"Going In Through The Out-The Doors"

Introduction and contents

By Mike K2

"In Through The Out-The Doors" An attention grabbing title that most likely has confused everybody. Did I mistake, confusing, "The Doors," for, "Led Zeppelin?" No there are several reasons for the title. I see a bit of humor in this, but one reason for the title is the way I have gone from being a fan. Simply calling myself one in the 1980's; as opposed to really appreciating their music and becoming one. Which has been the case since, August of 2008.

Until this month, what I knew of The Doors was through their, "Greatest Hits Album". Then I had an idea. I wanted to come up with a song, the poem called, "Spirit Woman." The first consideration is how would I want the lyrics sung and what music.

Jim Morrison immediately came to mind. It was my recollections and understanding of this. Oliver Stone's movie, "The Doors," also figured into this. Personally, I wasn't impressed as it was very long and I felt that it exploited his dark side and tried to make him more into a cult figure.

But I considered some elements to be genuine and I think that his music would be best suited for the song. In a sense, I have become a fan through reverse osmosis. To me the Doors Hits, doesn't even approach who the doors actually were. Only recently I could appreciate them for their contribution of music. More will be written about this in later chapters.

Most of this book is actually formed from the research that I conduct and my feelings as they change. There will also be some comments about my record industry thoughts, feelings and trends. Also stories, like how I heard of, "The Doors" and a couple of my own stories involving music. One chapter is very interesting as I had a dream involving Jim Morrison giving me voice lessons.

Jim had a ghostlike quality about his music, long before he died and I think that is what also fits into well with my life and some of its events. My high-school sweetheart was very much like a ghost and she too passed away. Some people in my life has chosen to bless it, coming into it as if they are a ghost. I sense their feelings though their aberrational nature and that is as much spiritual as anything else.

"Spirit Woman," was to be a song that I even inquired about commissioning, but has turned into a concept. Its line length doesn't fit into the fewer syllable lines that make up most of the doors songs. I may have to rewrite or split them up. Each change will be presented as a new one, leaving the original, "Spirit Woman," poem intact. In addition, I decided to team it up with the, "Rope Swing," perhaps a concept that Jim might have decided to tackle have he remained alive and as industry trends changed. As Ian Anderson from Jethro Tull put it, "The dreaded concept album!"

"Spirit Woman," is presented as a fan of Jim Morrison, that loves him and cares for him, yet doesn't dare let herself get wrapped up with him for mysterious unstated reasons. She is also conceived from real life experiences of mine, that too has it mysteries, which I like to maintain; also with it's dark side. A beautiful one as well.

"The Rope Swing," is about society and how that works out is any body's best guess. I intend to keep it to kids and teenagers, yet draw parallels to everyday adult life and politics.

In general, this may be a mixture of both song and monologue, hopefully with music. Being a work in progress, this book will shift around quite a bit. Also making this very difficult for me and recordings will be produced or licensed music added. As I develop the ability and finances.

For FanStorians: Though I plan to do my best at assembling this material. My postings will be very low, as I have very, very limited resources at this time. I also expect lower ratings, as I will make any valid changes as suggested, but won't repost them to earn a higher one. All are welcome to view my material.

For Doors Fans: I have become a member of, "The Doors," official website and Ray Manzareks as his Web Guru see fit to validate that membership. You have viewed this from a thread. If you would like to respond or contact me, but don't plan on writing or reviewing other writer's material on the FanStory site, I ask that you do so from the site where you found the thread.

Chapter 1
Please Remember Me!

By Mike K2

I have gotten here through
hard work and sacrifice.
I have worked towards the
stage for most of my life.

When the curtain opens and
I am hit with the spot.
I do my best for a performance,
by giving it all that I got.

I enjoy performing for you,
to the full house,a good start.
My ego is touched with your attention
and your applause warms my heart.

But please remember!

I also want to play the best
role that there can be.
I need that chance and
a little time to be, just me.

Author Notes I decided to do this because there are two kinds of celebrities that have irritated me. First is the ones that need to see their name in the paper and seemed determined to keep it there no matter what. I really enjoy a wayward child holding you up as an icon and excuse for their behavior.

Though work, I knew of a local celebrity couple and after a few years I wrote a letter asking their assistant out. I did include my profile photo and story of being mistaken for Bigfoot. That was meant for humor and went with their programing. The girl couldn't handle it and I knew that the lady wrote me a scathing letter stating that they had problems with their jobs and now felt that I might be behind them and then threatened to get me fired if I was responsible. I had no choice, I diffused the situation by reporting this to my bosses. I believe, they felt they went a little overboard and apologized by stating how much work it is to be and maintain their celebrity status and that they have received threats. He then stated that he has had to go as far to embroider his name on his jeans so the police can get them back after they rip his clothes off of him. I hope, I didn't laugh.- Celebrity status is not a job, but an honor that we bestow for people's hard work, effort and sacrifices.

One of my favorite celebrity encounters happened at the poets convention. W. D. Snodgrass was the celebrity poet. I was just finishing up my Peace Poem and noticed that he was looking at the poem. He realized that I noticed him and went, "Oops!" and started walking away. I chased him long enough to let him know that I wouldn't bother him and he should feel free to walk around the convention as we do. He turned around, "No, no. I have to go to the meet and greet," he took a few more steps, "I don't know where it is." I escorted him to the room where handlers rescued him for my clutches. I didn't expect to stand in his long autograph line, but an opportunity became available. I asked him to sign the poem that I read and was surprised to see him read it! He seemed inviting of conversation, but I decided to reply, "Mr. Snodgrass, I have come to enjoy and appreciate your poetry, but there is a long line and any conversation would be disappointing unless over a couple drinks and a few hours." I think he enjoyed that one, the truth was he didn't have a couple of hours. - Never say never, if there is a meeting like this, they have found something in you that is intriguing or interesting enough to permit this to occur. You will be the one feeling touched and honored for their consideration and presence.

I had a cashier line conversation with a woman that I started to seem to have a familiarity with. I am not good with faces or names, but with sound. I walked about ten feet and had the thought, "Could it be?" I turned around and she busted out laughing, as I did. I gave her a wave off and left. To my amazement, I found out recently that she indeed lived in the area and when asked why not LA she replied, "It's great here, if I am recognized, they say, 'cool!" and keep walking. In LA, they make a big deal and I end up mobbed, which becomes very uncomfortable. - Hey, think of them as us and let them know that you enjoy the job they do. Don't gawk over the name.

I don't go for autographs, at Hersey Park they had the Fifth Dimension perform and I didn't feel like standing in line for 45 minutes. I approached directly and let security find me, explaining my intentions to them, they escorted me close enough to yell out, "Hey guys! You did a great job!" They got a kick out of it and looked at each other.

With live performance to be had, there is defiantly a magic that occurs. I attended a Linda Ronstadt concert at the Meyerhoff in Baltimore, people were disappointed, not at the excellent performance but she did Latin, not the songs that she was known for. Her encore consisted of two of her popular songs, her rendition of, "Desperado," alone was worth the $55 price of admission. Take this to the local level, if you see a band playing music that you feel is good, stop and buy a CD. They want their music out there, but with the small venue and their sacrifice, a little goes a long way. Not only in helping them out, but with giving them encouragement.

I had a piece published on Jon Pertwee who was one of the Doctors of the DR Who series. I had to include a caution that he brought to mind. During the course of an interview, it was obvious that the interviewer was a big time Dr. Who fan and the questions started to become geared for the character itself. Jon became so flabbergasted that he responded, "Oh come on! I'm only an actor who played him. The Dr doesn't exist, if he does ask him." -Don't mistake people for the roles they play, thank them for the job that they do. Unfortunately my piece was a memorial tribute after his passing... Using real life examples and comparing them to the show.

