the mansion.


Author Notes Thanks to dodgement for the photo

Chapter 20
Diana and The Return of Olan Rawls

By Bill Schott

Sophia Pale is raped and her husband murdered. She becomes pregnant and moves in with her aunt, Amanda. One year later she is kidnapped by the same men again; raped in a bizarre ritual, and then arrested for murder. She is sent to prison and has another child. Amanda, meanwhile, has adopted Sophia's children, Virgo and Libra. Sophia meets Diana in prison. Sophia and Diana are raped again in a similar ritual (which involves a human sacrifice and a group insemination). Sophia meets Linda of the Kolk (a spirit race without bodies who use hosts to get around) and learns about a secret cult known as Magfas. Amanda heads to the prison to deal with Sophia and Linda. Diana and Linda leave prison in different ways. Sophia leaves her body and joins the Kolk. Linda escapes from a hospital and later leaves her body to enter that of Amanda Lee's nurse, giving the Kolk access to the Magfas and the Pale Sisters. Amanda eliminates most of the rape squad except Olan Rawls who escapes. Diana gives birth to the third child, Cancer, to complete the Triad Queens of the Magfas. Now Amanda and the Magfas have the Pale Sisters, the Kolk have infiltrated the Magfas in the host body of Emily Pollar, Diana will be headed back in prison to be murdered, and Sheriff Olan Rawls, a former Magfas member, is out for revenge against Amanda Pale. Welcome to THE PALE SISTERS. Happy days! Bill

Diana Camp had been recovering for three days and was finally able to move about her sectioned-off part of the mansion. She had just finished dressing when Amanda Pale walked into the room.

"You know, you probably wouldn't break a nail if you knocked on a door before you entered," Diana said with a scowl.

"Pack your belongings quickly," came Amanda directly, disregarding Diana's snide remark. "You will be leaving immediately."

"Where is Mr. Edam?" she asked. "Or Mr. Sabre?"

"Neither can be bothered with you now," she snapped. "And this is my home and you are to leave at once."

"What about the baby?" she demanded, her maternal instincts overriding her knowledge that the child would never be hers.

"Pack now!" Amanda barked, and left the room in a huff.

Diana did pack what little she had and left by the back door. There she saw her BelAir sitting in the circle drive. The keys were in the ignition and an envelope was on the seat. Getting in she opened the envelope and found five thousand dollars. There was also an address of an apartment building in the city. She pulled away and headed for the uptown address.

She had no sooner settled in her room when there came a knock on the door. Opening the door she was knocked back by ambitious officers who grabbed and slammed her to the floor.

"Diana Camp," said one officer as he snapped the handcuffs on her wrists and behind her back. "You are under arrest for the murder of Bobby Nell."

The two officers raised Diana to her feet and began shoving her out of the room and to the elevator. She saw one of the men push her envelope with the five grand into his inner breast pocket. Knowing she had been set up and how thorough the Magfas was, she was probably already guilty and convicted before she ever left the mansion.

Ernesto Rivera was about to enter his shower when he heard a scream coming from his bedroom. Rushing out with his robe thrown open, he saw, standing by the young girl whom he had left lying in bed, Olan Rawls.

The thin, shapely, blue-eyed girl had pinned herself against the headboard and was pulling the sheet up around her naked body, until only her page-boy cut brown hair and reddened face were exposed.

"She's a real eye catcher there, Ernester," said the bearded, black-haired man with a slight smile. His partial grin was made menacing by the drooping brow over the eyeless socket in his head. "Bet 'er mama's happier 'n heck ya agreed ta babysit 'er."

Ernesto was frozen with shock. He had originally brought Olan Rawls into the Magfas seven years ago. He had him and three other genetically correct followers, Bobby, Whitey, and Lou, attached to Amanda Pale to perform the insemination and ritual of Sophia Pale. He knew that they would eventually be terminated, and had called in his marker on Michaels to get the job done. He was surprised when he heard that Michaels had been killed and that Rawls had disappeared. Now, he was in fear of his life that he knew was definitely in peril.

"What do you want, Rawls?" he asked, trying to cover, hoping the large, grotesque-looking man would believe that he knew nothing of the attempt on his life. "Where have you been? Why did you kill Whitey and that doctor at the hospital?"

Olan began to chuckle as he slowly moved away from the girl and around the bed. "Y'know," he said, as he passed around the foot of the mattress, "that big ol' boy what wrung Whitey's neck and tried killin' me, was loaded. By gum, he had a wad a hunna dolla bills -- woulda took a sack a kittens ta the bottom of a crick."

"What has that to do with me?" insisted Ernesto, still hoping to convince the black-haired ogre that he was unaware of any plot to kill him.

"Well'," Olan went on, "believe it or not, there was still room in that there wallet for a couple pictures a some ladies, and a wee litta address book."

Moving backwards slowly, Ernesto felt himself shaking as the huge man grew nearer.

"Guess whose name 'n number was right there on the first page a that there book?" Olan asked, as he came up on the shorter man, now pinned to the wall, beside the entrance to the bathroom.

Ernesto tried to form a word of any kind with his mouth, but couldn't.

Olan spun around to see that the naked girl was desperately trying to open the door of the bedroom to get out. She looked back over her shoulder to see Olan quickly moving towards her, with Rivera, under his arm in a neck lock, in tow.

She tried to scream, but a slap across the head from Olan's hand sent her to the floor dazed.

Olan reached down and grabbed the girl's arm, then dragged her back to the bathroom door. Picking her up to her feet, he pushed her, still dazed, into the washroom.

"Ya bes' lock that there door, Litta Missy," warned Olan, " les ya wanna end up ahurtin' like ol' Nester here."

