
Chapter 1
The Sea Cannot Remain Unchanged

By adewpearl

The sea cannot remain unchanged
as tides roll in.
What seems in place is rearranged
with every spin
of waters as they roll and roil
in shifting waves that stretch then coil,
disheveling all life within
as tides roll in.

I cannot keep my life arranged
to stay within
a tidy framework that maintains
what should have been.
Like seas that breathe because they roll,
my life moves on without control
of each and every loss and win
as tides roll in.

Author Notes The octogram is a poetic form created by Fanstorian Sally Yocom in 2009. It consists of two octets with a syllable count of 8/4/8/4/8/8/8/4. The rhyme scheme is aBabccbB ababddaB. The capitalized B's indicate that the second line of verse one is repeated as the eighth line of verse one and the eighth line of verse two.

Chapter 2
A Church Bell Rings

By adewpearl

As roosters crow at break of day,
a church bell rings --
its voice intones as clappers sway
while nature sings,
of all life's possibilities
that float upon the morning breeze
and bob upon the burbling springs.
A church bell rings.

As fields reveal their sweet sachet,
a church bell swings,
inviting all who hear to pray
for all faith brings --
for hands that reach to those in need
and bind the wounds of those who bleed.
For mendicants and richest kings,
a church bell rings.

Author Notes The octogram is a two verse poem created by Fanstorian Sally Yocom in 2009. Each verse is an octet with syllable count of 8/4/8/4/8/8/8/4. The rhyme scheme is ABABCCBB ABABDDBB. The second line in verse one serves as a refrain, repeated in line 8 of each verse.
a mendicant is a beggar

Chapter 3
One Bridge to Cross

By adewpearl

What great divide keeps "them" from us?
one bridge to cross
What breaks the bond creating trust
that we have lost?
When we have friendship to extend,
why is our instinct to defend,
to fear "their" gain will be our loss?
one bridge to cross

When we have feasts, why is a crust
all we will toss?
When we have warmth, how is it just
to offer frost?
What dark suspicions, bleak and cold
lurk in our minds as we withhold
the lifeline that we should have tossed?
one bridge to cross

Author Notes The octogram is a poetic form created last year by Fanstorian Sally Yocom. It consists of two octets, both with a syllable count of 8/4/8/4/8/8/8/4. The rhyme scheme is ababccbb ababddbb.
In my freshman year in college in 1969, I was privileged to take a sociology course with Peter I. Rose, who published in 1964 an insightful look at race relations entitled They and We. In 2006 the sixth edition of this important study was published. Professor Rose was one of those teachers who totally inspired me; because of him I majored in sociology. While his book focuses on race relations and how we separate ourselves from other races out of fear, those same fears are what separate classes, religions, countries. My poem is just pondering.

Chapter 4
Each Bud and Bloom

By adewpearl

They wait to burst upon the scene,
each bud and bloom,
with sleeves of pink and leaves of green
their bright costume.
As breezes warm, the world's their stage,
as winter turns its final page,
and they release their sweet perfume,
each bud and bloom.

For months they huddled quite unseen,
the snow their tomb,
but now each flake has been swept clean
by springtime's broom.
Each blossom in each field's bouquet
takes part in nature's outdoor play,
dispelling all our glum and gloom,
each bud and bloom.

Author Notes The octogram is a form invented in 2009 by Fanstorian Sally Yocom. It consists of two octets with a syllable count of 8/4/8/4/8/8/8/4. The rhyme scheme is ABABCCBB ABABDDBB. The second line is repeated as the eighth line and also the final line of the poem as a refrain.

Chapter 5
The Spider Web

By adewpearl

An artwork lit by lambent light
this web creates,
a labyrinth that stops the flight
and seals the fates
of many to its beauty drawn,
like dew to silk in early dawn.
Resplendent trap where death awaits,
this web creates.

What weaves a spell of sheer delight
that fear abates?
What wizardry makes strands invite
to death's dark gates
the ladybug and butterfly
who did not mean this day to die?
How cruel are these last mistakes
this web creates.

Author Notes The octogram is a form invented by Fanstorian Sally Yocom. It consists of two 8 line verses with syllable count of 8/4/8/4/8/8/8/4. The rhyme scheme is ababccbb ababddbb. The second line of the first octet is repeated as the final line in both verses as a refrain.

Chapter 6
Epitome of Elegance

By adewpearl

He crossed a room in elegance,
with style and grace,
yet every stride without pretense
in regal pace.
From tiger's blood inherited
the carriage with each step he tread
and look of calm on feline face,
with style and grace.

When hunting he would look intense
before the chase.
He took his stance of taut offense,
for no disgrace
would fall on him at end of day
as he brought home his well-stalked prey.
He earned his keep and rightful place
with style and grace.

Author Notes I have been privileged to share a home with numerous cats over the years. Some were cuter than Tiger, some more cuddly and lovable, but none touched his natural elegance. I've never known any creature or any person as elegant as he.
Before he came to live with my children and me, he was a feral cat, abandoned quite a while ago by an unfeeling family. He lived in the woods behind our complex and was occasionally fed or taken in out of the rain by the family of my daughter's friend until they moved. Miranda asked if we could look after him as they had, and I agreed. But within a day or two it was clear we were not going to have a casual arrangement with Tiger. We adopted him, and he became a full-fledged member of our family, but he forever remained an outdoor cat. He slept inside, ate inside, but he had to go out every day for at least a while and sometimes for a couple days before returning. He was no longer hungry and in need of the birds, mice and bunnies from the woods as nourishment, but by then the hunt was in his blood. He would bring the poor dead creatures home intact to lay before my appreciative feet. I learned the art of picking the lifeless little corpses up with newspaper and carrying them to the dumpster when he was not looking :-) I was not about to insult him.
The cat in the picture does not do Tiger justice - he was longer and leaner and far more regal.

