Fantasy Flash Fiction posted May 14, 2024

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Sci-Fi Flash Fiction Contest Entry

Going Out On A High Note

by GoWiSt

Sci-Fi Flash Fiction Contest Winner 

It was well known that her voice took its hearers to the very pinnacle of euphoric and aesthetic experience.

Her secret concerts—not cheap, and the only kind she could hold—sold out years in advance and always entailed packed houses of standing-only patrons.

As they listened to her, their spirits and souls soared, virtually transported to the heavens, to feel as the gods did. All cares of the world vanished and nothing else mattered.

At the end, they were so saturated with ecstasy and magnificence, their hearts burst—literally!

Still, they came.

Writing Prompt
Write a Science Fiction themed Flash Fiction story between 50-100 words. The sky is not the limit on this one be creative, winner takes all.

Sci-Fi Flash Fiction
Contest Winner

93 words
image from google images
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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