The girl grabbed the door with both hands and slammed it shut. Olan heard the lock close behind it.

"Looks like it's jes you 'n me, Amigo," Olan said, as he pulled the trembling man up to face him. "What say we have us a time."


Chapter 21
Heidi and Queen Deana

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Holy Heidi stood up from where she had been kneeling between Warden Dag's legs, and wiped her mouth with the cuff of her prison shirt. 

"What do you think my chances of parole are, Warden?" she asked, with a questioning, innocent expression on her face. "I've been good, haven't I?" 

Warden Dag smiled, with a toothy grin, as he zipped up his fly. "Oh, yes, Heidi; you have been VERY good." 

"I know this will only be my first hearing," she said, looking down to the floor. "but if I can render the same blessing that I have been giving you, perhaps they will let me go." 

"I am certain they would be very receptive, said the Warden, "and there would be no doubt that someone would be let go, to be sure." 

"I was told by Billy - er - I mean, one of the guards, that I was going to get a new cell mate today . Do you know who that will be?" 

"Why, no," said the Warden, lying. "That is the Chief of Security's area of control." 

"I hope it's someone nice," she said, smiling. "I had become very close to that other girl. She liked getting the blessing too." 

A knock came at the door, and a guard entered to take Heidi to her cell. "See you again soon, Warden Dag," she said sweetly, as she exited the room. 

"Good-bye, Heidi," said the Warden flatly as he turned to the filing cabinet behind his desk. Reaching in, he pulled Heidi's file and laid it on his desk. He inspected the blank forms that he would be filling in soon. They were all there. The secretary was to report in early tomorrow morning, and she would be able to get them filled in right away. 

The Warden thought it a shame that Heidi's parole board hearing had come up so soon. He had grown very accustomed to receiving the 'blessing' on such a regular basis, but he really couldn't allow the woman to tell the board any of the things she and the Warden had done, alone in his office, over the last five years. She couldn't be allowed to see the parole board members. He had taken steps to prevent it, as Heidi would soon become aware. 

Billy Lewis had been a prison guard for two years. The first couple of months on duty he had been a little green. After a few bouts with the inmates, he became a tougher, more confident officer. He had learned how to gather inside-prison information and where and when to have sex with selected inmates.

He acted as a double agent between the inmates and the Warden, with his real loyalty going to the latter. The women considered him a friend, in the ranks of the altogether untrustworthy prison officials.

Sex was scheduled on a regular basis with four of the women in cell block six, with an occasional romp with an older inmate in cell block eight. That woman was Heidi Lake. She considered sex an offering of blessing to the participants, and had become quite fond of blessing Billy.

Another change had come over the Billy Lewis who first started working as a prison guard. He had lost the spark of compassion that people inherently possessed, that would allow one to empathize with others and not wish them any undue pain. He had become cold and calculating; his once genuine good nature had become a tool to get what he wanted. He had no concern for anyone but himself.

He was taking Heidi back to her cell, after her visit with the Warden. Stopping three stalls away from Heidi's cell, he contacted the controller and asked for the cell to be unlocked. The controller's response was followed by the clang of the door latch.

"Go ahead, Heidi," he said. "Go ahead and let yourself in tonight."

"Gee, Billy," she said, "this is a little different from the regular way this is done. Won't you come and introduce me to my new roommate?"

"I think you know her," said the freckled, red-headed guard with a smile. "Now go ahead and enter."

Heidi smiled at Billy. It was a warm smile that turned to a nervous one as Billy avoided making eye contact with her. She walked down the three cell lengths and grabbed the bars to open the door. The lights were out inside, so Heidi called back to have them turned on. Billy stared at her now with a look she had never seen in HIS eyes before. It was the look she saw in the prisoners' eyes every day, the look of utter emptiness. No soul. No heart.

She stepped into the cell and closed it behind her. The bang of the latch scared her, and she began to shake. She felt the sudden pangs of despair and abandonment.

"Hey, Chicky-babe!" came the unmistakable, foghorn-through-a gravel-pit voice from behind her.

Heidi spun around and threw her back against the bars, wishing she could, somehow, push herself through them. The voice she had heard sent a dagger of terror into her brain. Quivering uncontrollably, tears began streaming down her face. From the darkened cell corner, towards her, stepped the grotesque figure of Queen Deana. She was the most feared inmate in the prison; feared by all.

Queen Deana had supposedly been placed in permanent solitary confinement for the sake of everyone. She was six feet, four inches tall and weighed over two hundred and fifty pounds. Her head was shaved, revealing a large skull, with worms crawling through it, tattooed from the top center of her large, square, fleshy pate, to just below her black eyebrows. Multiple scars crisscrossed her nose, cheeks, and chin. Her teeth were pitted and brown from her constant use of tobacco and the absence of dental work. It had only taken one dentist to lose the use of an index finger to the powerful jaws of the wild woman, for the Warden to refuse her ever seeing one again. Her nose seemed to run with a post-nasal drip all the time. She wiped it with her sleeve as she did her face, which was also always wet. Dead gray eyes stabbed the spear of fear into anyone who caught her gaze.

Without a word, the huge woman grabbed Heidi by both sides of her head and jammed her lips onto hers. Heidi was paralyzed with fear and praying for air. Deana pulled her face away, but held fast to the shivering woman's head. Heidi's lip was split and running with blood.

With a voice that sounded like the shallow roar of a lion, and breath like a septic tank, the ogre whispered, "I'm gonna do you good, Sweetmeat. Then I'm gonna kill ya."

Heidi's face streamed with tears as she trembled and whimpered.

"Do ya wanna die fast?" she asked, twisting the frightened woman's head to an angle. "Or slow?"