If a celebrity says no and walks away, don't take it personally and become put off. They are not only busy people, they get tired of the attention. -One of my childhood friend's mother was a fairly famous opera singer. That's her statement and she had the photographs to back them up. She said, "I really enjoyed the fame and the rewards and enjoyment it provided me, but I came to understand and appreciate obscurity even better." She liked the fame sitting on her buffet table and no longer in her schedule.

Don't be surprised if you become somewhat of a celebrity yourself sometime. With me it came in strange ways.- At the convention, I wanted to see the water fountains and I was pointed in the wrong direction. I should have realized that I was off of the Strip when I passed the kinky hotels. I ended up in the poor area and the first thing that happened was two people walked up to me trying to intimidate me. I have learned to ignore this. Next they tried to see if I was a cop. I assured them, I was a lost tourist and with a camera hanging off of my belt, they wanted to know why I wasn't scared, "I'm from Baltimore and were trying to be the murder capital of America." He said, "That's true, I had a friend shot there." He introduced me to everyone who would listen as, "Hey! This is my friend Mike and he's bad assed. He's from Baltimore and they had two hundred murders so far." I thought it was funny, "I didn't commit any of them."

Celebrityhood first hit me in high school with two girls jumping up and down yelling, "It's him! It's him!" I started looking for police. Then a girl melted in front of me saying, "Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" I tried to talk to her and she ran away. My photography teacher filled me in, I made it on to TV in a political commercial for a candidate that I didn't even like. How people can get so much for a five second spot is beyond me. Enjoy!

Chapter 2
It All Started With...

By Mike K2

The Perfumed Garden? Not exactly, but that song has a funny story in regards to it. This is about how I came to know what, "The Doors," music was all about. Sort of a reverse osmosis process.

Music collecting with me started at age twelve through fourteen with the likes of Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, Styx, RUSH and Kiss. The band, Kansas holding a special place in my heart. Outside of the Beatles, these were the only pickings at, Ben Franklin's, the five and dime store. Every week I stopped by to glean from the new pickings.The rock music soon burned out the little portable stereo player and I resorted to my parents.

For Christmas I asked for my own stereo which my mother greatly supported. I remember going to Best and my poor father and encouraging mother where in the stereo room. All may Dad was concerned about was, "Is it too powerful?" We settled for something that was about 25watts per channel, based on my recommendation that it was fairly mild in stereo strength. [Compared to my friends 150 watt per channel stereo units].

Pretty soon the neighbors down the street knew what I liked in rock music and Dad was hot. But mom was happy, I was out of the dining room and away from invading her knitting and needle-working space in the living room.

The Doors were known to be the drug culture of music, but we preferred to go with Van Halen and Lynyrd Skynyrd... Every time we partied, it had to be the long version of, "Free Bird." At least played twice, with us half joining in.

But there was another source of music. The library and I was introduced to music such as Dr. Hook, Grand Funk Railroad, Three Dog Night and some lesser known one's such as, Spartacus by Triumvirate. My friends joked that I was picking up the music from the previous drug generation; that has since OD'ed and for lack of anywhere else to find a place for it, the family donated it to the library.

I was a keyboard person and loved anything to do with them. It wasn't uncommon for me to get all hipped up and jumping with Led Zeppelin and Kansas and the slipping on, "E. Power Biggs, Bach At Zwolle," for the completion. Usually the Prelude and Fugue in D major. That was when my dad entered my room, yelling that I am pulling the nails through the plaster.

Among them was Ray Manzarek's, "The Whole Thing Started With Rock and Roll, Now It's Out Of Control." I absolutely loved it. What immediately attracted me to his album was the keyboards. They had him photographed on the back cover with a fish eye lens, making the keyboards appear as the world and with his long blond hair, he was sitting in the middle smoking a cigarette. What finally capped it was, his name Ray Manzarek. Now that was cool!

I took that out from the library and instantly fell in love with it. Leading you right in was his song, "The Whole Thing Started With Rock and Roll & Now It's Out Of Control." It come on strong and punchy and with just the message a rebellious teen loves. I got the last part down with that Jazzy, "Keep on playing that good old rock and roll. The next song had a powerful beat but a soft low voice, "I'm a gambler, here's my sin; I love to gamble, I love to win." With the chorus, "Roll on roll on boys, roll your life away..."

The pace continued with, "Whirling Dervish," with its middle Eastern metallic sound and horn melody. It was a coo when I photographed a fellow student and jazz dancer to have a little time to dance with this one. My first dance lesson is it is very hard to hold on to someone when both of you are covered with sweat. But I loved trying... The last song on the side was, "Begin The World Again," with its primal beat and unique chorus.

The second side of the alum had another teasingly minuscule song, "Wake Up Screaming," which had that scary laughter and cat screams in it. The next two I passed up two out of three times, I considered them good and I sang them the best, but I enjoyed the last much better. "Perfumed Gardens," a slow, gentle but very deep song that started, "All of my life the love I see in your eyes. All of my love is in knowing you're mine." It blew my mind as I was in a word of adolescent testosterone and the thoughts of just scoring for the first time. I thought, "What a wonderful thing, if I could only sing that as I hold on to that for that person that I really loved."

I became a menace to the library as I returned the album and immediately checked it out. After two months, they decided to limit me to every other time. After about six months, I immortalized Ray Manzarek by transferring that album to eight track tape, so I could always play it... Any where, any time on my technological device, called the Loudmouth II. Finally the took it, atamped, "Withdrawn," on it and handed to me to keep.

That poor library copy was worn out and I stalked the record supplier at the five and dime, but he insisted that he doesn't order and only puts out what he is given. A little while later a record store went up across the street that introduced me to a much larger variety of music, but he just bought what other people brought in but didn't order himself.

That owner did mention that Ray Manzarek was also the keyboardist for, "The Doors" and he had an album of them. I purchased the, "Best Of," but most songs being similar, I had thought I tapped on their essence and moved on without adding any of their other albums. I enjoyed them, but the album filled my immediate need.

By now, I was age 17 when I walked into a store in Ocean City, Maryland that indeed ordered. At the beginning of my vacation, I mentioned the album, The Whole Thing Started With Rock & Roll," by Ray Manzarek and by the end it was done. I also inquired about an album that contained a mouse in a light bulb and could only admire a person who had as much a love for album art as for the music. With the two most vital works in my album collection, I felt as if I was a millionaire.

I collected several more or Ray Manzareks CD's. More enjoyably the Golden Scarab and Love Her Madly; the latest a week ago. I felt my doors collection was complete with their Hit songs and didn't realize my error until last month [August 2008] With considering to do, "Spirit Woman," with a Doors and Jim Morrison sound. I started collecting, "The Doors," Cd's. I was amazed at the range in not only Jim Morrison's voice, but the variety of styles that he used. Endearing is his, "Psychedelic Sinatra." The Doors movie, really didn't do Jim Morrison justice, there was an easily recognizable flair for performance as he really seemed to add drama to his poems and monologue.

Being 43, I now felt short changed, because of a general rule, I don't buy, "Best of Albums." And would have loved to know the doors better long ago. To me mentioned in a future chapter, "Versions and Bonus Material," one can truly get a sense of not only who, "The Doors," were, but also their contribution to music.

