"Gramalot's Storybook"

Chapter 1
Faith Keeps Me Strong

By gramalot8

I know the things that I must do
In order to live His gospel true:

Faith is what will make me strong,
A way of life that guides along.
I'll walk the path that leads the way,
To  blessings I receive each day.
Heading  where I want to be:

Living with God eternally!

Author Notes I wrote this poem for my grandchild to give her first talk in church. She had to give her talk on Faith. She did a good job!
Thanks to Ambience Studio for this beautiful picture.

Chapter 2
Morther Rabbit's Surprise

By gramalot8

Mother Rabbit scurried quickly around the kitchen. Ricky and Rita Rabbit watched excitedly from the door. Mother had just taken the last pie out of the oven. "Oh, these pies smell so good!" The little rabbits looked hungrily at Mother's pies cooling on the shelf. "Our tummies can taste them already, " said Ricky, sniffing the aroma swirling in the air.

Mother Rabbit smiled. "Okay, you two. Run along now. I've baked these pies for a special surprise. No one will get a taste until the time is just right! Now, go outside until I call you."

Rita and Ricky tried to question her about the surprise, but Mother just laughed and scooted them out to play.

The little rabbits were soon playing happily with their friends. Rita quickly forgot about her mother, the pies and the surprise, but Ricky couldn't forget about the sweet, tangy smells coming from the warm kitchen. He slipped away from his friends and crept slowly up to the kitchen door. Mother was nowhere in sight.

"I'm sure Mother won't need all those pies for her surprise. Surely if just one came up missing, she wouldn't notice, would she?" He wrestled within himself as he stared longingly at the tempting pies. Now sometimes, even though he had been trying very hard to be very good, Ricky didn't always succeed at doing just the right things he knew he should.

Ricky checked for Mother one more time. Seeing she still wasn't in the kitchen, he quietly went to the shelf, lifted down one of the pies and swiftly ran back outside.

Ricky hurried over to hide in the long green grass growing under the shelter of the tall oak tree in the far corner of the yard. "No one will notice me here," he said. He sat and stared at the pie sitting innocently on his lap.

"This pie could be all mine!" As he spoke to himself, he stared again at the forbidden pie. Just as he was to make up his mind to take his first bite, Mother Rabbit's words came back to him. It seemed as if she were standing right there!  "I've baked these pies for a special surprise. No one will get a taste until the time is just right!"

Suddenly Ricky wasn't hungry for the pie any longer. He remembered if he tried really hard, he could be a good little rabbit!

Ricky picked up the pie and ran quickly back toward the house. He could see Rita was still playing with their friends. When he reached the kitchen door, he slowly poked his head inside. Mother was still nowhere in sight. If he hurried, he could put the pie back and Mother would never have to know. Tiptoeing in, Ricky carefully placed the pie on the shelf with the others. Feeling pleased that he was doing the right thing, Ricky ran outside to play with the others. But, unknown to Ricky, Mother was quietly watching from the other room.  She heaved  a happy sigh of relief with a motherly smile as she watched Ricky go out the kitchen door.

It wasn't much later when Mother Rabbit called for the little rabbits to come inside. "What's the surprise, what's the surprise?", the two asked as they tumbled into the sweet smelling kitchen.

Giving her rabbits a big hug, Mother said,"I have been watching you both very closely this whole week and I have noticed that you have been trying very hard to be good little rabbits. I am proud of you and wanted to do something very special just for you!  So, I baked these pies for my own good little rabbits."

Rita and Ricky looked shyly but happily at one another. Mother went over to the shelf, lifted down two of the pies, and handed each rabbit his very own pie.

"Thank you, Mother," Rita said, taking her first yummy bite. "Thank you, Mother," Ricky said. He smiled to himself as he remembered the mistake he had almost made. He was glad he had done the right thing and just in time, too! He knew he was learning to do the things all good little rabbits should do.

Ricky bit into his pie and it was the best pie he had tasted in his whole life! He was sure that from now on he would try even harder to be a good little rabbit. He wanted to always be ready for any other surprises that could come from Mother Rabbit!

Author Notes Children are always facing the choice between right from wrong. Hopefully, they have had good teachings from their parents, peers, teachers and church leaders to help them make the right one.
Thanks to dorris1022 for her cute little bunny picture.