Chapter 7
With Deep Bass Tone

By adewpearl

His recitations stirred my soul
with deep bass tone.
A poet's words in his control
became his own.
Though Whittier wrote, of blinding snow,
of burning "hearthfire's ruddy glow,"
my father made the squall's gusts moan
with deep bass tone.

As throbbing north winds took their toll,
I heard them groan,
my desolation not consoled
till they had blown
their final blast and fire blazed
to warm the snowbound family's days.
Through Daddy's voice, their comfort shown
with deep bass tone.

Author Notes In 1865 John Greenlief Whittier wrote his famous story poem, "Snowbound." In the 1950's my father brought this poem and others to life for me when he would recite them. Born in 1909, he went to school in an era when children were taught to memorize and recite poetry, and it stuck with him.
He had the most amazing deep voice perfect for storytelling, and he held me spellbound. I could imagine every detail of this blizzard that held a family snowbound for a week, from the hazards of the storm to the joys of the time they spent together in joint captivity. Daddy's voice made the winds rage and then made the joys of their family gathering delightful. This is how I came to love poetry, because of classic poems he shared with me that held me captivated.
A year or more ago I posted a poem on this same subject, "When My Father's Voice Made Poetry Mine," but I wanted to revisit it using the octogram form.

Chapter 8
My Peaceful Place

By adewpearl

When chaos reigns, I seek inside
my peaceful place,
an inner calm that slows my stride
from frantic pace,
a voice that counsels soothing rest
instead of courting one last quest --
a restoration to embrace,
my peaceful place.

Anxiety can be denied
if we replace
our grasp for goals that soon collide,
with gentle grace.
Tranquility will not elude
a soul who welcomes quietude.
I've made my choice and left the chase --
my peaceful place.

Author Notes The octogram is a poetic form invented by Fanstorian Sally Yocom in 2009. It consists of two 8 line verses. Each has a syllable count of 8/4/8/4/8/8/8/4. The rhyme scheme is ABABCCBB ABABDDBB. Line 2 of the first verse is repeated as a refrain in line 8 of the first verse and line 8 of the second verse.

Chapter 9
Songs of Praise

By adewpearl

I greet each day God's granted me
with songs of praise.
In choruses of jubilee,
I loudly raise
a psalm with jubilation's zeal
as bells in celebration peal
to glorify His gracious ways
with songs of praise.

I know it is by God's decree
the sun's ablaze,
that through His sacred mystery
it lights my days
and warms me with His kind embrace,
a gift of His unfailing grace.
So to each dawn my voice I raise
glad songs of praise.

Author Notes The octogram, recently devised by Fanstorian Sally Yocom, is a poem with two verses of eight lines each. The rhyme scheme is ABABCCBB ABABDDBB. The syllable count is 8/4/8/4/8/8/8/4 for each verse. The second line of verse one is repeated as a refrain in line 8 of verse one and line 8 of verse two. I have modified the final refrain by changing one word.

Chapter 10
My Sojourn

By adewpearl

Where ivy climbs and water falls
are stepping stones
that lead beyond my man-made walls
to lands unknown.
All obligations left behind,
in open spaces unconfined,
I'm like a seed in soft winds blown,
but not yet grown.

Bewitched by strains of lilting calls
of birds who've flown
away from where the city sprawls,
I've come alone
to find a freedom never found
where I am by life's duties bound,
and here I'll stay, a rolling stone --
till called back home.

Author Notes The octogram is a new poetic form devised by fellow Fanstorian Sally Yocom. It consists of two 8 line verses, each with a syllable count of 8/4/8/4/8/8/8/4. The rhyme scheme is ABABCCBB ABABDDBB.

Chapter 11
The Bridge to Home

By adewpearl

Some bridges take us far away
to the unknown,
where our imaginations play;
some lead to home.
Not all the wide world has to give
is found long miles from where we live.
Some bridges lead to the unknown;
some take us home.

Some dream about what's on display
where birds have flown,
where waters end beyond the spray
of skipping stone.
Yet most who drive across the stream
to find a distant lifelong dream
discover in the vast unknown
the bridge to home.

Author Notes One of the most innovative and creative minds on Fan Story belongs to Sally Yocom. Recently she posted a poem, "It Looks Like Rain," that had a wonderful form and sound to it.
When I asked her about the form, she said she had just made it up. As of now, she is calling it an octogram. This is my first attempt to use her beautiful form. Each verse is 8 lines long with syllable count of 8/4/8/4/8/8/8/4 and a rhyme scheme of ABABCCBB. Her poem used a second verse of ABABDDBB. I have followed this two verse format as I saw no reason to mess around with her genius :-)

Chapter 12
The Lifting Fog

By adewpearl

As darkness lifts, let dawn begin
on earth below.
On rolling hills mist settles in;
the fog hangs low.
The landscape still in silhouette
has not full blaze of day yet met,
so till the sun completes her glow,
the fog hangs low.

I feel the pulse of life within
this first light show,
and as more brilliance gathers in,
I feel it grow.
As muted pastels disappear
and fog banks slowly start to clear,
I pray this day on me bestow
God's light aglow.

Author Notes The octogram is a brand new poetic form invented by Fan Story's own Sally Yocom. This is my second poem written in this gorgeous form. A verse is 8 lines long with syllable count of 8/4/8/4/8/8/8/4, with a rhyme scheme of ABABCCBB.
In the second verse the rhyme is ABABDDBB.

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