I do have to wonder, just how much of the drug culture they were as their is an incredible amount of talent that was put out on those albums. In Ray Manzareks book, "My Life With The Doors," I really haven't the time to get past the first chapter. "the death of jim morrison. Ray states that to him Jim was a drunkard and he did not know of Jim Morrison every doing heroine. That chapter is a strange mixture of quoted myths, interspersed with statements and memories of what he knew and when. It makes the good point that the myth is bigger then the actual person was.

The perfumed Garden...or tiptoe through the skunk cabbage.

In tenth grade I aced the Photography one class and becoming enthused for the art side of life, I started school a week earlier and set up the darkrooms. The one in the classroom had seven or eight enlargers and quickly became known as Mike's Darkroom. I was accused of deliberately doing this, but the reality was that it was a natural process for me. It just seemed right and with photography I did do well. I came in early and set the darkrooms up, assisted in class and also stayed very late working on my photography.

I was happy with the coffee pot and had that loudmouth playing... It was a matter of a day when someone played, "The Whole Thing Started With Rock & Roll," the contents of the Perfumed Garden song became a matter of classroom discussion. The teacher didn't object to me listening to it, but didn't want the headache of a potential problem from the administration. I agree to label it as, "Night Music" and keeping it in my cabinet. But concentrating on photography, it remained with the rest of the tapes.

I had a person that agreed to model for me coming in and thinking it was the doors tape popped it in. This model was a great find and I was glad that she was coming, I quickly did a test. At the appointed time, I went outside and greeted her and got her over the shock that she was going to be having a discussion with me about the project in my darkroom. As soon as I opened the door, I did a quick check and felt it was Doors music.

I discussed the first part of the shoot and was amazed how excited she was to be on this assignment. Her eyes got as big as silver dollars, he got this warm smile and intently was listening to me... Well, that is what I thought, what got her attention was the lyrics, "Entering you unfolding your velvet flower." I continued with the second part of the shoot, then my attention was grabbed because the keyboard solo became softer and more melodical. I realized the error of my ways and tried to nonchalantly change the music. She inquired and I said that I was board of the song. But she already, knowing most of it, insisted that it continues. An embarrassed me and delighted her got to listen to the orgasm that was part of it.

She said, "Judging by your looks, that wasn't really intended for me, like I thought." I explained that it was a mistake and we listened to the song in its entirety and to make sure she knew that not everything on the tape was perverted, we listen to my other favorite songs. Just glad things remained cool.

This model's name was Susette and she was the most attractive girl in that school. She modeled for me three times, trying to do everything that I could to give her a successful shoot. But there was a problem, the most gorgeous girl in the school was also the most unphotogenic. The shoots went well as she had some Barbazon Modeling School training, but they too washed her out and said sometimes, that is the breaks and pointed her to some non-photographic aspects to use those good looks of hers.

I was warned away from her as she, "played rape." Basically on a date, she would start making-out then back off, try again and back-off. During the shoots we had excellent communication and I brought this up. She said that basically she wasn't ready and didn't always control the person driving the car. She wanted to please, yet remain true to herself. In fact she asked me why I wasn't using this to put the make on my model's. I assured her the thoughts were always there, but I was sort of already dedicated to someone else. Such is life...

Author Notes If you came over referred to this story from a thread and do not intend to review other writer's works or write yourself. It is asked that you return to the tread if you wish to reply to this story.

I left a title of a chapter that I have in quotes un capitalized, that is how it is presented in the book.

I mention drug use in this story. From age twelve to thirteen, I did do drugs. To make it easy, I did not do Meth, heroin, PCP (to my knowledge) or cocaine. For the most part, I was straight for at least part of Sunday. For the experience, I enjoyed it and have no regrets. It was my decision, without peer pressure. I just hooked up with my friends who were seniors. At the end of the school year, I had gotten in enough trouble; nothing criminal, just doing stupid things that got me punched in the face. I realized that I was a much different person then I wanted to be and didn't like my behavior and gave it up overnight. I did part company with my friends, but that was due more to them going to college or entering the job market. I said I had no regrets about getting involved in drugs, but I felt very glad when I decided to walk away and neither had regrets or used them since, except for trying pot in college and realizing that the high only lasted ten minutes and the burnout for about four hours. Yes, the brain damage is permanent, yet it probably is responsible in rerouting my neural network into the abstract which is great for writing and creative endeavors. But not worth the risk.

I decided to mention this as children become users. My advice is that one must take a hard line against this and force responsibility down their throats. Very often we try to ignore things or disbelieve what we see and turn away. Then a whole family is made into a victim. What saddens me more then a child or teenager experimenting with drugs is an adult that ends up loosing control and living a barely existent life. Doing anything for that habit. I have to walk past this everyday going to work.

To me I feel part of the burden of carrying a sin is to be open and honest about it, the only act of contrition that adds comfort, lest I lie to cover up the darker aspects of my life. When kids ask me about drugs or use, I am completely honest, "They're great!" The stories of being high are funny, as I can present them from that mind altering state. Yet they are taken aback, like me having to be pulled out of Science Center exhibit of stars. They very quickly spot that undercurrent of becoming unhappy with yourself and maturing to understanding right and wrong and the long range consequences of your actions. I went from being a freak one school to becoming a Jock. I drove them crazy as they couldn't understand why I hung with the freak girl of the school. I like them and admired who they were. They were very honest and I guess because of that element, where quick not to mince words. I got put in my place a couple of times... But now what I loved about them. They were down to earth and forgiving. They might have looked loose by their clothing, but most were very conservative and comfortable to be around. The third year of High School, I found art and photography and became my own person. My greatest high comes from challenging people's perceptions and stressing the limits of my creativity.

For a complete discography of the material that I mentioned, I recommend that you go to The Doors or Ray Manzareks Official Websites. I was never aware until I studied, "The Doors," just how much work that they did in such a short time. I have had to concentrate my CD purchasing to Doors material for the time being, but must comment on Ray's music. He is known with rock and roll, but in The Golden Scarab his interesting lyrics are accompanied by progressive jazz, with its interesting improvisations and creative rhythms, including beat boxing. I just purchased, "Love Her Madly," which is composed as a sound track and is fairly New Age in conception. If you like Pink Floyd's, "Obscured by Clouds,", Jean-Michael Jarre, Philip Glass this is a must have. It also has elements of an Indian Raga and throat singing in another track. The second song has a very beautifully voice saying, "I can do anything, any time, any place... But only if I want to." I have come to admire him for his creativeness and expansive use of music.

Chapter 3
A Dream With Destiny

By Mike K2

This essay is written for a string that I started on the Doors Website, "If you were able to get time with the band, what would you discuss? That was the first thought I had when I started to study The Doors material. I had the feeling that most of what I asked would be covered in the books that the members written. Maybe the fact that I so got into studying Jim Morrison's singing that prompted a dream that I had about Jim teaching me his singing technique.

What surprised me was that it wasn't vocal training, but his thoughts and philosophy behind the voice. My feeling after this is, I would have to detail the dream and ask them, "Was Jim really like that? Was the crowd that he sang for that very important, not only for the performance but also the following inspirations? Why was his sense so keen on getting out his experiences?"

Probably the first question would take up any time available that any band member would have, but after the dream I would have to tie in each of the members and the supporting staff into the big picture. What were each like, their contributions and how it all fit together to create this unique band. Also, how each's life changes fitted into the changes of their music and Psyche."


In real life it isn't The Doors music that haunts me, it's Ray Manzarek's CD, "Love Her Madly." Many a morning after a couple of hours sleep, I lie in bed paralyzed in a hypnoghogic state as the organ and guitar goes through me to the point that I hear them as if they are on the stereo. One night, I started to get perplexed over Jim's singing and that morning I had a dream that I was walking the streets of Los Angeles.