Chapter 3

By gramalot8

She boldly approached the gravely blacktop of the school playground. Her coal-black eyes darted quickly around the crowded yard. Small, sensitive nostrils twitched and seemed to sniff the surrounding area to sense out any danger that could be nearby. She noticed an empty swing softly swaying in the afternoon breeze; back and forth, back and forth, slowing now and again as if being manipulated against its will. Cautiously looking around her, she edged toward the swing, swiftly pouncing upon her prey, ready to challenge anyone who would dare to interfere.

Her long wispy legs gracefully mastered her new possession: back and forth, back and forth, forcing it to move faster and faster like a shooting star. The swing now fought triumphantly against the breeze of the cool autumn air.

Her brow furrowed as she drifted into her deep thoughts. It was another move, another town, another new fifth grade to cope with. Outwardly she tried to appear daring and reckless, but inside she was just the opposite --- yielding uncontrollably to the lifestyle being forced upon her. The routine life of the humble migrant family was anything but easy, especially for the vagabond children. They usually didn't stay in one place long enough to have even a casual friend. But this time was supposed to be different. Her papa had a better job and it was going to last a long time --- at least that is what the children had been told.

The swing rose higher and higher. Her silky raven hair flowed out behind her like her Grandma Rosaria's lacey mantilla shawl. Slender fingers had to keep pushing the long tendrils off her copper brown face. She continued pumping: back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Her body was slight in size but very muscular, which was apparent as she manuvered the swing upwards towards the steel blue sky. Drifting deeper into her mellow thoughts, she wasn't surprised at the moisture flipping off her dark curly lashed. Softly she murmured to herself. "Oh, I hope this town will be different." A long sigh escaped her pursed lips.

Suddenly she was brought back to reality. She was surprised to find a pudgy blonde girl in the next swing actually talking to her! The young girls words were flying rapidly into the somber girls direction, and at first she had a difficult time following them.

"Hi, I'm Nancy. I saw you come into Miss Gillian's class today. You'll like her. What is your name, again? It sounded awfully pretty."

For a brief moment she just stared at the girl talking to her. She hesitated to speak. Too many times, other kids had laughed and teased her about her accent. Was it to happen here, too? In a carefully, but guarded, poised manner, she brought the swing to a defiant halt.

"Uh, hi. My name is Rosarita, but you can call me Rosa." Her voice quivered as the barely audible words finally came out. As she spoke, she visibly braced herself for the inevitable laughter that she knew was soon to follow. But as she gazed at Nancy with a little suspicion, Rosa saw only a slight smile forming on the girls lips.

"Hey, you sound a lot like Carmella. She was a friend I had here last year. Where are you from, are you staying, I sure hope so", her friendly words tumbling out in one big sentence. "Carmella was one of my best friends, but she had to move back to Mexico. Want to play with me? C'mon, let's go and play with some of the other kids, too." She rattled on as she beckoned Rosa to follow her. By this time, Nancy's smile had erupted into full fledge laughter, but Rosa knew instinctively that her laugh was a joyful, friendly laugh and not meant to be anything else.

Rosa shivered involuntarily. An unaccustomed sigh of relief came over her. Her dark oval eyes once again blinked back the wet moisture of her salty tears. But, like Nancy's laughter, these tears were welcome tears of joy. Rosa quickly jumped off the swing and happily followed the laughing girl.

Author Notes I have worked as a teacher's aide in a school district where I saw this scenario more than once among the young children of the migrant farmers in the area. I was always happy to see that most of the kids in that area were willing to accept each new girl or boy that came into our school. I wanted to paint a picture of the frustration and fear that can be quickly changed into happiness and acceptance.
And a very big thank you to VMarguarite for her beautiful picture that adds so much to my story.

Chapter 4
Mommy and Daddy are Special!

By gramalot8

Mommy is here to help when we cry
Wiping away the tears from each eye

                                    Daddy is here with his bouncing knee
                             Teasing and playing 'til I'm laughing with glee.

Mommy cooks and cleans and shows us the way
To learn all the talents we might need some day.

                                   Daddy earns the living with all of his might
                        We thank him for everything in our prayers every night.

            With both of them together they  teach of the love
Sent from our Father in Heaven above.
                    Mommy and Daddy, we love you so dear
And  thank  Heavenly Father for sending you here.