Heidi couldn't open her eyes to look at the ferocious monster. Her bowels emptied into her clothes as she formed the word on her lips and whispered, "Fast."

Queen Deana pulled Heidi to her face again and ran her huge tongue up the woman's chin, cheek, and eye. She continued the slimy movement to Heidi's ear and whispered, "Then this should only take a few hours."

Billy could hear the screams for two or three hours as he toured the cell blocks. For two more hours, only moaning was heard. By one a.m., he could hear the sound of snoring coming from the cell, as he passed by. He would wait until the morning tour with the others, to inspect the cell more closely. He was hungry now. It was time to eat his sandwich.


Chapter 22

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong sexual content.

Holy Heidi stood up from where she had been kneeling between Warden Dag's legs, and wiped her mouth with the cuff of her prison shirt.

"What do you think my chances of parole are, Warden?" she asked, with a questioning, innocent expression on her face. "I've been good, haven't I?"

Warden Dag smiled, with a toothy grin, as he zipped up his fly. "Oh, yes, Heidi; you have been VERY good."

"I know this will only be my first hearing," she said, looking down to the floor. "but if I can render the same blessing that I have been giving you, perhaps they will let me go."

"I am certain they would be very receptive, allowed the Warden, "and there would be no doubt that someone would be let go, to be sure."

"I was told by Billy - er - I mean, one of the guards, that I was going to get a new cell mate today," she stated. "Do you know who that will be?"

"Why, no," said the Warden, lying. "That is the Chief of Security's area of control."

"I hope it's someone nice," she said, smiling. "I had become very close to that other girl. She liked getting the blessing too."

A knock came at the door, and a guard entered to take Heidi to her cell. "See you again soon, Warden Dag," she said sweetly, as she exited the room.

"Good-bye, Heidi," said the Warden flatly as he turned to the filing cabinet behind his desk. Reaching in, he pulled Heidi's file and laid it on his desk. He inspected the blank forms that he would be filling in soon. They were all there. The secretary was to report in early tomorrow morning, and she would be able to get them filled in right away.

The Warden thought it a shame that Heidi's parole board hearing had come up so soon. He had grown very accustomed to receiving the 'blessing' on such a regular basis, but he really couldn't allow the woman to tell the board any of the things she and the Warden had done, alone in his office, over the last five years. She couldn't be allowed to see the parole board members. He had taken steps to prevent it, as Heidi would soon become aware.

Chapter 22
Lee Library

By Bill Schott

She had begun early that morning, so by two p.m. , Virgo Pale was reading the last page of Tolstoy's War and Peace.

"It has to be so," she whispered to no one. She had finished the collected works of Shakespeare, the Encyclopedia Britannica, and half of the smaller books in the library of the Lee estate.

Beatrice was more and more amazed with the three-year-old as the days passed. There was no subject that did not interest the child, and no text too long or lofty for her to understand. Since she had completed reading the multiple volumes of the Oxford Dictionary, she was in full understanding of the literature she consumed. She would tell Beatrice about each book she had read, and commit it all to memory. She would shortly have the full knowledge of the entire Lee library.

Her two-year-old sister, Libra, was also a source of continued amazement. She was now playing complicated pieces fluidly on both the piano and violin. When she drew pictures, they were measured and proportional. Her detailing brought them near a mirror image. She, too, was a voracious reader, but more interested in math and science books, than stories. Libra could perform mathematical equations breaching on unknown variable solutions.

Both children spoke loquaciously and with elevated vocabularies; this pushed them past precocious and into the realm of the surreal. Beatrice could only wonder if the infant, Cancer, would develop with such advanced aptitude.

Emily Pollar knew the answer to that question already. Cancer would be just as gifted as her siblings, and just as powerful. The children were already drawing on the ambient energies that surrounded them and had directed them towards their physical and mental enhancements. They were at the final physiological stage of the genetic compatibility with the natural powers of the physical world. From this point, the fight to keep them from advancing to the ultimate beings that they had the potential of becoming would initiate.

Foiling the schemes of the Magfas was the primary necessity. Then, the measured revealing of the girls' possible destinies could begin. In this, the Kolk had planted a key ally in the embodiment of Cancer Pale. Within another few months, the force that had infiltrated her genetic code would be able to net with the entirety of the Kolk's ethereal intelligentsia. Then, the preparations could begin in earnest.

Author Notes "It has to be so." Last line from War and Peace.
Photo from Google.

Chapter 23

By Bill Schott

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

Synopsis up to now:

Sophia marries her childhood sweetheart, Jay Pale

He is soon murdered and she raped.

She moves in with her aunt, Amanda, and has a child, Virgo.

Sophia is raped again, accused of murder, sentenced to prison, and has another child, Libra.

In prison Sophia meets Holly Heidi, Queen Deana, Looney Linda, and Diana Camp.

Sophia learns that Linda is of a group called Kolk, that Jay was murdered by a group known as the Magfas (of which her aunt is a member), Diana trades sex and a murder (for the Magfas) for her freedom.

Sophia dies in prison.

Focus shifts to Linda who escapes prison, pursued by the Magfas.

Linda 'dies' and transfers her collective Kolk essence to Emily Pollar, a nanny within the Magfas(who control Sophia's two girls).

Focus shifts to Diana who delivers a child within the Magfas mansion and is then framed for a murder and returned to prison (but not before meeting and leaving an impression on Vincent Edam).

Amanda has eliminated the rape squad and others who would be links to the Magfas. Olan Rawls survives, however, and is out for revenge against the Magfas.

The prison warden, another Magfas member, has orchestrated rapes and murders within the prison and is now after Diana Camp.


Vincent Edam's meeting with his father was not an enjoyable one for either party.

"There's no way I'm buying that you don't know more about Diana's situation," insisted Vincent.