Off to the side, standing against a building was Jim Morrison and at first he had that deer in the headlights look, "Oh Shit! I've been recognized." But he seemed confused, as I was studying him and not approaching. I assumed that this was during his early band days as he was not skinned in leathers, but has a simple white shirt and jeans. The boots weren't outrageous either. He started to study me. -I understand and respect that deer in the headights looks of celebrates, if by their reaction, I am unimpressed, I refuse to approach them.

I walked up and introduced myself and let him know that I enjoy his singing and the band and felt that they did some wonderful stuff. He simply said, "Thank you," and hesitated. -I haven't been a celebrity too much, but one of the problems when you're recognized is that time after time, you are told the same thing and afraid to say something as a prolonged conversation will start. In my wanderings it was delightful to be given accolades, but there was a fifty foot area between the display and lecture halls that I dreaded going through. That was where I was constantly stopped and engaged in conversations, missing the lectures that I wanted to attend.

Then I up and told him my plans to learn and sing his material. This perked him up and he thought about it and asked why, I told him that I plan to use his style for my Spirit Woman project. He asked, "Why?" and had me explain things. He seemed both honored and impressed, saying that he will help me out after meeting some friends of his.

I think this area was near the beach as the other band members were sitting on a low wall, just talking amonst themselves. What surprised me was they seemed almost irritated to see Jim walking up. It was as if they were thinking about an idea and they all had the thought, "Come on Jim, we aren't done thinking about things." He introduced everybody to me and I had a distracted courteous handshake and a, "How are you doing?" Jim then told then the I wanted to learn how to sing like him and he plans to walk around and teach me. They seemed to be suddenly happy and encouraged him to do just that, wishing me luck. I thought they were cool and it seemed that they felt the same about me.

As we walked, I was expecting, this is how I do this, that is how you should do that. Voice and music lessons so to speak. Instead, Jim started to talk about the philosophy behind his singing. During this, he asked question, after question about myself. He sort of skipped over the, "I write poetry," but stopped dead in his tracks when he found out that I was a professionally trained photographer. For quite a while both of us would look at a scene or person on the street and I explained how I would capture it in a photo and he then said how he would write it in a song. Scene after scene, after scene... We were each other's entertainer, if not teacher.

We passed a street musician playing a song that we both recognized. He then would lend a lesson, "I feel that imitation is flattery, but only the first step. You can only truly honor that person, when you have taken that gift that he gave you and made it yours, using it for your own material, a gift for someone else." -I would have loved to know if he ever said that to someone else, as in a piece removed from my portfolio about citicism, I mentioned this about my photography and learning rules and taking from other photographers, whether technique or character traits and incorporating them into your own works.

We continued on and he said the singing was only a small part, what he had learned to love is the power in the reaction of the audience. ("Crowds," as he put it). He told me that he has gotten so much out of that, that it became his true inspiration and guide. He had me singingly scream, "Hey! Aaaaaa!" That wasn't so impressive or explosive. Then he let one out and boy! Did it turn heads. We walked into a new crowd and he had me do it time and time again. This got me riled up and I finally busted one out, "It was a thrill to see that reaction in people." His view was, there is always one person that you can sing to that will make you that performer and keep you going.

We parted company under very good terms and with a very great opinion about each other. In the Doors movies, they portrayed many things that he did as stunts, but his joy was bringing the audience in to him. He loved performing. After this dream, the dimensions of Jim Morrison not only increased, but it also sorted pointed the way. In the bonus material on the CDs (studio takes), I could hear his imitating other singers. He didn't do a good job of singing like a black person one bit, but it was a progression to the final piece that had the power of his voice, yet conformed to that style of music. I have come to really enjoy and appreciate the breadth that his singing has and covers.

Unfortunately I was informed that there are no cover bands in the area that does Doors music, however every band seems to do, "Riders of the Storm" and "LA Woman." I have heard many and the voice work is poor. I have a friend that reviews Cd's for Progression Magazine and I get his finished Cd's. One was of a local band that did a live recording that had little mastering. The singer was touted as the Mexican Jim Morrison. I regret that screaming into a microphone, falls way short of being Jim Morrison. In my listening, he seems to enjoy bringing the note to the breaking point and then slyly releasing it into a lower one without cracking. It is also the interaction of the vocals with the music and the audience. That added sense of emotion and drama.

With no band, my project most likely won't be able to come to fruition for some time to come. To incorporate a song into a Doors set, I need to weave my repertoire into their material. Or in working with a recording project, such as Spirit Woman/ The Rope Swing I need to be able to find someone with that same sense of composing and that requires intimate knowledge of band material.

Author Notes If you are reading this from a thread, if you do not plan to write or review other material on FanStory, the author asks that you comment at the origion of the thread. Mike

I was informed by my friend that, the band that toutded to have the modern day Jim Morrison was actually a put togetger and my friend in lieu of his promised share, ended up raiding the bars kitchen and taking his portion of promised pay as the left over fair in the bars refridgeator. We extend our apologies, but stick to our statements.

Chapter 4
A Shared Experience- Uncommonly

By Mike K2

Two different four year old boys,
privy to seeing the same fate.
Different time, different place;
seeing death occur, without grace.

With one...
Bloody Indian's spirits shriek upon the land.
With the other...
Grandfather is caught in father's hands. 

With one family, they respectfully pass on by;
a mother closes the door, hoping death will hide.
Both boys, from other children, they stand apart;
uncanny perceptions and thoughts begin to start.

One boy learns fear from spiritual fright;
the second is comforted by angelic light.
Both initiations involve other's bleeding,
Whether spilled, or a heart breaching.

They died too fast...
The Wagon Man will eventually be around.

One for the bodies...
The other...
For the wandering spirits to be found.

Forgotten are those two boys who shared;
that life changes quick and isn't spared.
Living forever with a soul that is daunted,
seeing with eyes, now forever haunted.

Death can never be passed off as a dream,
as it becomes the head waters of life's stream.
Why you died then, we will never know;
but from our minds, we wonder...
"When will you go?"

Author Notes This poem comes from listening and reading about Jim Morrison, the singer of The Doors. The actual stories are detailed in the next chapter. With me, this is my first solid and detailed memory. The one's before it are quite dream like glimpses and images. Such is the impact of something so profound. Right off the bat, life is recognized, but so is death and in a sense it sets one apart, until people themselves catch up and also have to build upon the experience, a perspective.

The photograph of my grandfather and myself was taken by my Grandmother at Cape Hatteras, NC. This was approximately a year before I saw him pass on. For the most part, my grandfather worked a split shift of Baltimore Gas and Electric and was a trouble man for substations. I rarely saw him and very often, he went straight to bed as he never knew when he would be called.

Parents can try to protect, blunt deaths impact or explain. But the image will stay...

Chapter 5
Shared Experiences.

By Mike K2

I felt that the charisma, with someone that we make into celebrity, comes about through something that we recognize in them about ourselves, or our desires. Also something that we can identify with and they have the ability to churn something up within ourselves.

I would have said that The Doors songs and Jim Morrison's singing appealed to me on the emotional level, citing the qualities that affected me with the music. Having spent much of my life with the greatest hits, most of the music was unavailable to me. Having watched the movie, "The Doors," a certain commonality still passed me. Watching the scene with the dying Indians didn't jog things up.

It was in late August thru early September 2008 when I acquired the rest of The Doors music. I became amazed at the expanse of the music that was theirs and the poetry within it. I marveled at not only this; also their creativity, foresight and their talent. But, even though a lyric's contained within the song, "Peace Frog;" it still escaped me.