Author Notes Written for my daughter, at about age 5, to give for a talk at church. Thank you, VMarguarite, for your lovely family picture.

Chapter 5
Dream Sweet Baby

By gramalot8

Dream sweet baby as you close your eyes.
Mommy's here to hold you tight.
I'll cradle you in loving arms
As I sing this lullaby tonight.

Dream of Angels up above,
Humbly watching over you.
They hum this lullaby with me
Amidst the clouds of silver hue.

Dream sweet baby as you close your eyes.
Mommy's here to hold you tight.
I'll cradle you in loving arms
As I sing this lullaby tonight.

Dream of rainbows in the sky
God's promises for everyone.
Now fall asleep, my lovely child,
Until the glimpse of the newborn dawn.

Dream sweet baby as you close your eyes.
Mommy's here to hold you tight.
I'll cradle you in loving arms
As I sing this lullaby tonight.

Author Notes Lullaby song to help baby fall asleep. I wish I knew how to make an audio of the music in my head. Entry for contest

Chapter 6

By gramalot8

Lily is a sweet little girl
Who really loves to romp and play.
She'll run and jump and twirl and skip.
She'll laugh and sing every day!

Lily has her special friends
That she will always bring
Along with her to her special place
And lie upside down on her favorite swing!

She will gather Mr. Lionheart,
Snowball, her favorite cat,
Mr. Marshmallow, Fairy Princess,
And Wolfie, her black and golden bat.

She'll swing for hours with her friends in tow
And sing or scream or chant or moo.
She'll mix up words, making up her own,
Like Masterwobbly and ZitheryZoo.

All day long she'll swing and sway
Never a dull moment to be had,
'Cause Lily has a way in life
Of making everyone happy when sad.

People often stop and stare
'Cause Lily seems a little odd.
But her Mommy and Daddy say with a smile,
She's not different... she's a gift from God!

If you see the world through Lily's eyes,
The colors all blend together
Blue and purple and yellow and red
And the rainbow smiles after the rainy weather.

She'll smile and offer her friendly hand
To all those that she chances to meet.
Whether in the mall, or at the movies,
Or when walking along her neighborhood street.

Her infectious smile will win the hearts
Of all who ever doubted her worth
'Cause from the very beginning
Lily was a special birth.

Against all odds, she grew healthy and strong
'Though the doctors warned she wouldn't.
Her Mommy and Daddy, they knew better
And Lily never hears the word 'COULDN'T'.

To this day, Lily swings and sings
For all the world to hear.
Never giving a second thought
"Bout the burdens others watch her bear.

Please keep on swinging, Lily dear,
Holding on tight to your ZitheryZoo.
'Cause God knew what he was doing
When He sent Lily for me and you!


Author Notes Just thinking of all God's special children our earth has been blessed with. Thank you, AnkushNayak, for your picture that inspired my poem.

Chapter 7
Edie's Christmas Secret

By gramalot8

Edie was really worried that Santa wouldn't be able to find her this Christmas. She and her Mommy had just moved from their big farmhouse in Pueblo, Colorado to a huge apartment building in Denver. She just knew there was no way Santa would know which apartment was hers. But the biggest worry she had was there was no fireplace for Santa to come down on Christmas Eve, even if he did figure out where she lived.

"Mommy, how will Santa bring my toys this year? How will he find me in this big ugly building?" Edie's eyes filled with tears as she sadly looked at her Mommy.

"It'll be ok, Edie, I promise. I have an idea. Why don't you write Santa a letter and tell him you moved. I'm sure he'll get it and then he'll know exactly where you are."

"Ok, Mommy, if you say so." Edie said.  Then she sat down at her little desk, took a paper and pen out of her Barbie backpack and began her letter.

Dear Santa;
Hi, this is Edie. I hope you remember me. We lived in our big brown house last year in Pueblo, but we  had to move to Denver. I hope you can find me this year. Please, Santa, Mommy said you'd know where I am. I hope so, cause she's mostly right when she says things. 'K, Santa, I would like a Barbie doll with cute clothes and a doll house. But mostly I just want to know you  can find us here, so just bring something and I'll be happy. And, remember, I'll have some cookies Mommy and I make for you, just like always.  And Santa, my dog, Chief, is really unhappy since we moved here cause he don't have a big yard to play in anymore, so, could you bring him a new ball and chew toy, too? We live by the park and I take him there to play. Thanks, Santa. Be careful in your sleigh and give Rudolph a hug for me. Love, Edie.