"I swear on your mother's soul that I was only trying to help out a kid in trouble," returned Victor. "She simply chose a dark road of deceit and murder. I'm not discussing her any further and I am pleading with you to forget her. She's trash, and has been dumped where trash goes."

"Bullshit!" blurted Vincent, using a word he'd never actually uttered before, and certainly never expected to shout at his father. "There is no way I'll ever accept that. I'm simply dumbfounded at your attitude. I'm literally shocked by your apathy and apparent choice to feign ignorance."

"Vincent -"

"Save it, Mr. Edam!" he interrupted. "Mr. Too-Important-to Care. I'll find out what's going on myself."

With that, Vincent stormed out of his father's office went straight to the city newspaper. Once there he found that the murder had not reached any further notoriety than to be pushed onto the fourth page at the fold of the paper. He was beginning to see that there was a lot of suppression of this case and that he would get nowhere asking for cooperation.

He returned to his father's office, when only the secretary was there, and was admitted. While there he rifled through his father's personal files in search of anything concerning Diana Camp. There were copies of documents that painted an appealing background for the woman, but ended with a copy of her birth certificate. She was the daughter of a Jason and Natalie Camp of Baltimore, Maryland.

The next morning, Vincent drove to the Hall of Records in Washington, D.C. to find out more about her parents. What he found was - nothing. There was never a birth to this couple, or a record of their existence anywhere.

Convinced that the only way to resolve this issue in his own mind was to talk to Diana, he returned to his car and headed for the state penitentiary.


Diana Camp was working in the laundry as she pondered the irony of her life. She had killed a man and been sent to prison. That made some sense. Then, she had killed another man to be released from prison. Now, she had killed no one and been sent back to prison. She was resigned to the idea that she would never see the outside of this place again. She figured she wouldn't be alive much longer either.

She was shaken from her thoughts by the deafening sound of the general alarm. Abiding with prison procedures, she reported to the shift guard for escort back to her cell.

The alarm startled Vincent Edam as well, who had just shaken hands with Warden Dag in his office.

"You'll have to excuse me, Vincent," stated the Warden. "I'll need to find out what this is all about."

Warden Dag left Vincent in his office and headed for the Security Chief's hut. He knew full well what the alarm was for, and what was to follow.

The morning guards had stopped out in front of a cell on cell-block six, because of a stream of blood that was coming from within that space. Looking in they beheld the ghastly sight of Queen Deana, pushing what had to be a severed head between her legs.

Two guards, using tranquiller guns, shot darts at the monstrous woman. They didn't seem to have any effect on her. She was angered by them though, and charged the cell door. The guards jumped back, apparently believing that it was possible for the woman to knock it down. A moment later, two more guards arrived with similar guns and shot her in both the throat and leg. She finally fell to the blood-covered floor.

All four guards entered the cell and began shackling the huge female, while two more showed up to assist in carrying the hulk out and to maximum security. What was left in the cell were the remains of Heidi Lake. Atrocities to her breasts and vaginal area were readily apparent. Her headless torso had been crushed into a sack of broken bones and souse.

Warden Dag arrived and was shaken by the sight of Heidi's body. He had not anticipated it being as horrifying as it was. This would, however, make his petition to have Queen Deana Darkle transferred to a high-security prison for the criminally insane a foregone conclusion.

When he returned to his office, he was still left with the decision to either turn Vincent away and contact his father, or allow him to see the girl. He knew that Victor had not wanted his son involved in the dynamics of the Irsdan. So he knew that Vincent's interest in the Camp woman was not in the interest of the Magfas. There was a chance that she could reveal what she knew or suspected to Vincent before she could be silenced. This might bring him into the mix as a new and radical element with which to deal.

Begging for time to handle the terrible tragedy, the Warden asked Vincent to return the next day and he would grant him time to interview Miss Camp. Vincent relented and agreed to return the next day

Warden Dag could now implement phase two of his plan.


Billy Lewis had been sent by the Warden to deliver a message to Queen Deana, who was back in her solitary confinement cell. The woman had been chained to the opposite wall, but Billy still had his spare revolver out just in case.

Deana laughed when she saw it, knowing it was a .38 caliber. She had stopped dozens of those low-caliber bullets in her tough hide, and had still survived to kill the ones who shot her. She enjoyed the fact that the world lived in mortal terror of her.

"Hi, Deana," said Billy nervously. "I have a message from Warden Dag for you."

"Is that it in your hand?" she asked, with a grunting chortle.

"No," he grinned, still nervous but somewhat surprised that the creature had a sense of humor. "It's about his deal with you to get out of here."

"I'm out of here tomorrow, fish-bait!" she roared, lurching forward and sending Billy jumping back to the wall behind him, where he assumed a shaking, two-handed pistol stance.

Deana laughed out loud to see the cretin quiver.

"Y-yeah, Deana, yeah," he agreed, trying to regain his composure to some degree. "There's just one more little thing he wants you to do before you go."

"Don't tell me," she laughed. "The old fossil wants to knock off a piece of my tail before I'm out of reach."

The thought nearly gagged the young guard. "No. He has one more inmate that he needs you to deal with."

Queen Deana grinned and said, "You tell Foster that I'll be happy to kill every living thing in this pop-stand, all the way up to when I'm being driven out of here. I'll even take two or three along to play with on the trip."

"Then this is what will happen," Billy went on, still pointing the revolver. "You'll be taken out through the laundry to the truck in the south court. You will break free of the escort and go on a rampage through the surrounding area. You'll eventually surrender, but not until after you've killed Diana Camp."

"Are you going to paint a sign on this bone?" she asked with a dead-eye stare. "Or do I just break all the honeys in half 'til I pick a winner."

