Mystery and Crime Fiction posted May 15, 2024 Chapters:  ...33 34 -35- 

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At work Lisa discovers a suspicious Money Transaction

A chapter in the book A Fellowship of Five

Hidden Transaction

by ccarlucci65

The day began with the crispness of an early Manhattan morning, the streets bustling as the city awakened to the yelling of commuters and the distant rumbling of traffic. The iconic skyline, bathed in the gentle glow of dawn, was a reminder of the dreams that drew so many to this city, its relentless pace intertwined with limitless possibilities.

Walking into the imposing lobby of Liberty Tower, the headquarters of Pinnacle World Bank, Lisa bypassed the main lobby area, preoccupied with thoughts of the journey just concluded. The bank's private elevators whisked her directly to the twenty-fifth floor, where she encountered Marianne, the receptionist for the executive offices.

"Welcome back! How was Mongolia?" Marianne greeted her with her usual warm smile, indicating genuine interest but unaware of the real circumstances of the trip. "Anything juicy to report?"

Lisa returned Marianne's warm smile with one of her own, careful to keep her expression composed despite the undertow of memories from Mongolia. "It was quite an experience, very eye-opening," she replied, maintaining the necessary vagueness about her real activities. "Nothing too juicy, I'm afraid. Just a lot of traveling and seeing the sights. It's good to be back, though." Her response was light, deflecting further curiosity while keeping the true purpose of her trip securely under wraps.

As Marianne leaned forward slightly, her eyebrows lifted inquisitively. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of surprise and keen interest, fixed intently on Lisa as if trying to read between the lines of her succinct responses. This body language, coupled with a slight tilt of her head, signaled to Lisa that Marianne was not just making polite conversation but was indeed prying for more intriguing details. "What made you choose Mongolia to travel to?" she asked, her tone mixing surprise with genuine interest. "It's not your typical vacation spot, after all."

Lisa's fingers tightened around the handle of her briefcase. Her eyes briefly flickered away from Marianne's gaze before settling back with a composed expression. She took a slight, almost imperceptible deep breath, steadying herself before she answered, her voice calm and measured despite the brief flutter of nerves.

"It's quite a story," Lisa began, offering a small, enigmatic smile. "A group of old friends and I have always been fascinated by the untamed landscapes and rich history there. It was more of an adventure than a typical vacation, something a bit different from the usual tourist trails." Her answer was calculated, revealing just enough to satisfy some of Marianne's curiosity without delving into the actual reasons for the trip.

Marianne's expression flickered with a hint of disappointment as she lightly sighed and responded, "You're right, probably nothing too juicy after all." Her tone carried a playful undertone, suggesting she understood the boundaries of this conversation.

With their brief but warm exchange, Lisa felt more at ease as she headed toward her office. The executive floor's tranquility was a pure contrast to the vibrant lobby below. As an executive compliance officer, Lisa's role was pivotal in maintaining the integrity of the financial operations at Pinnacle World Bank. Once settled at her desk, she powered up her dual monitors, which sprang to life with financial spreadsheets and summaries. Her job involved scrutinizing these figures closely, ensuring everything adhered to both internal standards and external regulatory requirements. Despite the personal challenges lingering from her trip, today promised a deep dive into the intricate finances that kept Pinnacle World Bank at the forefront of the global finance industry.

Before Lisa began her workday, her cellphone vibrated sharply against the surface of her desk, punctuating the quiet of her office. As she reached for it, a spark of excitement flickered across her face.The caller ID displayed Vinnie's name. With a swift motion, she picked up the phone, her eyes lighting up, and a quick smile breaking through her usual professional reserve. Holding the phone to her ear, she greeted him, "Hello, Vinnie,".

Vinnie's voice came through, warm and familiar. "Just checking up on you," he said, his tone casual yet carrying an underlying concern that reflected their shared experiences and the unspoken tensions of their recent adventures.

"All good over here," Lisa responded, her voice steady and reassuring. Aware of their packed schedules, they kept the conversation brief, exchanging the essential updates before turning their attention back to the demanding tasks awaiting them at work.