Edie sealed her letter and gave it to her Mommy, who promised she'd mail it that same day.


Edie couldn't close her eyes she was so excited.  It was Christmas Eve and she'd been lying in bed for hours and hours, or at least it seemed that long to her.  She was happy but nervous about Santa  finding her in this big busy city
. She kept crawling out of bed and going to the window with Chief, looking up into the starlit sky.

"Gosh, Chief, I hope Mommy's right and Santa can find us here.  How do you think he's going to get our presents inside without a chimney like he used to?"  And she clung tight to Chief with all her might, trying to hold back her tears.

"Arf" Chief softly barked as if to
comfort Edie and tell her he knew Santa would find them, just like Mommy had promised.

Edie finally crawled back into bed.  She had just started to nod off when a muffled noise suddenly woke her up.

"Chief, do you hear that?  It sounds like someone's calling my name. Who do you think it is?"

With Chief at her side, Edie crept quietly out into the living room.  The Christmas tree was still lit, the cookies were set on her little table and it all seemed just like it ha been when she went to bed.  She thought must be imagining things when she heard the muffled noise again.

"Chief, it's not in here.  It's outside in the hall.  Can you hear it?  Yup, it's my name being called alright.  We better go see what's going on."

Edie hoped Mommy wouldn't hear her cause she wasn't supposed to go out alone at night.  Glancing towards Mommy's room, she quietly opened the front door. As she stepped into the hallway, she heard it again, only much clearer this time.

"Edie, help, can you hear me?  I'm stuck in here."

Edie immediately knew where the noise was coming from.  It was coming from inside the elevator right outside her apartment.

"Hello, this is Edie.  Who's in there?"

"Edie, oh, thank you.  It's me, Santa.  I'm stuck in the elevator and the door won't open.  Can you see the emergency button on the panel?  Hurry, push it and see if it will open."

"Santa, oh, my goodness!  Yes, yes..." and she stood on her tippy toes to barely reach the button marked with the big red "E". 

Slowly the elevator opened and there stood Santa all flustered and red-faced.

"Oh, Edie, thank you so much.  I was afraid I'd be stuck in that elevator all night and miss all my deliveries.  And I know Rudolph and the other reindeers would soon be making a ruckus outside in the parking lot when I didn't return."

"Santa, I'm so happy I heard you.  Gosh, and you found me, and I didn't even think about you using the elevator.  YAY, look, Chief, it's really Santa."  After sharing a big bearhug, Santa, Edie and Chief hurried into the apartment.

"Edie, of course I found you.  I got your letter and besides, I already knew where you had moved to.  Santa always knows those things.  Now, you know I'm supposed to surprise you, so you better go right back to bed.  And, just so you know, I didn't forget what you asked me to bring for ole' Chief.  Now, off to bed with you so I can finish my work and make the rest of my deliveries before morning."

Chuckling with a "HO, HO, HO" Santa added, " And I think I'll take the stairs back down so I don't get stuck in the elevator again."

Edie gave Santa another hug, reminded him to eat his cookies and with Chief in tow, s
curried off to bed.


"Edie, wake up.  It's Christmas, sweetie.  Come out here and see if Santa came." 

Edie rubbed her sleepy eyes and ran quickly out to join her Mommy in the living room. 

"See, Edie, I told you he'd find you this year.  And look at what he brought for you and Chief," Mommy said as she gave Edie a big Christmasey morning hug.

Edie smiled to herself as she gazed at the beautiful new Barbie and doll house under the tree.  She laughed and giggled as she lovingly tossed Chief his new red ball and chew toy.

Cuddling close into Chief's soft brown fur, Edie whispered into his big floppy ear
,"Don't say anything, Chief.  It'll be our special secret about rescueing Santa last night. Now, let's get ready and go play outside in the park!"


Author Notes Fun, short story about Santa getting stuck in an elevator on Christmas Eve. Language, dialog and punctuation on purpose for this story and age of character. Thank you, VMarguarite for your cute picture to accompany my story.

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