"I'll be standing beside her so you'll know who she is." replied Billy.

Deana smiled. She really liked this idea of one last frolic before hitting the road. "Tell the Wart that I'll do it," she stated.

Billy nodded and backed out of the area, breathing a sigh of relief.

Author Notes Thanks to Bertodi for the cool art.

Chapter 24
Eve of the Irsdan

By Bill Schott

Clay Curtis, head of the homicide division, had never seen anything like it. Reporting to a call from a neighboring condominium, the police had broken down the door of the next unit, belonging to Ernesto Rivera. Once inside, they were confronted with a grisly scene. There was a man lying on the bed; a long slash began at his chin and ran down to his chest, bisecting his throat. There were more than fifty other slashes all over his body. The coroner would eventually state that most of the butchering occurred while the victim was alive.

A sixteen-year-old-girl was found cowering in the bathroom. She had listened for hours to the screams of agony coming from the adjoining room. She was taken to police headquarters for questioning. Later, in his office, he ran through his telephone listing and placed a call to Cyril Blaise. He would be vitally interested in this murder investigation, as his teenaged daughter was an eye witness.

One hour later, Cyril Blaise entered the office of Raleigh Sabre. Winston Lee, Victor Edam, and Amanda Lee were there waiting.

"What in the world is going on!" exclaimed Cy. "Why was Cybil with Rivera; and who killed him?"

"We're not sure on any of it, Cy," said Winston, with concern. "We weren't aware that Ernesto and Sybil even knew each other."

"We think that he was killed by Olan Rawls," offered Raleigh. "We missed him on the cleanup and he may be out to get us."

"He could have killed my Cybil!" shouted Cy, losing his usually unflappable composure. "It's amazing that the filthy scum let her live."

"It's a wonder he let her go unscathed," injected Amanda, "even if he hadn't known who she was. He obviously did not, or it is easily assumable that he would have butchered her like he did Ernesto."

"We have a lock on all of Ernesto's contacts and 'on-decks'," stated Raleigh flatly. "We can overcome his loss."

"If Amanda had done her part," accused Cy, "this would never have happened."

"Let's not lose our heads, Cy," said Winston, defending his wife. "We are all doing our jobs and can handle anything that arises."

"Ernesto's people are tracking down Rawls as we speak," stated Amanda. "We should have news on him soon."

"What am I to do about Cybil?' asked Cy.

"I will pick her up," suggested Amanda. "Clay Curtis knows me and there will be no problem."

"I should go and get her!" insisted Cy, still blaming Amanda's mishandling of her responsibilities for this drastic turn of events. "She needs me right now."

"I need to find out what my son is doing, too," added Victor Edam. "He has gotten wrapped up with this Diana Camp and is asking too many questions."

"The Camp woman will no longer be a problem as of tomorrow morning," stated Amanda. "She will be terminated by eight a. m. There's no need to concern ourselves with her again."

"We need you both here," stated Raleigh. "The Triumphad must be established within the next three days. We have no time to handle any other concerns but that."

"I'll go now," stated Amanda; with a touch on Winston Lee's hand, she turned and headed out the door.

"Winston," directed Raleigh, "it's time to get the girls positioned. We are still on a time line here and need to stay focused on our goal. Nothing can be allowed to interrupt our plans. The time is at hand for the Irsdan."

Winston nodded agreement and, motioning to Cy and Victor, the three left to make the preparations for transport.

Once alone in his office, Raleigh Sabre looked out his broad picture window that overlooked the city and smiled. The minds of his associates were like open books to him. He knew their fears, hopes, schemes, and personal agendas. Of him, they all knew only what he had told them, or what he had allowed them to 'discover'. They did not really know who he was. They didn't know where he had actually come from, or why.

Soon though, they would all become aware of who Raleigh Sabre really was. The world would know.


Clay Curtis, Cybil Blaise, and Amanda Lee all stood in the Chief of Homicide Investigations office. Cybil had given the description of Ernesto's murderer, and both Clay and Amanda knew that it was definitely Olan Rawls.

When pressed about why she had been in Ernesto Rivera's bedroom, she stated that she had fallen in love with him over a period of time in which he had been working with a group of young people like her. The fact that there was forty years difference in their ages had not posed a problem for her, and if there were legal problems with the affair between a sixteen-year-old and a fifty-five-year-old lover, they were certainly moot now.

Clay assured Amanda that all records of Cybil's involvement in the murder had been deleted and, with the description of Rawls, they had enough to go on without putting the girl in the picture at all.

That done, the women left the police station and returned to Amanda's car.

"Were you able to get the information we needed?" asked Amanda of the girl as they pulled out into the city traffic.

"No," answered the girl, as she ignited a cigarette. "By the end of the night I may have, but that yeti ruined everything. I thought for sure he was going to kill me too; or worse."

"It's amazing that he didn't," said the redhead. "It's not like Olan to pass up a chance to have a pretty, young girl like you."

"I was so scared!" she exclaimed. "It was bad enough to have to let that old fart huff and puff and jam his salami into me. Then I thought I was going to get raped by that awful thing that killed him. Then get chopped up."

"He may not have known any more than Winston does," said Amanda. "Raleigh has buried himself in a mountain of secrets that will take some time to excavate. Perhaps it's time that I started working on your father."

The thought of Amanda and her father put a deeper draw in her breath. She could picture the two, soaked in sweat and writhing in ecstasy. She could see Amanda, as she had before, naked and lying seductively on a bed. Her firm body and soft skin never belying her mature years. She was a fine woman and an excellent lover.

"Let's stop somewhere," Cybil suggested, with her breathing becoming rapid and shallow, as she placed her hand on Amanda's thigh. "Let's stop at a motel."