Lisa leaned back in her chair, allowing herself a moment to rest, her thoughts drifting to Vinnie. His unwavering support and quick wit had been a comforting presence during the recent, tumultuous journey in Mongolia. A faint smile crossed her lips as she recalled their first kiss. The memory brought a sense of warmth and reassurance, bolstering her resolve to tackle the day's challenges with the same courage they had mustered together.

The dual monitors before her were alive with streams of numbers and data entries, each a snapshot of the global movements that kept the financial world spinning. Her keen eye, trained through years of experience, scanned the figures methodically, looking for the anomalies that were her specialty to unearth.

As she sifted through the columns of digits, a particular transaction abruptly drew her attention. It was an unusually large wire transfer, flagged by the system due to its magnitude and the oblique description accompanying it. The transfer had originated from Meridian Global Bank, an entity known more for its conservative maneuvers than for bold financial strokes. The funds, marked ambiguously for "infrastructure development,had been directed towards a newly formed subsidiary based in Asia. Its purpose and business activities were not well detailed in any of the usual financial disclosures.

Her brow furrowed in concentration, she clicked through to further details. The sum involved was substantial, running into millions, not unusual for corporate giants but atypical for the type of vague expenditure listed. What struck her most was the lack of documentation that typically accompanied such significant movement, bills of sale, project outlines, even cursory justifications. Everything was marked absent, except for one line with initials A.G releasing funds.

She leaned back in her chair, a pulse of concern threading through her initial curiosity. This wasn't merely unusual; it was suspicious. Transactions of this magnitude were typically encumbered with layers of approval and vetted through multiple checks, especially within a bank that prided itself on transparency and risk aversion like Pinnacle World Bank.

Lisa opened a new line of inquiry in her system, marking the transaction for immediate review. The next steps would be crucial: alert the compliance department, draft a preliminary report for her supervisors, and possibly prepare to liaise with regulatory bodies if her suspicions held. As she set about these tasks, the weight of potential implications began to press upon her. This
could be something connected to their investigation into Walter's death-another clue.

She leaned back, her gaze instinctively drifted to the vast window behind her. Lisa swiveled her chair around to look out over the expansive cityscapeâ?"a sprawling view from the 25th floor that always provided a moment of respite from the rigors of her job. The skyline was a grid of architectural achievements and ambitious dreams, yet today it seemed to mirror the complexity and depth of the transaction she had just uncovered.

With a deep breath, she turned back to her desk, her decision made. Before escalating the issue through official channels, she needed a sounding board, someone who understood the stakes personally. She dialed Vinnie's number, her fingers tapping impatiently as the phone rang.

"Miss me already?" Vinnie's voice broke through, light and teasing.

"Not the time for jokes," Lisa replied briskly, her tone firm but edged with concern. "I've come across something bigâ?"unusually large transfer from Meridian Global, flagged for infrastructure but without any supporting documents. It's directed at a new subsidiary in Asia. Something doesn't add up."

Lisa steadied her voice. "This transaction is off for several reasons," she began, ensuring her tone carried the weight of her concerns. "First, the amount of $15 million. It's flagged for 'infrastructure development' but there's zero documentation to back it up. No project outlines, no bills of sale, nothing."

She paused, giving Vinnie a moment to grasp the details. "What's even more suspicious is the money's destinationâ?"a new subsidiary in Asia that seems to have popped up overnight. There's hardly any trace of its operations or purpose, which isn't typical for such significant investments."

Lisa continued, piecing together the puzzle for Vinnie. "Here's another piece that doesn't sit rightâ?"the only approval on this transaction came from one sources: A.G. That's it. No board review, no secondary checks which is mandatory for anything this size. And there is no one here with those initials."

Vinnie's voice sharpened with concern, "Where's their headquarters based?"

"California, specifically in Los Angeles," Lisa replied. "But they have smaller branches in NYC and Houston. And get thisâ?"the subsidiary where all this money is headed? It's located in a town named Hohhot, the capital of inner Mongolia."

"Really?" Vinnie's response was immediate, his tone shifting to one of seriousness. "Don't do anything yet. Don't report this. We need to look into this. This subsidiary may be a front. Can you send me the details?"

Lisa nodded, even though he couldn't see her. "I'll forward everything I have." Her pulse quickened as she hit send.

"Received. I'll review everything and call you back."

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