In late September, I picked up the last of the studio recordings, "An American Prayer." Even with several listenings, it continued escape me. It wasn't the poem, music and description of "Awake", the event that was similar in both Jim's and my lives, but in, "The Poet's Dreams, The Movie." In this, Jim describes being seated into a theater and then acting as the announcer. It is obvious that your are there to see a movie of your own life.

It was then that his last words for that segment got me, "Did you have a good world when you died? Enough to base a movie on." I was amazed at how prophetic those words were and started to laugh.

"Well Jim, you certainly did!" With the thought, "Me?" I busted out laughing! Then the next time I played the CD, the words to, "Awake," not only hit me hard, they made me sick. I had to clock out of work early and go home. Now every time I hear, "Indian's scattered on dawn's highway bleeding. Ghosts crowd a young child's fragile eggshell mind. Indian, Indian what did you die for? Indian says, nothing at all." Many of the lyrics of his songs then took on a haunting tone.

In, "Awake," he describes going on a trip out West with his parents and grandparents; happening on to an accident scene where there was a truck and American Indian workers were lying around bleeding and dying. Jim also stated that was the first time that he felt fear and mentioned that he could feel the panicked Indian souls roaming around.

He also said, "Maybe one or two of them are in me." Through his music, it is obvious that, seeing that affected much of his life and made me realize, though my experience was generally put out of my mind, it seemed to always be there, underneath. That image of my grandfather dying also has stayed with me and I guess that being the first glimpse of death, has lasted even though I have seen many more people to their end. Also personally, my life has been much more spiritual, harder to put in context, then most people's range of experience.

In my case it, was a Sunday in 1969 and we had returned to my Grandmother's house in Baltimore after a day trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. My Grandmother was with my mother talking at the front of the house in the living room. I was in the kitchen, sitting at the table, at the back of the house and my Grandfather was home and sitting on the back steps talking with my father, who was standing in front of him. He suddenly stood up and fell forward; my father caught him and laid him and gently down.

He told me to get Mom and tell her that something is wrong with her dad and bring a pillow. I did and my mom came running past me. She immediately ran back past me and upon looking back at me yelled out, "Oh God!" She grabbed me and ran me into the bed room with the instruction being, "Just Stay here," shutting the door. She ran the pillow out to my father and then back into the living room where the phone was. There was no 911, as it was a regular phone number for the fire station itself, which was located at the beginning of the phone book. I heard the struggle them of trying to dial it. My mother and grandmother were frantic and I heard them both yelling on the phone.

The fire station was just a mile up Old Harford Road, so in the short time the ambulance was to be there; my mother popped back into the bedroom and held my hand, "Mike, I know this looks very bad with Pup Pup E, but I think he will be OK. Don't worry, in a little time, he should be able to play with you again. He knows how much you love him." I couldn't believe that she would lie to me like that. Clearly, I had seen his spirit leave his body and the presence that I had felt told me that he died, but it was his time and everything is OK. This aspect didn't present itself in some form of supernatural experience, but simply as a feeling. A blanketing one would be a very apt description.

I could hear the ambulance coming and when it arrived, I sneaked out of the bed room and I watched them look at my Grandfather, put him on the stretcher. Then they took him to the back of the ambulance, which at that time resembled an ice cream truck and I saw them put the sheet over his face. My father told me about a year before he died, that they looked at him and said that he is dead and there is nothing that they can do, it looks like his heart exploded. Because this happened outside and in public view, they will take his body to the hospital, where it can be picked up. They played it up a bit, because they didn't want to deal with the women. Grandma got into the front of the ambulance and they drove off. I believe that my parents took me home and found someone to baby sit, then they left for the hospital themselves.

Instead of my parents allowing me to come to the funeral, one of my mother's friends watched me, ironically of American Indian descent. I remember that I played, but we also discussed what happened. Morris is a no thrills person who is very unique. Though I didn't deal with him in Boy Scouts later, he was also a top scout and adult leader, that I sort of got many ideas from. Also pushing the, "aceptable envelope." He was always pushing the limits of modern scouting and trying to make it more traditionally the way it was. The night that he watched me; one of the things that he did say is, "You not only have to behave well, you also need to be there for your mother. This is really going to affect her badly and she will need help from everybody.

In my teens, I found out from my mother, that was the worst experience in her life. She said that they had to put her on pills for it, then she had to take herself off them, but she admitted, that she was be permanently affected from he Dad's death. It gripped her before she went to sleep at night, so she now treated it homeopathically, by drinking two beers each night. Later we found out, supplemented with rum. Grandmother was always affected, but got a grip on life and got out a bit with her oil paintings.

I voiced my worries to my my mother, that she was going to have the same troubles with my grandmother as it appeared that she wasn't doing too well and was slowly slipping away from us. Mom assured me, that will not be the case and that she felt that my grandma had lived a long and filled life, "With a day like she gave me today, perhaps too long." Mom said that she is prepared. I asked my father why he wasn't affected and he said, "Mike, I have seen the worst of death. When you have to see your best friends, laid out in their living rooms and realized that you played with them just last week; you quickly learn that life has no guarantees." His friends passed in a series of epidemics. Today, children are spared for the most part, making seeing death at an early age even more uncommon.

I thought I had acceptance of death mastered at an early age and couldn't understand how people could grieve so, or completely change because of it. I guess that death couldn't let me escape not knowing this, though the ignorance would have been great for my life. I had a person that I considered a childhood sweetheart and there was no one that I wanted to be with, more. I think this terrorized the poor girl and outside of short shy visits to make sure I was OK, I lived the relationship more in thought.

The senior year of high school, I found out through a reaction to my photographic display, that she may have had much more serious feelings herself and after a week of total madness and panic in finding her, pursued her into the girls bathroom. I simply, upon bent knee, talked to her through the stall and made my case. She was struck and killed the next day by a drunk driver. My senior year consisted of a third of a year of being in a state of shock, then severely depressed, then learning how to get by.

It was as if there was a deep spiritual bond, that created a gaping whole in my being and screamed, a horrible sense of injustice. At times, even blaming myself as if I was the one that killed her. I was able to understand the process of death, but I couldn't figure out why, I took it as hard as I did. It took about ten years after I got my memory back, to get it all worked out. My father wasn't immune from learning either and it didn't take death to continue to life's finality for that one. In 1989, my mother had a cardiac arrest at home and due to medical care improvements, she remained alive, but severely brain damaged.

I watched my father go through that experience and in fact, I sort of guided him through it. He then was amazed at my abilities at handling things and it took several conversations for him to understand how. He couldn't believe that I remembered my grandfather passing away. Same elements, the sense of injustice and the spiritual bond being torn away. In my mother's case, it was if her spirit was ripped from her and replaced with a malicious spirit, with some moments in our house being played out like the Exorcist. From this my Grandmother gained a new lease on life and was determined to survive, to take care of her daughter and outlive, "That son of bitch of a father of yours." She blamed him and it was her anger that carried her through very well. But she died an unhappy person, as she wanted to see him dead first and to wish him to hell.

The one element between our experiences that I found astounding is that right off of the bat, somehow an American Indian was involved. In my case, he was nothing more then a baby sitter; my mother's friend with a commonality in music and growing up together. It is strange that I too would become majorly involved in scouts, and though I wanted to learn music, my mother refused to teach me. That didn't stop me from exploring and studying it on my own.

