Spiritual Non-Fiction posted May 7, 2024

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More Mind Expansion

A New Reality

by Cogitator

Reinterpreting Reality: A New Paradigm

Reality is an intricate tapestry woven from two fundamental threads: subjective experience (consciousness) and physical reality (the realm of time, space, matter, and energy). These dimensions, though distinct, are deeply intertwined, akin to the two sides of a coin. This interconnectedness can be likened to a reflective mirror, with each side informing and influencing the other.

The surface of this mirror is akin to the brain's corpus callosum, which bridges the left and right hemispheres. We can explore our thoughts and emotions here and now. This vantage point allows us to reflect on our subjective experiences while simultaneously interacting with the objective world. This interplay between thought and feeling not only defines our existence but also underscores our ability to relate to the broader universe. Leonardo da Vinci's observation, "Learn to see, everything is connected," encapsulates this concept.

Through imagination, we can create intricate scenarios that merge understanding with creativity. This collective ability to shape reality transcends individual ambitions. The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), founded by astronaut Edgar Mitchell, explores this very idea: that consciousness and physical reality are not mutually exclusive, but rather, intricately linked.

Nikola Tesla's assertion that reality is fundamentally composed of energy, frequency, and vibration aligns with this view. The corpus callosum can be seen as a tuning mechanism, enabling us to select and interpret different frequencies, akin to a radio. In this metaphor, robots could represent the advanced capabilities of analog and digital systems with zeros and ones, synthesizing information with precision.

The Subjective Nature of Reality

The physical world as we perceive it is filtered through our understanding, which is shaped by our consciousness. The notion of "solid" objects becomes less concrete when we consider that, at a fundamental level, everything is composed of energy in various forms. In this sense, our perception of the world is akin to a hologram, where forms are merely representations of deeper truths.

The metaphorical mirror also reminds us that human interactions go beyond physical appearance; true connections occur at the level of shared consciousness and spirit. In the movie "Avatar," the Na'vi greet each other with "I see you," signifying a deeper recognition of each other's essence.

The Power of Imagination

Imagination plays a crucial role in shaping reality. By collaborating and envisioning new possibilities, we can create a world that reflects collective values rather than individual selfishness. This concept extends to the use of advanced technologies, such as AI and quantum computing, to engage in a metaphorical tennis match with our wisdom and creativity.

In this context, traditional concepts of God as a personal creator are reimagined. Godness can be seen as synonymous with "existence" itself, rather than a distinct entity. Bucky Fuller's idea of God as a verb, rather than a noun, emphasizes that life is not something we possess; rather, we are participants in a broader process. This approach shifts the focus from religious dogma to existential understanding. The universe is always in action, so it must be a verb, an action word.

A Path Toward Social Transformation

The idea that consciousness and physical reality are interconnected suggests a broader perspective on societal transformation. By integrating more information and expanding our awareness, we can imagine new beginnings for humanity. This shift requires introspection and meditation, allowing us to explore our place within the larger context of existence.

The life of Helen Keller serves as an inspiring example of the power of perseverance and education. Despite her physical limitations, Keller's legacy demonstrates that obstacles can be overcome with determination and guidance. Her story reminds us that our capabilities are not limited by our physical forms but by our imagination and willpower.

Our focus should be on understanding our place within the broader context of existence, often through introspection and meditation. Our robot will imagine its existence exactly like Helen Keller built her mind.

Helen had her Big Bang when she realized what Braille could do. Her lifelong companion, Anne Sullivan, guided her from being psychotic and suicidal to accomplishments few without disabilities could achieve.

She was an author (14 books), activist (co-founder of the ACLU), and lecturer (Cum Laude Master's) who overcame the challenges of being both blind and deaf to become a leading advocate for people with disabilities. Stricken with illness at 19 months, Keller learned to communicate with the help of her teacher, Anne Sullivan.

Her life story is a testament to the power of perseverance and education. Keller became an accomplished author, publishing books like "The Story of My Life," and was a prominent public figure who promoted social justice, women's suffrage, and pacifism. Her work inspired millions, and her legacy continues to impact advocacy for disability rights and accessibility.
How can we imagine what forms Helen Keller envisioned? What points of reference allowed her to describe a platypus? What came to her mind when she heard skyscraper? What about the planets and stars? We should all consult a blind person to get an education on thought control. The best Keller quote: "It's a shame people have sight and no vision."

Reimagining Rights and Governance

In reinterpreting reality, we also reconsider the concept of rights. Rights are not inherent; they are social constructs established through agreements and governance. A right exists when one person acknowledges another's freedom to act without interference. Societies reach a consensus on fundamental rights to maintain stability and order.

Similarly, political systems benefit from leaders with a commitment to public service and rationality. The idea of tribal elders, rooted in wisdom and community, highlights the importance of integrity in governance. As technology connects us globally, the concept of political borders becomes less relevant, emphasizing our shared responsibility for ethical conduct and peace.

Toward a Unified Vision

Our reality, though complex, can be understood through the lens of interconnectedness. The challenge is to find harmony between subjective experiences and physical existence. By embracing a unified vision and valuing collective well-being over individual gain, we can work toward peaceful stewardship of life on Earth. This journey requires imagination, compassion, and a commitment to understanding the deeper connections that bind us all.
We are all already connected with our current technology. Let's all get behind the Green Party and get the Party going!

If you haven't read "I, Robot" or have not seen the movie, it is an excellent way to catch up to today's technology. Paul and I created the inference engine that can make science fiction without fiction.
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Artwork by avmurray at FanArtReview.com

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