General Non-Fiction posted May 5, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
Our neighbors have no respect for living in an apartment

Conflict with the Neighbors

by Monica Chaddick

Dealing with your neighbors should be tolerable, if not always pleasant.  We have had issues with other neighbors in the past.  I mean, who doesn't when living in an apartment building?  However, we were always able to resolve those issues amicably enough ~ until now.
The neighbors that we have now seem to think that rules do not apply to them.  They throw huge parties every weekend, with music blaring loud enough to rattle the pictures on my walls.  They hog the shared porch area, smoking and drinking around the clock (literally).  
Numerous times we have reported them to the apartment manager, as well as to the police department.  The police are so tired of dealing with them that they told them this past weekend they would issue citations and arrests if they had to return.  The final blow, however, came during the day yesterday.
Yesterday, we had company.  He needed to wash a load of clothes, we had a couple of loads to do for my mother, and a couple to do for ourselves.  Most of the trips to the laundry room involved myself, our guest, and sometimes my son.  At one point, though, I went by myself.  I mean, it's the middle of the day and directly across the lawn ~ what could go wrong, right?
As I walked out the door, I knew that the neighbors were out there, so I made a point to not even glance in their direction.  This didn't prevent them from cursing me out, anyway.  All the way to the laundry room, they were calling me very dirty names.  I never even looked at them.  However, when I got into the laundry room I called my son and told him what had happened.  Our guest came and joined me in the laundry room, and my son immediately sent out an email to the apartment manager.  On our next trip to the laundry, the apartment manager was outside having a word with the neighbors.  
Once the manager left, they finished cooking (they were bar-b-queing) and went inside.  We haven't heard a peep since.  
A couple of weeks ago, when we had to report them, the manager stated that one more complaint would earn them an eviction notice.  I hope she holds true to her word, as I refuse to be harrassed when walking out my door.  Hopefully, we will be rid of them soon and will get some decent neighbors that respect the rules, their neighbors, and the law, as these obviously do not.

Dealing with a Conflict contest entry

We get along fine with all the rest of our neighbors. They are disturbed, as well, but afraid to complain as they are all here on student visas.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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