Though out my life, Indians would be coming in and out of it and play a role, too. My father worked with Juvenile Justice and one of his cases was a Lumby Indian. His Grandmother felt a bond with my father and invited him into her church community to celebrate her 80th birthday. It was a far different world in the church basement, most Indians really didn't like us being there. I remember the looks we received, it made one very uncomfortable. The sixteen year old girls looking at this fourteen year old boy. Both had our thoughts. The grandmother stopped by and said that she is very happy that we came, as that was what she truly wanted. Dad gained a lot of respect because of this and who he was there.

Though primarily a Christian, I had a fascination with the Indian side of being and upon hearing of the Sun Dance ceremony, I had a sense, that I could imagine participating in it. It was sort of that, transcending the torture and harshness of it that strangely enough, made me feel accomplished. I was emotionally moved by American Indian dances and other ethnic music and their roots. I was very happy when I read about the Sun Dance in Shaman's Drum Magazine. A Shaman stepped apart from the other's and allowed white people that he felt worthy, participate.

The article outlined the debate, fully described not only the ceremony, but also the experiences of the participants. What touched me the most was the article also had the details on the Vow to the Sun and I was very pleased that even though, I knew not of them, that basically I lived my life with them in mind. I laughed when I realized that I had lived those vows and that my scares were on the inside. Breaking out in the dance to me, now only became a formality in order to show other people my courage.

This knowledge came in very handy once. I was in Baltimore City, walking between the bus stops in Lumby territory, when two young lumbies stopped me and said that they were going to cut me. One had a knife in his hand. I believe that they wanted me to run to amuse their egos. When I didn't, they became disgruntled and told me to pull out my knife. I laughed and said that I didn't need one. Using sign language, I put out my arms and made a circle, stopping at all of the directions. Then grappling as if putting them into me. I then reached up at the sun and when I turned to them, I motioned that I had the scars upon my chest. I lastly pointed to them and held out my left hand and wiped it with my right. As if dusting dirt off of my palm. I got as far as lifting my shirt to my belly button and they took off running. I asked the air why and the air replied, "Those two needed that."

I know the movie indicated that the old Indian (shaman), remained in Jim's life. Seeing that only in the movie, I would be afraid to comment. But in several songs and poems of his, he mentions the American Indian and Shaman. When my life was at it's harshest, in my thoughts, an old Indian began to appear in my imaginings, mostly at night. I was sort of put into a wick-up, made of woven willow covered with dirt. Just given a rock or two and the old man sat outside and did his thing. Eventually I picked this up and occasionally did them myself, whether around the house, bed or the humble abode that I camped in.

It didn't make sense to me, because he was an old Indian with short hair and wore pants, but I went along with it none the less. I also didn't recognize many of the things that he did, which made me suspect. It wasn't until some time later that I read Thomas Mails book, "Fools Crow, His Power and Wisdom." This was written from conversations with Fools Crow, only to be released as a book, after his death. His visions of the Wagon Man, coincided with mine. Strange... To be so touched by a person that you never expected to find out about. This has repeated itself several times and it is fairly common to have that person, for reasons unknown to them, to totally panic when they see me. I hate it! But, I'm used to it.

We also seemed to have a connection of wandering alone. Whether a walk about or simply to spend time alone to delve more deeper into one's self and essence. I know that Jim mentioned the desert and I had my woodlands and caves. With scouts, you're supposed to buddy up and generally, that was short lived as people tended only to do this out of curiosity and lost that interest of hiking with me, very fast. It was occasionally mentioned to me that at times, the atmosphere that surrounded me upon my return was disconcerting. I enjoyed watching nature play itself out and rarely grew fearful at anything that occured. I had another American Indian that was a Scoutmaster for a time and at least he understood this wandering about alone more then most. He also laughed like hell when my sweat-lodge blew apart and I went from two hundred degrees to minus fifteen in a second, totally naked. I would loved to have known what people thought about Jim upon his returns.

Seeing death at an early age has made me a very observant person and one that realizes that no matter what, our lives are finite. I think this imprinted upon myself, so that I can get the most out of my adventures and in keeping life refreshed. It also shoved reality down my throat. Usually when people grieve, people are either put off by the way the person acts or something that makes the observer feel they were lacking. You will not be able to get the person to stop grieving, especially if it is an act of spirit keeping; but holding their hand and simply saying, "I understand." It will go a long way in helping them, at least in keep their minds to their life and with those still around them. No need to feel funny or try to push points, we all have our natural rhythms.

Very often a more spiritual sense of being occurs. One, rarely seems to remain the same after the experience, especially when they happen at such a young age.

Author Notes If you are reading this from a thread that I created and do not plan to write or review other members works here, it is requested from the author to return to the original thread to comment.

Recommended listening. This contains interesting poetry as well, skirting on good taste in my opinion, but very rich with meaning. Very powerful production in it as well.

The Doors- CD "An American Prayer."
Tracks 1-4
AWAKE-Ghost Song- Dawn's Highway-New Born Awakening
Also Track 22, Bird of Prey- A song sung in a chanted fashion of the American Indian- It represents the life cycle of a rodent in the eyes of a raptor, such as a hawk, falcon or eagle. Also man's place in the world in reference to God or death.

From, The Doors, "Morrison Hotel," CD. Peace Frog, "It starts of, "There's blood in the streets," Very peppy and there is more romantic music featuring, Jim Morrison's, psychedelic Sinatra.

Works From Mike K2, these can be cut and pasted into your browser.

When The Woods Turn White
Hollow Bones For Fools Crow

There are some many of these experiences that I have had within my portfolio, best to click all and have a look. Many such as, My Humble Abode, Warmth and Comfort, Bathed In Your Light, Whiteout!, just to name a few.

Chapter 6
Spirit Woman

By Mike K2

You ride though my
world greater then
any woman alive.
But at the slightest
glimpse, you slip away
as you run and hide.


How can such a mystery
present itself and
provide for me so much?
Yet when it comes to
a heavenly embrace,
you let slip the clutch!

You coast off, riding
down the hill, me running
'til your out out of sight.
A beautiful face upon my mind,
spirit with a whisper so kind;
you invade my sleep at night!


I don't understand, what
have I done, to where you
care, but me you shun.
You make sure to maintain
your presence in my life,
but leave my mind undone.

I understand that we share
a love and unequaled we
have become the best of friends.
I know that you write the script
to this play, one day will you
decide to stay.

Or will you slate it...
... to suffer fateful ends.


I know I give something special
to your life, but me living with
this divine mystery.
Has me praying that you come alive
galloping into my life to share
this magic, that you bring out in me.

But at the slightest
glimpse you slip away
as you run and hide.
You ride though my
world greater than
any woman alive.

[chorus- down beat, sung softly and low]

Though I think you are only a spirit.
No one else now, I want to be with.

OH!_________Anna-di! Why!
Though my life you ride!
Like the ghost rider in the sky!
I love this aberration, before
she disappears and hides.

Your love and conviction is just
as real.
Then from any living woman, this
I truly feel.

Just a hint, a loving message
on the towel that I use to dry.

It's you! I barely spy!

Author Notes I am currently considering becoming a set singer in regards to the music of, "The Doors." My observation is that many bands can play it well but lack in singing the lyrics. My set would be as much as an act as song, adding a little of my persona for the performance. I don't buy the movie of the doors as I think it was a few events that they blew up to create a huge mystique about Jim Morrison. For the most part I feel that 90 percent of them is the same of any other band. But it is the various personalities that combined to make them what they were. (The other ten percent and what got noticed.) If I decided to develop this performance, I wouldn't begin to try to imitate Jim Morrison and with the exception of writing into the set some unpredictableness and interest, would be myself. In leather pants and a seventies shirt! lol

Being a straight person, I really don't want to emphasize the drug culture of these bands, but infer it to what is acceptable to me. For example I have found that the mystique of Absinthe (the green fairy, that drink of musicians and poets, and what most people are afraid to try) can be used to infer that. Or the foreboding of the audience thinking that I am drinking anti-freeze. I think that atmosphere would be plenty.