Amanda looked down at the young girl's hand and up to meet her eyes. She looked at the dashboard clock and thought of their schedule. She then began looking for a motel sign.

Winston Lee had double-checked the expeditions' schedules and had made the final calls that would confirm them. His mission was to get one of the Pale sisters to Antarctica, and to the exact location for the greatest refraction. All was ready.

Cyril Blaise had confirmed his expedition to the summit of Mt. McKinley. The trace had been planned and all that remained was to begin the ascent with one of the little queens. He would have to make it there in what would be a record climb, with a young child in tow.

Victor Edam had arranged for his caravan to leave on schedule. The location of his final destination, in the middle of the Sahara Desert was verified.

Soon they would leave to change everything. Soon, it would the time of the Irsdan.


Chapter 25
The Escape

By Bill Schott

The story so far:
Sophia marries her childhood sweetheart, Jay Pale, who belongs to a  group known as The Kolk. He is soon murdered and she raped by members of another group known as Magfas.
She moves in with her aunt, Amanda, also a secret member of Magfas, and has a child, Virgo.
Sophia is raped again, accused of murder, sentenced to prison, and has another child, Libra. Her girls are both adopted by her husband's aunt, Amanda, who has plans for them.
In prison Sophia meets Holly Heidi, Queen Deana, Looney Linda (Kolk member), and Diana Camp (used by Magfas).
Sophia is absorbed by the Kolk through Linda and is dead. Focus shifts to Linda.
Linda escapes prison, dies, and transfers her Kolk essense into Emily Pollar, a nanny within the Magfas (who control Sophia's two girls). Focus shifts to Diana.
She is freed from prison and delivers a third Magfas-implanted child within the Magfas mansion. She's then framed for a murder and returned to prison, but not before meeting and leaving an impression on Vincent Edam (whose father is a secret member of Magfas).
Amanda has eliminated the rape squad, which she had assembled,  and in the process used those deaths to frame both Sophia and Diana.
Olan Rawls, the squad leader, survives, however, and is out for revenge against Magfas.
The prison warden, another Magfas member, has orchestrated rapes and murders within the prison and is now out to kill Diana Camp, using another prisoner, Queen Deana.

Warden Dag was standing outside the solitary confinement cell as the eight guards readied Queen Deana Darkle for transport.

Billy Lewis was checking over the locks on the three harnesses that held the woman's arms against her waist. He tested the leg irons to assure they would be performing their hobbling effect. He tightened the muzzle over Deana's head, making sure she was not a danger to anyone.

Finishing his inspection, he once again checked the handcuffs which held her to the torso strappings. As he did, he slipped the key to them into Deana's left hand.

With a nod to the others, she was taken from the cell and down the passageway that led to the laundry and out of the prison.

By the time they reached the laundry, Deana had unlocked the third set of handcuffs. Billy had been shielding this activity from the other guards.

Reaching the center of the laundry, Billy walked to the left and halted beside Diana Camp, who was working at the steam press.
"Looks like you missed a wrinkle, darlin'," he said, forcing a half smile.
Diana smiled back, thinking how nice it would be to hold Billy Bullshit's head under the press.

The warden had shortened his steps since the procession of guards and the prisoner had slowed to a crawl, with the rear gate bars in view.

Deana could see where Billy stood and was aware the time had come for her mock escape attempt. Swinging her arms apart with a roar, she freed herself from the arm barriers and began charging towards the woman at the laundry press, ankles ripping as they strained against the failing leg irons.

Diana had heard the commotion when it had begun and stared at the hulk as she came closer and closer.  Billy stood with a pensive smile and made no attempt to stop the wild woman.

Just as the huge, muzzled, monster was about to grab Diana, an explosion occurred on the giant's back. A divot of flesh was ripped from her shoulder by a bullet from one of the escorting guards.

She spun around to see that the others were pointing their shotguns and revolvers at her. Warden Dag grabbed at the barrels close to him and looked towards the shackled woman with an expression he hoped would convey his surprise at the shooting.

It was not registering with Deana. Her mind was engorged with the animal instincts that had served her through a lifetime of such situations; the instinct that had left her alive and so many others dead.

She turned towards Billy Lewis, who froze in place like a skinny deer seeing headlights of an oncoming truck.  Deana grabbed the young guard by the arm with which he had been fumbling for a holstered gun, and jerked him towards her. She twisted it around backwards, hearing it snap in two places.
"Oh, God!" he screamed, as she pulled the frightened guard in front of her.

The other seven guards began to rush, and were almost to where she was holding him.
Diana dropped to the floor and hid behind the press, as the guards were, at last, all about the woman.

Dag came from the rear and produced a pistol of his own from his coat pocket. It was a throw-away, twenty-two caliber hand gun that he had brought in case of such a problem. He had hoped to have it found on Diana, if he had to shoot the girl himself.
His plan had been for Queen Deana to kill the Camp woman and then be shot by the guards. She was too dangerous a thing to have free in the world. Now, though, he would have to think on his feet. Deana may have to be killed now and Diana Camp later, with the final report being edited to read the way it had been intended to occur.

As the guards surrounded her, Deana pulled the young guard she had captured up to act as a buffer to their initial assault. He took the first rifle butt to the chest, but wasn't as effective as she had hoped. Thinking she would be better off attacking and taking her chances, she wrapped her arm around Billy's head and snapped his neck. In almost the same motion she raised his body up and threw it at the guards. Three of them fell back with the lifeless body as she grabbed two more.

One guard pulled the trigger on his shotgun, hoping to knock the woman back for a second blast. Deana's hold on him had canted the weapon, however, so the blast, although taking a scoop of flesh off the woman's chest, was directed mostly at his fellow guard's head.

