Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted May 12, 2024

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Philosophy free verse poem

The Mark

by marthag1

A story?

How about a song


One of a spirit seeking the ancient promise of belonging.


My mind rejected as my heart yearned

trans-imposing the image of my greatest ally

onto the planes of my most feared foe.


I battled reason

With Weapons forged in faith.

Surrounded in Silence

That swept me away


The beat of betrayal beckoned

My feet tapped the tune 'forgive'.

Melody met mourning

screaming made me sing.


Soothed by a lullaby of lost lyric

My anger crumbles away


Not too long ago

I watered and watched grow:

A Boy into a Man

Monstrous in strength and cold


All the while, I slipped away:

A Spectator

Into a Servant

Until all that remained was a Spirit offered on the altar of ego


His iron fists

Tore body from mind; mind from soul

my broken fingers

Held on until they were forced to let go.


A story?

Once upon a time,

I loved you

Until there was Nothing left to love

Nowhere left to go


So I loved love itself

Calling my own arms home


I found a Warrior in your wake

And loved the Woman once lost as your Witness

Sometimes I cry for you,Cain.

But I am Abel-


To forgive and let go

Emotional Support writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about Emotional Support. This can be showing care and compassion to another person, verbal or nonverbal. It could be about an emotional support animal; an animal that provides relief to individuals through companionship. Or even object: common comfort objects include: weighted blankets; worry beads; and fidget spinners. Poetry of any length Rhymed or Free Verse, be creative.

The First Milestone
This authors first post!
A Milestone Post

Hi all,

This is my first time posting on fan story and sharing my writing- any feedback and advice would be kindly appreciated
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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