Anna-di is a generic name basically picked by mentally throwing darts at various possibilities. This one entertained me and also has that ghost like quality about it, yet is non-descript..

How I came up with this one is in thinking What would miff, Jim Morrison? As far a sex, I had a feeling that he had plenty of offerings to pick from. No doubt the band also had their entourage for various reasons, some for the association, the culture or the times and others for a pseudo intellectual or philosophical reasons. I came up with a character that should have been there, but elected not to get caught up in the Doordom of it all. For this I only had to turn to my various relationships with FS poetesses,enjoying the site, yet maintaining an anonymity. When I went out at a fellow members house in South Dakota, I invited several members to join me as that would have been a nice way to meet each other. But I know that these Internet relationships also have their caring and love. Honestly, it sparks not only the sense of a certain love, but a desire to want to know the person behind all of the words. For me to have any of these feelings is a miracle in and of itself. It is also very touching that we work off of each other's writing as an inspiration. Something that unfortunately doesn't happen in my life in Baltimore.

Well the Internet wasn't around for Jim. So I thought of a fan that through letters he realized that she was special, perhaps from time to time he came into contact with this shy person who enjoyed the bestowed intrigue more then actually desiring to know him. Perhaps slipping a towel on stage with a special message. Though not conventional, to him it is a relationship never the less. One that would pluck his nerves! lol

I would insert this into an act having a lenght cool down, possible with someone throwing him a towel with writing on it. The going into, "Break On Through!" with a shorter introduction. I share my plans with you as I value your opinion as well the reviews on my material. Mike

Chapter 7
Untamed Spirit!!!!

By Mike K2

"Oh, My God!" There
she goes again.
She must get her energy
from the Devil's den!

"Great Copperheads and
dogs from Hades!"
With her there isn't a moment
of peace made for me!

She'll be fine, with her
doll having some play tea.
I'll find her two hours later
sitting in the field setting
cotton fluffs free.

Damn if she didn't have to show me
what was on the end or her little rake.
So proud, she was, taking the life out
of me... "A coiled up black snake!"

She looked so beautiful, finely
dressed for church with ribbons
in her pristinely combed hair.
"My dear? Where are your ribbons?"
Now covered in mud, she decided who
needed them more was the hog over there!

My husband is proud of the life
he provided me, as he always
finds his way into the field.
I'll consider him a true man when
he gives me a break and finds the time
with his daughter to deal!

I know she will one day be a lady
and take a nice gentleman's hand.
I bet it will be just a short while,
until he finds just what a spirited
woman he did land!

Author Notes This poem is designed to read exactly as it is. A short simple exclamation, going into these run on excited stanzas, much like a woman who has just dealt with such a child! My intention with the rhyme is not exactly to find perfect matches in every case, but one that continued the flow without giving up their meaning.

Photograph copyright 1993 by Michael W. Kohlman Baltimore, MD

This photograph came from my print file of an unreleased and incomplete article, "Reliving History... A hobby, A Pursuit, A Lifetime." This was taken at Fort Frederick State Park in Maryland who once a year, hosts reenactments for the French and Indian War, The Revolutionary War and the Civil War. Various reenactment groups get together and set up camps. Being more then just a bunch of guys pretending to shoot at each other. Many bring family and set up camp, demonstrating also the life and traditions of their era. They also have live cannon firing demonstrations.

For the photograph, "This is not a photograph of a reenactment, but an actual battle;- the oldest one. Young Shannon tests the readiness and capabilities of her mother Jeanine Joyce. Her husband serves with the 13th Virginia Company." I was photographing a cannon when I heard this squeal followed by, "Oh! My God!" if you think chasing after your daughter is bad, imagine doing it in petticoats and bodices. I had to be a gunslinger to capture this one.

Chapter 8
Powerfully Spirited!

By Mike K2

Put off by me? Are You?
I'm high spirited, dwelling
in me, may even be two!

Maybe it's my facial piercing?
Or in being blunt, I'm not
exactly endearing.

Maybe it's hairstyle and clothes?
Perhaps, that to a heavy back beat,
I singingly scream out life's woes?

My personality changes with the music!
In the microseconds of my glimpses
I perform for the reactions that stick.

With 10,000 people dancing in the sun.
I might kick a beer left on stage...
just for the sheer fun.

Maybe I am snubbed by the stodgy.
But through me, I celebrate the
bands I love, admire and study.

In my private moments I play Chopin.
As the romantic thoughts of childhood's
ideals, enters me once again.

No matter who you are, I fore warn!
I demand to be respected, admired
and treated like a woman!

My fans hold my adoration,
while I create for them...
a fascination.

Author Notes Photograph taken October 2008 by Michael W. Kohlman at the Fells Point Festival's Beer Garden.

Yes, she's in mid air! Unknown band members of the Niki Barr Band. I was there for ulterior motives and I apologize for being rusty with my photojournalism. Mainly the journalism part. It was almost an afterthought to take pictures of the bands that played. The sponsoring radio station is used to this though, in sponsoring several events and providing community service, they are often known as a local station by the (local paper), when they are associated with something bad, then it's 98 ROCK as a talk show personality pointed out. I have found this to be true, except with their article on HD Radio, an ever developing and upcoming technology, beginning to be deployed.

To be honest, I don't know the band or it's members. One of the radio stations personalities, put together a last minute band that had no rehearsals called Train Wreck that played AC/DC music. I figured that they would be a quicky shoot, but they put on a good show so I was concentrating on my shooting. If it wasn't for the fact that I was being stopped from photographing from back stage area by quasi police, and awaiting for the real police to come, I wouldn't have talked to them.

I asked her if she was part of the band next up, she said yes and asked me who I was. When I explained who I was and that I was, "acting," as the event's photographer. She thought it would be a great idea to photograph them and would like a couple of shots. Of course I finally got the attention of the police, got my permission and was back at photographing the band at hand. I don't know where to send them. I manged to finally track them down.

At that time, she was all business, trying to figure out when the band on stage was ending, what order to get her equipment on stage and her sets to play. On stage she too, put on a show... and it was wild and fiery! I think at one point, she might have spied me taking a picture and walked up to the last band's beer and kicked it in my direction. It would have been a good shot, provided it wasn't coming directly my way. My sixth sense told me to cover my camera. I think it was Bud Light!

The photograph was chosen as it fit my thoughts for the poem. She was definitely unconventional and must put many people off, her music must do this to. I always hung around these strange or freak women because I found out they were direct and honest. Something I learned to appreciate. Usually many bands, have studied the discipline of music for a while and are far more knowledgeable and accomplished the they appear. It is always great to see someone have a chance to stretch their wings with playing a bigger venue then the normal one's, such as bars. The members are appreciative of this opportunity and enjoyed doing the performance. Also, they are far more approachable then the bigger bands who are more about the business of it all, on a large tour.

This poem was also a response to a challenge. I Emailed a set of photographs to a couple of FS members and one, said that she loved this photo and I needed to write a poem about her. Backloged with poetic ideas, this fell into place when I thought about adding it to my, "Spirit Woman," concept. There is a clue in the poem who this spirited members is.