Deana threw down the guard with the shredded mass of pulp that was his face and head and grabbed the one who had shot her with both arms.

As another jammed his shotgun into her side, two more, with clubs, jumped onto her back.
She smashed the shotgun barrel into the face of the guard she held, gouging the meat of his cheek from his head and sending it to the floor ahead of the disfigured man.

A second shot went into her ribs and tore a foot square area of muscle from her side and back, cracking the third and fourth ribs at the blast point.

She brought her shotgun back and rammed it into the shooter's temple, popping an eye from its socket and sending him dead to the floor.

The guards on her back were quickly flipped over to land on the floor in front of her. Flaming pellets, bursting from the shotgun's barrel that she held, took away the top of one of their heads. The other guard had managed to roll away and regroup with the remaining five. Together they had two shotguns, three revolvers, and a nightstick. Warden Dag stood, where he had remained, several feet behind them.

Looking to her left, she saw the woman that Billy had identified as the one that the warden wanted killed. She grinned as the ironic thought that she was still unscathed made its way through her brain.

That grin disappeared along with the muzzle and the jaw to which it was strapped, as a shotgun blast ripped the lower part of her face and half her throat away. She spun to face away and dropped to one knee, as she watched the blood shoot out to the floor in front of her.

She quickly rose and turned again towards the guards, who began backing away in terror, as the bloodied creature ran towards them. One guard finally raised his shotgun and fired. Deana threw her left arm up, which was separated at the elbow with an explosion of blood and lead.

Charging through the wall of bowel-evacuated guards, she moved hurriedly towards her goal. As she grew closer, the warden raised the pistol and aimed at the gory mountain's head. One shot rang out and a bullet ripped a red channel from the woman's right cheek to bisect her ear. A second report from the small pistol hit high on her left forehead and bounced off her skull. There would be no more shots from the pistol, as the hand that held it was now in the grip of Queen Deana.

The warden fell to his knees as the woman crushed his hand in hers. She ran her knee into his chest, knocking him to his back on the cold, gray floor. Stepping onto his face, the enormous woman heaved all of her weight onto that leg, until she could feel the head below her foot collapse as the warden's skull caved in.

An eternity of seconds seemed to pass by until a blast knocked her forward forming a crater below her right shoulder. She then turned to face the remaining guards, a pistol and a former warden's ripped off finger in the grasp of her remaining hand. A final fulmination on her chest, caused by a guard's discharging weapon, exploded the heart beneath it.
Her arms flew out in front of her and the pistol flew past the guards and rattled across the laundry floor to stop in front of Diana Camp, still hidden behind the clothes press.

The guards watched the behemoth fall back and crash to the floor dead, as Diana reached down and picked up the pistol. She stuffed it down her trousers and slowly rose, now that the shooting had stopped.

The laundry was soon flooded with guards; one grabbed Diana and moved her towards the door and back to her cell.


Author Notes Picture from Google

Chapter 26
The Release

By Bill Schott

Previously, in an effort to get rid of Diana Camp, Warden Dag orchestrated an attempted prison escape which went wrong and ended in the death of another prisoner, five guards, and the warden himself.

Vice Warden Jim Chambers was up to his spectacled eyeballs in problems, as he assumed control of the prison. The paperwork involved with the death of the woman who was murdered by her cellmate, and the woman who was shot that very morning would have been enough to keep him busy for quite a while. Now, with the parole hearing being rescheduled for tomorrow, the killing of Warden Dag and several guards, the paperwork seemed endless.

He was not familiar with the prison population or many of the personnel who worked at the facility. There was even a new secretary, Ester Timms, who had to dive right into the files during her first few days on the job. She had been very helpful to the new warden, spending all her time going through the mounds of prisoner records in order to prepare acting-Warden Chambers' course of action. She would familiarize him with the people involved in the decisions he would soon be making.

Ester had taken the place of the former warden's secretary when that woman had given her notice and quit. Her reasons hadn't been explained and the pressures of the chaotic situation at the prison made Ester's appearance a Godsend. She had totally immersed herself in the records and systems of the administration which convinced Warden Chambers she was perfect for the job.

Vincent Edam had had his requested visit postponed several times, until he finally just showed up at the warden's office and demanded to see Diana Camp. Warden Chambers didn't know exactly how to inform the young man other than to just tell him.

"Diana Camp is dead," he said, flatly.

"What!" Vincent blurted. "How?! When did this happen?"

"She was killed by her cellmate; a woman who was recently killed herself during an attempted escape."

"But -- Warden Dag said--"

"Foster Dag was killed during the escape," said Chambers, relying heavily on the notes prepared by Ms. Timms.

Vincent left the prison puzzled and saddened. He waited in his old car, the '61 Bel Air, that had filtered down to Diana and he had brought to use as a conversation piece when he spoke to her. He sat now in the front seat, crumbling inside. The entire situation with Diana was so sordid, he was sure there was something foul and wrong about her arrest and incarceration. He was beginning to think that even her death was a part of some strange deal. He was not going on with his studies until he knew all of what was going on.

As he contemplated staying the night at a motel he noticed a few miles back, a limousine pulled up next to his car. The rear window lowered and Raleigh Sabre leaned up smiling.

"Hello, Vince."

"Mr. Sabre?" said Vincent, surprised at seeing his father's close and powerful friend here at a prison parking lot.

"Vince," he said, pausing for a second as he seemed to be considering his next words, "I'm really sorry to find you here."

"What? Why? What do you mean? Do you know why I'm here?"

"Yes. You are here because your father allowed you to meet and talk to Diana Camp. Now, like some love-struck puppy dog you are sniffing around trying to investigate something you know nothing about."

