Biographical Non-Fiction posted May 13, 2024

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Going on vacation

by barbara.wilkey

Good Morning FanStorians,
I've been really busy lately and forgot to add this note to my author's notes.  I wanted to share with you that I'll be on vacation starting tomorrow, May 14th until May 29th.  I'll still be on FanStory during down time, but not as much.  My novel is completed, so I am still planning on posting it, but may not be on Sundays but whatever day and time I have available.  I'll also be using my laptop.  I don't like it as much as my PC, so they'll be errors.
My grandson, Jace is graduating from high school.  I'll be with his family, spend time with my 92 year old Mom, and then go visit my other son and his family, the one with my two youngest granddaughters.  My oldest son is coming from Florida,  for the graduation so I'll be able to visit with him, too.    The only son that won't be there is my youngest.  He'll still be here in Texas.  He teaches and his school thinks teachers need to be present duing finals.  Don't know what their problem is.  LOL  I do get to see him more often since we only live three hours away.
I didn't spend days editing this so I'm sure it has numerous mistakes.  LOL  
Thank you for  your continued support
Vaya con Dios



Letting you know I won't be on FanStory as often.
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