98 Rock, Baltimore has a website and listing is available on-line along with web-camcasts. For a change in pace, I recommend listening to their Morning Show with Mickey, Amelia and Spiegel. Mickey, not caught short on personality, whose also does stand-up comedy and appears on AM talk radio; Amelia, who tries to keep the show on track and lends her mind scratching logic to conversations and the self-absorbed and neurotic newsman who adds his strangeness to interviews. He also share his random thoughts, once a week. This is FM, but it is not over the top and you never know what will come up next with everyone's ADD. The are exposing their belief that McCain is Dr. Evil, complete with its side by side comparisons with photographs and audio. Mickey is conservative, Amelia is liberal and Josh is Josh.

Chapter 9
The Rope Swing

By Mike K2

It was those hot and humid days;
on toiling adults, the sweat laid.
But the children left for relief,
just a few hundred steps from
suburbia to a rural retreat.

At the local park, its hills,
tree houses and hollow log cannons
were protected by far.
Proudly encompassing possession
and fought over by wars.

But there was one item put up
and cut down in the park,
over which we never did shout.
Either over the water or on a hill;
when a rope swing hung about.

The rope swing on the hill, was
for developing a manly skill,
the swing yielded to the new
comers that were boys to see
how good they could play,
"Knife Game!"

The girls were encouraged to
just take a swing out, to
boys delight with screams
and squeals, they enjoyed
the ride just the same.

Taking a rest, I settled talking
to a girl that had life figured
out, she was absolutely the best.
And when she told me she thought
I was too, I knew to meet her
I must have been blessed.

Then there was the one over the creek,
every kid constantly pitched in
to help make it deep.

Boys and girls alike would swing off
into the water until frozen and blue.
Continuing this adventure, until the
dinner curfew called, and leave only
when we absolutely had to.

Many adults just had to stop by
just to try their hand.
Commenting that we were such a
nicely gathered band.

This is one of those rare instances
of bickering groups of kids
became a community.
Keeping those wonderful memories locked
within ourselves for posterity.

Author Notes Judianjames conjured up this memory with her story, "Ampersand and Poodle" chapter 3, "The Tree House." This recollect brought back a book full of memories. Tree houses were put up and protected by the older boys who also stole our supplies for putting up one of our own. Likewise, hills were claimed and my friends and myself had grosses of M-80 firecrackers and also enjoyed making ones, at least half of the community then called it Double Rock Proving Grounds instead of park. Everything was fought over. One time we were exploring and a group from neighboring Overlea resented us being on the hill and creamed us with their BB guns. We ran alright, but home to grab a sling shot and fill our pockets with M-80s. A person that done blasting taught us how to properly prepare safety fuses because he feared us blowing up our hands. We were back on the hill and the patrolling Overlea people were back walking the trails. We let out a, "F-you!" and they started shooting, this time for keeps. We launched ten M-80s before they fell around them and chased them through the woods with about ten more. This hill, known as, "Suicide Hill," was retaken. Nobody messed with us and our cannons which was loaded with a M-80 in a bottle.

But a rope swing was a different matter and us routy kids, settled into a polite society, just to see how good the other boys were.

Knife Game was a game played on a rope swing set on a hill. The first person would go out with a sheath knife in their teeth. Upon coming back he would place it in the hill at the highest possible spot. The goal was for the next person to grab it while coming back and place it higher. I developed a method of flipping my body with earned me the comments of, "Crazy" or "God Damn!" This lasted unit one day I went out and saw the swing go above me, then I looked back and saw the looks on the other boys face; they were laughing or just had their mouths open. Everything happened so I had every detail registered until I impacted the ground thirty feet later. Being who I was, my crumpled body dusted off the dirt and I laughingly said, "Oops, I screwed up." It didn't hurt until later that night and the next two weeks.

We loved it because it attracted the attention of the girls. I guess the fun was talking them into going out for the rope swing ride. Quite a spectacle, that everyone enjoyed. I tended to like these freak girls because they were honest and fairly open, yet despite what was thought of them, were quick to draw lines.

The last time I was on a rope swing I broke off from the group and just enjoyed chatting with Marjie. Physically she was much to look at, she was dumpy, freckled and had weird hair and these splotches over her. But I was speechless in listening to her. She had life all figured out and one hell of a spirit. The shocker was she told me the same and said that she didn't know if she would be back but would try and wanted me waiting for her, just in case she could make it. I ran home and with Diarrhea of the mouth told my mom all about her. After about three weeks, mom informed me that she looked weird because she had leukemia and had passed away. If I had only known, God! I bet we would have snuck off and made love. To me she deserved that much, but I bet that rope swing was her last memory and she left us in comfort and love.

The rope swing represents to me the epitome of life.

Chapter 10
Love Swings By

By Mike K2

Teenage groups find each other;
meeting together on a hill.
Greeting without a bother,
seeking their turn for thrill.


One boy spies a chubby girl and sits beside;
not great looking, skin splotchy with strange hair.
Feeling there is magic, so he passes up his ride,
as he senses a lot more is going on there.

His eyes are blinded by the music he hears,
it is as if she has life itself all figured out.
Though the boy loner draws the eyes of peers,
just a few smiles, no epithets did they shout.

He instantly develops a deep love and admiration,
she strangely enough, for him thinks the same.
They become each other's confiding inspiration,
cherishing each other's good company and name.

She surprises him as she states he's the best,
telling him to go swing, so she can watch now.
She cheers him on and makes him feel blest,
wanting to see him again, not known when or how.

She states that she will try her best to return soon,
would he please be at the rope swing, the same time each day.
Agreed as their spirits together cycle like sun and moon,
each day he returns, hoping they will talk and play.

As the weeks pass by, he doesn't hold much hope,
but can sense her spirit there and the importance;
at least he can swing alone and take a ride on the rope,
looking at the empty rock upon the hill's solid portance.

He makes it home, after having his lonely, but good time,
Mom inquired if it is Margie that he still seeks.
Mom's face stopped breathing, "This responsibility is mine;"
gulping, "Margie had leukemia and is now in the Lord's keep."

Mom knew the name, the facts and when, where and how;
He now had to go back one more time, for Margie's sake.
It was if her patient spirit was there waiting now,
it seemed that she was allowed to have just one date.

Into your life, then out again love swings;
caught for even a minute, you then touch a life.
Shamefully, most people don't see love in such things,
passing up what they should foster,
a spirit filled love that's with pleasures, rife.

Author Notes With this one, it felt right to write it now. It is absolutely amazing just how one person and a few minutes can become so important.

Portance in this case, meaning air as if the two spirits were solidifying within the medium. I just passed it up as imagination, but it seemed like that lonely rock held the image of her watching me swing.

I only knew her as Margie and became so enthused I told mom all about her. Like, "Well, you might think of her as the ugliest person that I could find, she's chubby, has splotchy skin and frizzled flame red hair. But everything else about her is so beautiful." I told her every detail and my intention to keep my promise and mom just said, "For what ever reason, I understand." I went there after school, everyday for two or three weeks. As time passed my hopes of meeting up did too, but for what ever reason, it seemed that I should. I don't know how mom knew, she was good at that, but mom knew her last name as well. Mom asked me what I planed to do and I said, I think it is now time to go there and have that date. With her, I didn't grieve as it just seemed to me that it was her time. After all, it seemed like she had the world all figured out and was looking ahead.

For those who wouldn't think there is a movie like quality in my life... Beautiful stories of love and tragedy, but not regret, with plenty of humor. I would like to thank the great sperm killing Unabridged Dictionary for it help in creating this poem.

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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