"I think she was framed and wrongly sent to prison."

"Oh, definitely," he said with a smile. "She should never have left the mansion alive."

"Mansion? "

"There really isn't time to go through this with you, Vince."

"Go through with wha --" Vincent's mind was clouded with noise as his vision stopped. Within his mind was his own voice speaking what Raleigh Sabre, the Irsdan, would have him know.

You are a cipher now. You are nothing but a tool for what I need. You will not consciously remember this, but when I need you to act, you will. If I tell you to drive your car off a cliff, you will do it immediately. Should I need you to kill, you will do so with alacrity and efficiency. Now, go back home and forget Diana Camp.'

Shortly after the limousine pulled away and was out of sight, Vincent's mind cleared. He looked around, confused. He started his car, wondering why he was in the Bel Air. Was that a prison in front of him? He eventually regained his bearings and drove out to the freeway and back to his father's estate.

On the following day the board met and refused parole to every inmate except one. The young woman's records had been exemplary and she was recommended unanimously by the board for immediate release.

Speaking to the warden, on the day she was to leave, she thanked him for his support at the hearing, then waited in the outer office with Ester Timms.

"I can't believe you pulled this off," said the young woman to the secretary. "You must have waved a magic wand over the entire filing system to work this."

"Not a magic wand; just a lot of editing, shuffling, and deal-making with people throughout the prison."

"Now I have to know who's going to pick me up when I leave. That part of this whole scheme hasn't been explained to me yet."

"It will be, dear," said Ester. "Just not by me. You will be picked up outside by a man in a limousine. He will take you to the folks who sent me here to get you out."

"What about you?"

"I'll be giving notice in a few days, once I take care of a few incidentals."

"Any suggestions for me?" asked the soon-to-be-released young woman.

"Don't forget who you are."

She smiled and was a few minutes later escorted to the front gates by a guard.

"Person to be released?" came the question from the watch officer.

"Prisoner 2325685," replied the guard, reading from the chart in his hand. "Heidi Lake."

The watch officer confirmed the name and had the outer door opened.

Exiting the prison she had thought she'd die in, Diana Camp left the grounds and was once again free. She entered a limousine that was waiting there and was driven away.


Author Notes Picture from

Chapter 27
Ingress of the Envoy

By Bill Schott

The civilization of Phoenicia was ever spreading to the ends of the known planet. Its engineering and sciences were incomprehensible to the teeming hordes of barbarians that embodied the smaller existing kingdoms. Its culture had blossomed and flourished under the wisdom of its rulers. As they engulfed their neighbors, they gleaned from them the secrets that would enhance their own accomplishments.

Philosophers were always in receipt of new and wondrous discoveries, which allowed them to direct their planning of the expanding empire. The leadership was divided among factions that nourished and experimented with this new knowledge, refining it all into sciences and theories that defined what their world was to be.

The greatest minds of the Phoenicians were the battle lords, who were also gifted intellectuals. These were the men and women who devoted their existence to the never-ending pursuit of understanding the world around them, and the creatures therein.

Among them was Janol, the current leader of the nobles. Superior intellect had guided him to a position of supreme power and influence. His skillful use of diplomacy and force had allowed him to harness the masses, which followed him with devoted loyalty. In the past few months, he had been compiling his findings and philosophies into a library of papyrus. He had already filled a slave chamber with the writings, and had to have a newer one constructed.

Janol was about to have a scribe punished for making an error on the papyrus record of his ideas for the day, when a voice spoke in his head.

You would be wise to spare this man.

This differed from his conscious, inspirational, directional setting voice by which he formed his ideas. This voice spoke into his mind as if nestled in the chamber of his ear. It seemed to have HIS voice. He knew he was being spoken to by a deity.

"What pleases you," said Janol, with a calm that was the trait of his self-awareness, "is the trail my steps will follow."

We have sought you out, Janol. You are a giant on this firmament and within the gossamer worlds beyond the touch of flesh. We have come from a far island in the sea of the cosmos, and wish to make our home among you.

"To what end would a god seek out the tiny flea, when the cur is the lesser of even a greater master's hand?" asked the warrior, lord, and philosopher.

We have seen this earthen vessel that your people drift in, from the potter's wheel to the last hour, when the final drops of water are poured again to the sea. This garden will be a feast to the eye and higher musings of those who wander within it. Its attenders will cut and burn, and nurture this garden, to form in it the supreme home for future growth. The balance needed to prevent this plot from being laid to waste is, by our vision of this world's distant future, only preventable by intuitive intervention of its learned leadership. Among them is you. With you, we would wish to walk this path and bend its course, when the foot might well take the blind step from the precipice.

"I welcome you, Seer, and beg to know what service I could be to you?"

We would enter your world of senses through the seed of your procreation. It would be no more than the birth of a child, and no less an event than the miracle of the reproduction of your kind.

"Then I beg you to enter and embrace our world as a brother."

When next you share your seed, we will enter into your world.


Author Notes The story, The Pale Sisters, has been revealed to the point that two opposing forces have been struggling, through men, to control the world's destiny. This is a backstory which sets up these forces from their respective origins.

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Chapter 10031

By Bill Schott

Neil yanked on the ripcord. When it did not function, he quickly released the reserve chute. Neither silk would respond. He suddenly recalled that Dave had helped him with the gear. Guess he loaded a funky parachute on his back.

Thinking back to the party, Neil remembered seeing his wife and Dave petting in the grotto. His later searching uncovered motel stays and bank withdrawals. Now they have managed to rig his chute to fail.

Whatever twinge of guilt had remained about setting a bomb in the plane to explode after his jump did not accompany Neil to the ground.

Author Notes Thanks to Dean Kuch for encouraging me to include this story in this book.

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