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CD Richards

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Rank:  484

Meanwhile in Florida...

<< Thread Modifed November 13 at 12:57AM >>

Steve Martin apparently learned only a few days ago that his 2005 novel "ShopGirl" has now joined the list of hundreds of books banned by the god-fearing, right-wing, conservative, Christian, Republican residents of the Sunshine State. Thus it finds itself in good company, joining works by the likes of Stephen King, Toni Morrison, Margaret Atwood, John Milton(!) and Ernest Hemingway.

It's almost amusing that these staunch upholders of civil liberties, including the "right" to own instruments designed to kill people, and the "right" to infect the elderly and infirm in their community with deadly diseases, don't consider it a "right" for people to read or write what they like.

Apparently, the second amendment counts for everything, but the first amounts to nought. Still, these folk are always selective in their choice of commandments to follow, so why not their choice of rights?

Welcome to the Brave New World of Republicanism, South Florida style.

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

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RE: Meanwhile in Florida...

Isn't A Brave New World written by and about the tranny, poop-eating globalists banned already? This reminds me of the film The Jerk when Steve Martin's character said, "The new phone book's here! The new phone book's here. This is the kind of spontaneous publicity I need. My name in print. That really makes somebody! Things are going to start happening to me now."

He believes that this means he has achieved fame and success, and that his life will change for the better. However, he soon realizes that being in the phone book also makes him a target for a crazed sniper who randomly picks his name from the book and tries to kill him.

You have to admire the deep hypocrisy of the cancel culture Republicans who will soon ban the phone book.

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  484

RE: Meanwhile in Florida...
Message edited:

You're quite right... Brave New World IS banned in Collier County. Busy little bees, those guardians of public morality.


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RE: Meanwhile in Florida...

You still have phone books?!!?


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RE: Meanwhile in Florida...
'Civil liberties' don't apply to everyone, Steve. They never did. They apply to the people with the loudest voices and the most influence.

When a group of people who haven't historically had the loudest voices or the most influence start speaking up for themselves, those who can see the potential for their voices to be drowned out and their influence to be reduced tend to start crying about not being allowed to speak. Whilst continuing to try to prevent those with views they don't like from speaking by banning books, ensuring certain songs don't get played on the radio, dictating what is suitable television viewing .

In view of this, I find the current mouth flapping about 'woke cancel culture' from those who have pretty much done just as they like for a very long time, amusing in a grim sort of way. It's all about trying to regain control of those pesky folk who aren't toeing the line, who don't have the right to civil liberties because 'they don't think like us'.

We still have a telephone book. It's a slimmer volume than it used to be, but I still can't rip it in half...

CD Richards

Review Stars
Rank:  484

RE: Meanwhile in Florida...
Pop it in the oven on low heat for a few hours, Emma. I'm told that will make you look like you have superhuman strength.

P.S. If you burn the house down, I will disavow ever giving the above advice.


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RE: Meanwhile in Florida...
Aah, but I have it in writing...


Level 1 Pro

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RE: Meanwhile in Florida...

The demise of the phonebook has been abrupt.

When we returned to NZ 11 years ago it still existed. When we got landline phone service, we automatically got our name and address published in the local phonebook, although we did have a chance to opt out. Today there is still a phonebook but it doesn't contain the names and addresses of private citizens - just businesses large and small.

I don't remember any fuss about the change or any notification that this radical shift was about to happen.

Extinction is real.

Sorry, not trying to subvert the more serious purpose of the thread, but put me down as gobsmacked that our children will never get the joke about tearing the damn thing in half because they will never have seen one!

2018 Poet of the Year
Gloria ....

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Rank:  20

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Rank:  95

RE: Meanwhile in Florida...
Excellent point, Emma. This "cancel culture" movement initiated by the MAGA Republicans is all about silencing new and previously unheard voices.

Yes, a phonebook is still delivered here, however, phonebook tearing contests have been replaced with horseshoe bending challenges.


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