Humor Poetry posted May 14, 2024

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An owl meets a talkative tree

The Arboreal Raconteur

by BermyBye50

In a forest quaint, there lived a tree,

A clever raconteur, as talkative as can be.

With a bark that chuckled, leaves that chattered,

And a trunk that wiggled, it hardly mattered.

With a hoot, the owl declared,

"Your stories are wild, beyond compare!"

The tree replied with a rustling sound,

"They’re the funniest stories known around."

The owl blinked, then burst into laughter,

"I've heard it all, from here to thereafter!"

Story Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a 10-line rhyming poem involving a talking tree and a curious owl. The rhyme scheme will be AABBCCDDEE.
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